Some Measure of Justice In Wagoner County
Rogue Sheriff and Investigator Continue to
Persecute Family Despite Charges Being Dropped
You will all remember the God awful story about the baby that died in its crib one night and the family that was charged with murder and rape of an infant despite all the evidence and common sense, the Woolley family of Wagoner County. We spent weeks exposing the shocking lack of competency and ethics in the investigation that wound up going forward simply because one man had some mental issues over what he felt was his inaction or failure to protect a family member in the past. That would be Danny Elliot, investigator at the notoriously corrupt and inept Wagoner County Sheriff Department.
There was a series of four stories covering this debacle. Part one's link is above, here is Part II, Part III is one of the stories at this link, and Part IV at this link. By that point the ADA prosecuting the case was threatening the victims and the journalists covering the massive miscarriage of justice and the Chinese flu stopped just about all legal matters for a few months.
Last week we found out that the insanely ridiculous murder and rape charges were dropped but the vindictive little turd of a detective, Danny Elliot, managed to get a judge to sign off on allegations of child neglect against the mother of the surviving child.
An God save this family, they have been through so much, forced to disclose so much dirty laundry to explain the circumstances that led up to the death of the baby. You see the baby was conceived in unfortunate circumstances and to an unfortunate mother who had a massive problem with drugs. The 18 month old that died in its crib was a meth baby, so was a much older boy child, but you know that that family did? The told the wayward daughter that they were getting custody of the children as they were born and did exactly that, taking on the costs and responsibility of two meth babies and hoping and working toward getting the mother straightened out. Meth babies die at much higher rate due to the consequences of drug use during conception and pregnancy, plus the damaged bodies that contributed to the birth.
But the mother knew she had a problem and was trying to face it and the babies where as safe as possible with family, blood and bone, that had their best interests at heart. Then a sick little demented deputy came along and took advantage of a bad situation, proclaiming to his supervisor before he even arrived on the scene that he knew a crime had been committed. Enraged after the charges were dropped, Danny Elliot decided the Woolley family was not to escape his wrath quite so easily.
Danny Elliot used the power of the Sheriff in Wagoner County to file Child Neglect and Enabling Child Neglect against the grandparents and the mother. When you look up the case on OSCN you find a lone notation at the bottom of the case file stating that the original charges of First Degree Murder and Sexual Abuse on a child under 12 were dismissed by the state “due to the filing of new charges”. Not at the top of the file as usual, at the very bottom of the file.
How is it possible to gin up neglect charges when the grandparents petitioned and received custody of the child before it was even born? What sort of monster would file such charges? Why wait so long, years after the meth babies were born?
The Woolley family clammed up back in February after the ADA threatened both them and the Sooner Tea Party over the attention she was getting from our articles. We haven't been able to get any of the family to speak out since but we can tell you with utmost confidence exactly why Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliot and Wagoner County D.A. Jack Thorpe would allow these new charges to be filed.
L E V E R A G E and F A C E S A V I N G
Between the stories that we and Channel 23 in Tulsa did the pressure became great enough that a local expert named Robert W. Block got involved. Block founded the Justice Center for Abused Children in Tulsa. We heard from a local source that Block wrote a scathing attack on the case and generated enough doubt in the D.A.'s mind that the charges were dropped. But that leaves Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliot responsible for a massive tragedy and it also leaves Wagoner County D.A. Jack Thorpe potentially facing a lawsuit of epic proportions over the bungling of this case by his subordinates and ultimately Thorpe himself. What these two politicians need is to strip custody from the grandparents so they can close out the case and walk away with a fig leaf covering their incompetency and responsibilty
And the plot thickens. Governor Stitt's father heard of the case and got involved. At this point Sheriff Chris Elliot, Danny Elliot, and Jack Thorpe might wind up facing the might of the State of Oklahoma as discerning eyes turn upon the corrupt little county.
You can bet dollars to donuts that the grandparents are being pressured to give up custody of the remaining child so their bacon is saved. Damn the child, damn the grandparents, damn the state that must pay for the costs of raising this child. All that matters is that three monsters in Wagoner County walk away unscathed.
Who drops First Degree Murder and Sexual Abuse charges for felony Neglect charges? Are parents now going to be charged with neglect when one of their adult children gets pregnant while on drugs? Even if they sue to strip custody from their own child and take their damn baby away from them?
But if Danny Elliot, Sheriff Chris Elliot, and Wagoner County D.A. Jack Thorpe can get away with forcing the family to give up custody.... they can declare victory, stave off a massive lawsuit, and perhaps confuse the voters a little bit longer. The sheer monstrosity of this is mind boggling, in a world ran by good and decent men one would read in the paper that these men had been ran down by a mob and hung from the nearest lamp posts. Alas we do not live in such a world, perhaps once the average citizen realizes that they could be the next Woolley family something like justice might arise in the state.
June 30th is the primary election and on the ballot Sheriff Chris Wagoner faces Kyle Johnson. The winner of the primary will be sworn in as Sheriff as no Democrat filed for office. If you want to take a stand for decency and honor in the world get out and vote on June 30th. Like the Nazis in 1944, Chris Elliot will clear up loose ends when he loses power and he will do so quickly in the case of Danny Elliot once Sheriff Elliot understands that Danny Elliot's mental problems and guilty conscious have cost him his job.