Sunday, November 28, 2021

Is it Crazy John Now or is it Still Lying John?

  Just when you think things couldn't get more bizarre along comes more insanity from the Oklahoma “Republican” Party. The Party has been taken over by a pack of religious nut jobs, mostly Pentecostal and mostly abolitionists, with a liberal mix of anti vaccine nut jobs and conspiracy theorists.

 So this bunch is so religious that they condemn everyone that doesn't belong to their churches but they then decide to hold a fund raiser... in a bar.

 A good old fashioned meat market where the drunks and dysfunctional go to find something to drink their insanity away and to find another whore to spend the night with. You just cannot make this stuff up. Whack jobs screaming about sin and being Godly while doing a fund raiser in a damn bar.

  The event, AKA “Boots and Bling” is to be held at the Redneck Yacht Club on I-40 in OKC on December 10th. A Pentecostal minister agreeing to host a fund raiser in a bar....

  And has Crazy John forgotten the multiple cases of sexual harassment that he covered up? Do you think it is a good idea to get these man-children all liquored up and around members of the opposite sex?

Bennett vs The RNC

But Crazy John topped that this week with his email sent out to the GOP email list condemning the National Republican Party Chairman:
Recently, RNC Chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel, went to bat again for the LGBT agenda at a Log Cabin Republican event, "Spirit of Lincoln Gala."

  At this event McDaniel said the RNC is "committed" to working with the Log Cabin Republicans. She called the organization "a partner to fight for our country's future." In case you didn’t know, The Log Cabin Republicans are a LGBTQ organization.
  When did we decide that compromising our principles was better than actually standing up for our principles?
  Well, "we" did not decide to do this.

  This was a decision made solely by RNC Chair McDaniel. I for one was never consulted or talked about the RNC Chair intent to support the Log Cabin Republicans. I only found out about it after the fact. If I would have known I'd have voiced my complete disagreement with this idea!
  I'm calling on RNC Chairwoman McDaniel to change her course and fight for our Republican Party Principles and Stop Compromising.
If she cannot or will not stand for who we say we are, THEN SHE MUST RESIGN AND MOVE ASIDE so someone who will stand for our principles.

  I assure you that as your Chairman, I do not agree with Chairman McDaniel’s decision. The OKGOP will not cooperate with this decision and, as your Chairman, I assure the Oklahoma Republican Party that I will continue to stand up for our Republican Party Values and our principles!

  Our State and National Party platform makes it very clear that the Republican Party defines marriage between one man and one woman, and we support the foundation of the family as it is defined in the biblical sense.

  Here it is straight from our page 31 of our National Party Platform:

  We also support religious freedom and not only is that non-negotiable, they're flat-out incompatible with the pillars of the LGBT movement.
Here's what the Log Cabin Republicans organization is fighting for:

  The radical Fairness for All Act

  This would destroy Christian business owners' religious liberty protections because it offers no legal religious liberty protections for business owners.

  A Christian business owner could be forced by LGBT to create products (like photographs, wedding cakes, etc.) that violate his or her religious conscience.
  • Local, State, and the Federal government to provide funding for LGBT adoption and foster care programs.
  • A nationwide ban on conversion therapy for anyone under the age of 18.
  Why would the RNC want to partner with a group that opposes parental rights to secure licensed Christian counseling for a child struggling with same-sex attraction or sexual identity?

  Our National Party Platform clearly states that we must PROTECT marriage between a man and a woman, against an activist judiciary, as it is entrusted with rearing children and instilling cultural values.

  This is straight from page 19 of our Republican National Platform:

The Log Cabin organization the RNC touts as a "partner" has been, and will continue, fighting against our Republican Party Principles. The only difference is they will have the opportunity to do it from within the party if the RNC continues to compromise for their "votes".

  Meanwhile, the Democrats are eroding the foundation of the family by pushing the LGTBQ agenda, they are pushing for and allowing library drag queen hour at our schools.

  The RNC should be focusing on being the Party we say we are instead of compromising our principles. The big tent concept cannot be full of compromising our party principles and platform.
  We see enough compromise by politicians -- what we need are more principled statesman and stateswomen that stand up for the principles of our party!

  What we need to do is stand by and fight for the principles that make us the party we say we are. What we don’t need are more weak-kneed politicians who sacrifice the constituency at the altar of politics.

We must have a moral standard and that standard is spelled out and supported by the majority of the Republican Party.

  If the Republican Party continues to compromise who we say we are, then where do the people go for liberty and freedom? If we continually compromise we will be no different than the Democrat party. If you don't believe in or support our Republican party values then you need to find a party that aligns with what you believe. We have enough so-called "Republicans" who claim to believe in our party platform but don't actually stand up for them.

  We must focus on electing and recruiting more "quality" Republicans instead of "quantity" Republicans.
  Make no mistake about it, we are in a battle for the very soul of this nation!

  We are NO better than the Communist Democrat Party when we are compromising our principles for votes hold the line and actually be who we say we are!

  If we as the Republican Party aren’t who we say we are, and if we don’t stand together and fight for this Constitutional Republic, then where do the people go!?!?

  It’s NOT good enough to just have an R behind our names. It MUST mean something, and we MUST adhere to our binding and unifying document that is our Party Platform! If we want more votes and support, then I recommend we be the party we say we are and actually stand up for, not compromise our party Principles and platform.

  It is decisions like this that shows how completely out of touch those in Washington DC are. This is the same type of politics that the Democrats use.

  When will we say enough is enough?

  If we don't stand and fight for our principles today, we won't have any to fight for tomorrow.

  I'm asking you to stand with me and let's clear the way of those who are either too incompetent or too selfish to actually defend liberty and our Judeo-Christian founding - even if they have an R behind their names.

  We have to stand for and take our Republic back! They have relinquished their ability to rule because we no longer consent!

  Stand with our State Republican Party and make a donation today to ensure that Oklahoma continues to be the beacon of freedom in our Nation:

  This is the anti Trumpers showing their colors. One thing that Donald Trump knew was that winning the presidency in 2016 wasn't possible for a bigot, that gays have a right to life just like the rest of us. Not a right to special privileges, but a right to go about life like the rest of us. The religious fanatics, the American Taliban, don't agree with this though. In their warped world they must partner only with those of their own faith or “Gawd” will not bless their effort. More than a few are probably terrified that they or their spouse or their kids might snap and become gay or something. And the more pious they sound the more corrupt they usually are, ask Jim Baker and Tammy Faye Baker, or Jerry Falwell Jr. and his wife, or Jimmy Swaggart.

  They never had the courage to attack Trump on his stance against bigotry because Trump threw them a bone (how fitting...) and they got to pretend he was one of them.

  Personally, I am pretty upfront with the gays. Leave me alone and I will leave you alone and support your right to live your life like the rest of us. Don't expect me to agree that what you do is normal, what the American Taliban likes to do isn't normal either. Don't ask to be treated different or special, if you get your ass beat it wasn't a hate crime, it was a regular crime, and if I want to crack jokes about your lifestyle welcome to being treated like everyone else. Not my cup of tea at all, why some dude wants to canoodle some hairy guy's McDugle is beyond comprehension and is likely a mental disorder of some sort but again, they are as crazy as the American Taliban who are waiting for a savior to whisk them to heaven and become one of the 72 virgins or something of that nature.

  As far as politics, the liberals and the gays won the public relations battle starting with the TV show “Soap” in the late seventies and a long line of movies and TV shows that normalized the idea of homosexuality. I do not doubt though that Crazy John's copy of Broke Back Mountain is worn out from being paused and replayed because that would be one reason for being terrified of the gays.

  Old crazy Charlie Meadows used to rant about the gays and them getting his boy or nephew or whatever he was. You just have to understand when one of these bigots is terrified of something there is usually something personal, an attraction or fetish of some sort to the point that they fear this above all else.

  Society and the National GOP have long since lost the PR battle on sexuality and the public simply will not support bigots of any sort and they also do not support homosexual bigots nor religious bigots.

  I suppose it could be worse, old Crazy John might be hosting his fund raiser at a gay bar or at the Habanna Inn in Oklahoma City. Or it might be just a matter of waiting for him to get around to thinking that it is a good idea.

And Speaking of Crazy....Meet Mark Sherwood

  So this guy is a “doctor”, naturopathic doctor, which is a form of quackery where eating the right food and exercise will cure your cancer. Oklahoma doesn't license this sort of quackery but apparently they are allowed to “practice” using a medical license issued in one of the 17 states that do license these delusional doctors.

  So look at the claims. 9,000 patients treated and cured with no deaths. Bull shit, roughly 20 months of the pandemic would mean seeing around 18 patients per day. This guy is another religious whack job, does a strong man for Jesus program for churches were he tears apart phone books or crushes concrete blocks on his head to prove how much “Gawd” loves him. More likely just another “Christian” charlatans that believes his time has come to practice quackery and parlor tricks upon a wider audience than his two bit church.

  This is just another suicide run like old Taliban Dan Fisher from 2018, no chance in hell of getting more than 8% of the primary vote and half of that would be those that just checked a random box on the ballot. Just another anti vaccine activist who is tapping into the crazies that think Trump's Covid vaccines are mass sterilization and mass homicide or that the vaccine contains microchips that allow them to be tracked or turned into a compliant slave.

  Fake Christians seem to have burst up out of the ground like locusts this year. But all are so over the top that the vast majority of the thinking public are more likely to laugh at them than take them seriously. Still they make real Christians look bad and more than deserve their name of the American Taliban.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Lying John's Team Continues to Disintegrate Around Him

Old Lying John Bennett's team continues to implode, losing team members as the poisonous Chief of Staff Leslie Nessmith and equally as divisive Communications Director Miles Rahimi continue to turn on those that they feel are a threat to their power.

A month or so back Darren Gantz quit after Nessmith and Rahimi warned him that a committee would be placed over him to supervise his work.  Gantz was confirmed by the State Committee on July 16th as Finance Chairman, meaning he worked for them, not John Bennett.   Veteran GOP leader Joe Hart had headed the Budget Committee and between the two they helped drive the GOP out of desperate financial difficulty that it had been left in by former GOP Chairman David McLain.  Mclain had gutted the bank account to the tune of $43,000 in cash, with the transfers posted weeks after he was no longer Chairman of the GOP.

Massive FEC fines had been paid, one was close to $13,000, for late FEC reports we understand.  And there were IRS fines and fees pouring in due to late payroll tax filing and payment under previous administrations.  But Gantz and Hart righted the ship for a few months until Bennett's corruption became too much to bear.

First it was Gantz that quit after his access to the financial records was removed and he was told a committee would be overseeing his work.  Then the Budget Committee learned about the April 26th $4000 per month "contract" that Bennett had awarded Miles Rahimi, despite the Budget Committee not knowing of the existence.  A total of $12,000 had been paid out before the Budget Committee had enough and demanded to see the contract.  At first, Bennett, Bob Dani, and the rest of Lying John's cronies denied that there was a contract but it eventually was forced to the surface.

The contract was for $4000 per month, for four videos.  The problem was that you could go to Miles Rahimi's Project website and pay $1500 for unlimited videos each month.  What was the extra $2500 per month going for?  Once the reality hit that Bennett had illegally committed the GOP to the contract according to the Bylaws, the Budget Committee stopped approving the monthly payments.  

This lead to pressure being put up on the Budget Chair, Joe Hart, eventually his access to financial info was stripped as well.   Keep in mind that the Budget Chair also owes their loyalty to the Party, not the Chairman.

The final straw for the corrupt Bennett administration was the refusal of the Budget Committee to pay the $4000 payoff each month.  When they realized that decent men were  controlling the Budget Committee Lying John created a new post, "Executive Director of Finance" a position not in the Party Bylaws, and Lying John informed Hart that he was working under the new Director Dwaine  Shroyer.

Hart did the right thing and resigned in protest, leaving no one to oppose the corrupt administration. Now they are free to rob the GOP at will and funnel what few donations still coming in to Lying John's cronies.

Bennett's latest videos show an increasing paranoia, claims that everyone is out to get him and his staff, messages filled with self serving propaganda, basically how wonderful Lying John is and how he is the savior of the Party.  It is these videos that are costing the GOP $1000 per week it seems, poorly produced with Lying John reading off a teleprompter.

Meanwhile Vice Chair Shane Jemison does nothing, as well as the two national committeemen Pollard and Curry.  The game plan seems to be to let Lying John continue to implode despite the damage to the Party, no doubt with the hope that they can put their own crony in place once Lying John is ultimately forced out of office.

The only hope is for 124 members of the State Committee to band together and call for a state committee meeting to remove all four of the corrupt GOP officers.  Which is difficult now that Lying John has removed all the contact info for the County GOP officials, putting in place a contact form that goes through his administration in place of the 70 county GOP pages that were up as late as August of this year.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Budget Committee Denies Thousands of Dollars Funneled into Lying John's Cronies

Great news came in on Saturday afternoon.
 I got a text announcing that the Budget Committee has refused to pay the Project 46/Miles Rahimi invoice for the second month in a row. Chairman John Bennett made a contract with a crony for $4,000.00 per month for videos, for four videos per month, most of them glamorizing Lying John and pleading for money.
At the bottom is the story from earlier this week covering the massive amount of cash that Chairman John Bennett had been funneling to Rahimi who also serves as the Communications Director for the Party. The Party had already paid out $12,000.00 to this Bennett crony. And how does a staff member also be a vendor?
And Lying John paid out that money illegally as the contract was never approved by the Budget Committee, in fact Lying John Bennett withheld the existence of the Rahimi/Project 46 contract for months, denying it even existed, claiming it was a "gentleman's agreement".
The procedure for spending in the GOP is clear, the State Finance Committee does a guesstimate of what funds can be raised similar to what the State Equalization Board does, who hands off the information to the State GOP Budget Committee who sets the budget for spending the estimated income, then to the State Treasurer who is supposed to actually write the checks and transfer money to pay the approved expenditures.
But Lying John and his cronies see checks in the check book and a little money in the bank and bang, it is Christmas time for the cronies.
And have no doubt about this, the Budget and Finance Committee are well ran, hard working, and honest. Honest to the point that the head of the Finance Committee resigned a few weeks ago in protest to his information being cut off by Lying John's staff and cronies. Remember that this man doesn't work for Lying John, he works for the State Committee and was confirmed by them. Tough luck for Lying John if he nominated an honest man that couldn't be bullied.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Lying John Claiming the "RINOS" Are Out to Get Him. No John, it is the Ones You Betrayed

It isn't the "rinos" trying to hold him accountable, it is many of the people that fought to get him elected. Why? Because he has covered up multiple cases of sexual harassment, two perverts, five cases on just one of them including text messages as proof. Lying John may have covered up possible massive, massive financial mis-dealings by his predecessor
Right now Lying John is funneling $4000 per month to one of his cronies on his staff for videos like this. Lying John has allowed a witch of a woman to pretty much run the Party and she has ran off the majority of the dozen or so movers and shakers that recruited John and got him elected. People thrown off the email lists, projects funded with thousands of dollars in donations were shut down for no reason, volunteers pushed away. Look to the right for the archive of previous articles on this sordid mess.
And the fundraising collapsed months ago and they are running out of cash because no one trusts Lying John and no one believes he has any morals. The General Counsel nominee withdrew his name due to poor leadership and the lack of transparency after Lying John closed the state committee meeting for the first time in GOP history in the state. And you know what Lying John told the crowd the day that this man was to be confirmed? That the nominee was too busy with his other legal work. Yeah, that made the nominee look bad but Lying John saved some face. His Finance chairman quit a few weeks ago after months of being abused by Lying John and his staff and his access to data removed.
And the mention of fighting in the courts? Lying John is being sued in district court for what he has done including his staff and GOP officers libeling people! And Lying John brought three attorneys to court claiming that he couldn't be held accountable because it was internal Party matters. No matter how bad it was his attorneys said, he couldn't be held accountable by the judge. 
So yeah, Lying John needs your hard earned money! He has three lawyers to pay and needs to shut down any attempt to expose how crooked he and his staff have become.
Donate now, hiring high priced lawyers to hide your dirty deeds do not come cheap!
After 12 years of supporting this "man", being threatened of being sued in every race I helped him win, after being threatened with arrest along with a bunch of his supporters for distributing newspapers going after his opponents, after 12 years of protecting him from House leadership, I say it is time for Lying John to be kicked to the curb in shame.
It ain't the RINOs coming after you John Bennett, it is the people that you betrayed.

Lying John Covering Up Possible Embezzlement by the Previous Administration in the GOP?

Rumors of financial mis-dealings started floating around in early May.   Sources were claiming that Bennett and his staff had met with legal counsel over possible felony level embezzlement charges against the previous Chairman and/or his staff.  Sources were tight lipped, tiny amounts of information was filtering out, tantalizing but not enough for a honest story.

The rumors are focused upon the end of the Chairman McLain administration.   Sources claim that tens of thousands of dollars were paid out or transferred AFTER Chairman Bennett was elected.  Indeed the FEC reports show that thousands of dollars were paid out or transferred between April 13th 2021 and when Bennett got possession of the GOP headquarters building around April 27th.  The convention was on the 10th of April, David Mclain was no longer Chairman at the end of that convention so how could he legally spend or transfer money to anyone for anything?

And there are tales of eight different bank accounts ran by the previous administration.   I can see one for the FEC, one for the Ethics Commission, perhaps another for the non federal donations, but eight bank accounts?

But what is really troubling is why none of this has been reported to the State Committee or the public at large?  There are tales of stormy staff meetings where Bennett staff argued against exposing the potential corruption or mis-spending.  There are tales of a stormy Central Committee meeting, Bennett, Shane Jemison, Pam Pollard, and Steve Curry make up the Committee, where there were arguments over the need to disclose this or have it investigated.  The rumor is that both Miles Rahimi and Leslie Nessmith were against the disclosure to the State Committee, then there is another rumor from last Saturday's executive meeting where Pollard and Nessmith squared off shouting at each other of this not being exposed long ago.  Who knows what the truth is?

The good news is that despite the disaster that has been John Bennett the State Committee confirmed a few good men to run the Finance and Budget Committees and the money was found to start an audit that ought to be out soon.   I have high confidence in two of these men and I believe that the truth will be found but the question is, will Lying John allow this audit to see the light of day?

You can see some of the data at this FEC link for the Oklahoma Leadership Council which appears to be the main FEC account for the Oklahoma Republican Party.  

Update on the Sexual Harassment Cases Being Covered Up By the Oklahoma State GOP

First it was one pervert harassing one victim, a very lady like petite young married woman, to the point where the lady had to quit volunteering for the GOP.   Then around early August rumors or more cases coming out.  Then a few weeks ago sources claimed that National Committee Woman Pam Pollard had taken five sexual harassment cases to John Bennett and then Executive Director Bob Dani and were told "I will not Brent Kavanaugh ______ ________."  Insert the name of a high ranking GOP staffer who shall remain unnamed until this is investigated.

Was the first lady who told of the sexual harassment one of the five victims known to Pam Pollard?  Were the text messages Pollard had as evidence and had shown to Bennett and Dani proof of this first known case?

Later another name popped out, another GOP staffer, accused of a milder form of sexual harassment but as in the first known case it was severe enough that the young woman quit in disgust.  Now we have two undisciplined and dishonorable horny men taking advantage of volunteers.  

As we are unsure if the first victim was named in the five cases, some with text message proof, there might be six cases for the one pervert.  Two names have surfaced, potential victims that might be members of the five cases known, perhaps they bubbled up because they had said something to someone and the word got around.  Perhaps these are two additional cases?

And at the court hearing last Wednesday, a source claimed that at least one victim was present, supposedly accompanied by her husband and a lawyer, with the source claiming to overhear whispered comments explaining the law on sexual harassment cases.   Now the source wouldn't know who the first five or six victims were and they wouldn't know anyone in the GOP or at least very few.  Could this mysterious court room couple be another victim of sexual harassment at the GOP headquarters?

Lying John's video today pleaded with the watchers of the video to donate and come volunteer at the GOP.  Would you send your daughter down to the GOP?  Would you allow even your son to volunteer as the morals and decency at the headquarters has sunk to abysmal lows?  Would a son follow the example being set or would he himself become a victim as we are not sure how many of the victims are women and if any are men.  Pretty far fetched, yeah, but so is this administration.

At this point we appear to be dealing with between six and eight sexual harassment victims and two perverts but only Pam Pollard, John Bennett, and Bob Dani know the truth.  We know of two names that are pretty darned solid and two names that are alleged.   Will others come forward?  What will the cost be to the Party if some of them decide to sue?  Or will Lying John and the rest of the GOP staff and leaders insist that this is an internal Party matter so no one can hold them accountable?

Lying John Funneling Thousands of Dollars Per Month to a Cronie

                                                                    Have you seen the latest fund raising video from Chairman                                                                            John Bennett, AKA Lying John?

John is telling all that will listen that the "RINOS" are coming for him and you must donate because they are trying to remove him from office.

Well....... the truth is that old Lying John has been funneling $4,000.00 per month to Project 46, which is ran by Miles Rahimi, the "Communications Director" for the GOP.  Now how can you be a staff member and a vendor at the same time and not have financial and ethical conflicts?

The interesting thing is that showed a maximum rate of $1500 per month for their services including unlimited video.  So what is the extra $2,500.00 for?   And the GOP is getting only four videos per month according to the contract between Bennett and the GOP.  Sounds like the GOP is getting bent over a barrel and gang raped.  

The videos produce so far are frankly not that good and consist mostly of Lying John begging for cash and trying to act sincere while reading off a teleprompter.  And those of us that know what is going on know that for months the existence of this Project 46 contract was hidden from the GOP committees that oversee Lying John's spending.  They were told for months that there was a "gentleman's agreement" between the Party and Project 46, AKA Miles Rahimi.  Only to find out  not that long ago that the contract was real and was signed in late May of this year.

Project 46 was paid $4000.00 on September 3rd 2021, again on August 20th 2021,  and again on July 13th 2021.    So $12,000.00 paid to Miles Rahimi's company in roughly 53 days, and if the contract was monthly, he is owed another $8000.00.  June, July, August, September, and October, $20,000.00 in debt or expense racked up in just five months.  And can the GOP get out of the contract or is it even valid since the State Committee has never heard of the contract?

Another interesting point, during staff meetings Chief of Staff Leslie Nessmith was said to be demanding that the Project 46 invoice be paid first, in front of other creditors, long before the 30 day due date.  Why?  Why would Miles Rahimi be paid first?  One has to wonder what the Chief of Staff is getting out of this deal?  Perhaps her own videos processed?  Something else?  Who knows?

Fundraising collapsed a month ago or longer.   Once news that Bennett and the GOP were being sued the donations went further down to a trickle.  The videos mostly promote Lying John, with Lying John  stuck in campaign mode pretty much, pushing an anti vaccine, anti mask, save the babies kind of message.  Not pro life mind you, but the abolitionist message that ultimately will lead to the outlawing of birth control if these crazies get their way.

So with the bulk of the money raised each month being funneled to cronies, the Party is behind despite heroic efforts by the Budget and Finance Committee members who have worked hard since late May to fund the Party.  But videos and fundraising emails were going out talking about "prepping", "crypto currency", and other fringe topics has pretty much put off most normal people.

Yesterday we were treated to a single line message from the GOP email system, well I wasn't, they threw me off the email list months ago for no reason.  But the message announced that the fundraiser was canceled and you know, it just wasn't their fault.  The fund raiser was at first to be something big, Steve Bannon or someone of his stature brought in, someone what would sell tickets.  In the meantime both the OKC and Tulsa GOP groups were running fund raisers non stop and competing with the State GOP effort.   The State GOP found that they literally couldn't sell the tickets, most likely not because of competition, but because Lying John had lost all credibility and people started saying "Let's go Brandon" to John Bennett and the few left supporting him.

None of us in the team that recruited John Bennett, and you heard the video of Bennett agreeing to run in last Sunday's article, thought he would turn on us like he did.  But now that he has betrayed not only us, but the entire Republican base, the same people will take his lying butt out of office kicking and screaming if that is what it takes.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Lying John Gets Caught Again; Thousands of Donor Dollars Blown on Useless Videos

Lying John, has a nice ring to it and twelve years ago had I known the man was like he is I wouldn't have supported him.  Literally no other person in the state has as much invested in Bennett than I did, so if I am going after him you know he has it coming.

Many of you delegates had asked John Bennett during the GOP Chairman race who he was associated, some asked him directly if he was "my guy" or closely associated.  Well, listen to this tape and make up your own mind. At 2:54 he says he will run.

The first tape is the day that Bennett agreed to run for the Chairman slot, a few minutes into the audio file.  It is an interesting audio file, you get to see how things like this are done, the planning of the campaign team that generates the initial support, how and why people are considered as members of the team, a bit of how the sausage is made.

One interesting part is where Bennett and I talk about Speaker Charles McCall and Floor Leader Jon Echols flying down to Tahlequah to give Bennett thousands of dollars in campaign funds just to get him to speak to me about getting off their butts.  Bennett had ran against McCall for Speaker of the House and I had been hammering McCall pretty hard.  I laid off the guy and aimed at Chris Kannady instead, the #3 guy, as McCall could have stripped Bennett of his committee chairmanship.  I understood the message even if Bennett didn't.  Sometimes it is good tactics to pivot anyway.  But how many people can say that the Speaker of the House wanted you to leave them alone bad enough to fly down and shell out serious cash to see if it could be done?

The second tape is just the back half of the first conversation.  

For those that still think Bennett can be salvaged, well if anyone would think that it would be me after putting myself out on the line protecting him for twelve years.  But some times you just have to realize you made a bad investment and to cut your losses.  And if I put someone in office and they betray our movement, I feel morally obligated to take them out and fix my mistake.

The scandal on Miles Rahimi's Project 46 contract finally blew this week.  We have known about this for months but you know, we just weren't ready to trash Bennett, thought he could be salvaged or others that helped him thought so so we were holding off on him personally.   So around the end of May John Bennett, no doubt aided by his staff, signed a $4,000 a month contract with Miles Rahimi for video services.  If you look up that project 46 website you will find it is some sort of pay to play activist or candidate thing.  You spend between $500 and $1500 per month and get all sorts of campaign help and "unlimited" videos made for your campaign.  I guess he was soaking Bennett and the GOP because the contract was for three times that amount and change and was for only four videos per month.

And you might ask, why do we need videos and why do we need to pay $4000 per month?  Well they were mostly videos promoting Bennett and begging for donations.  So I guess we really didn't need the videos, we being the GOP members.

Some people had asked about  this deal for months and we are told that both Bennett and Executive Director Bob Dani denied that there was a "contract", it was said to be a "gentleman's agreement".  In order to do the budget they needed to know how much was being spent, in fact that contract ought to have gone before the State Committee before a dime was paid.  But in fact, these folks were lied to by John Bennett, the contract was signed in late May but people were told that there was no contract.

And those of you that have seen the Bennett videos, remember how he was telling us all that "no one was getting paid down here..."?  Well Lying John strikes again.

Ya'll remember the chant "Lets go Brandon"?

How soon till it is "Lets go Bennett"?

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Time to go to War on Bennett ------ Chairman Bennett and Pam Pollard Refuse to be Held Accountable Under the Law? Fine, Hardball Politics it is Then

Wednesday's Oklahoma City District Court hearing was a pyhrric victory for the four Central Committee members. Going in we knew just how tough it is to get a temporary injunction, you have to literally be certain to win the case and have an immediate need before a judge will prior restrain someone or an organization from going on about their business. When the motion for Temporary Injunction was filed, the October meeting was billed as the second State Committee meeting which then was turned into an Executive meeting so that took away some of our moral high ground.

These Executive meetings are rarely a big thing, the notice goes out to a few dozen people that are either appointed by the Chair and Vice Chair or have a seat as a consequence of an office they hold. They are not big positions, more of a peacock position. Among their abilities or duties are announcing a County Chair or other County GOP slot abandoned or open, advising the Chairman, or advising the Chairman for the next State Convention time, location, or advising on organizing the convention. A quarter of them at the County level can call a vacancy in an office and call for a County committee meeting. At the state level the executive committee can advise the Chair and provide advice and consent to the Central Committee meeting on the running of the day to day activities. .

Which is all soundly ignored in most administrations. The reality is that the executive board has been a no work peacock post for a long time, a symbolic post that does telegraph to everyone where your loyalty lies. Bennett has few actual executive meetings but a lot more partial meetings, many times at Leslie Nessmith's house, at least the dependable ones in Nessmith's opinion it seems. Those executive directors placed by the Vice Chair aren't as …. shall we say... notified or present or wanted.

But I drove us off into the weeds, didn't I? Back to the court hearing.

There were four attorneys present, three for Bennett and the GOP, and one representing Pollard, Jemision, and Curry. All the attorneys ought not to have been there as none of them had the required conflict waivers needed from the State Committee. We were offered to hear the motion to disqualify which we filed against Ferate but it was scheduled to be heard in very late December. We simply were not expecting to or ready to do a good job of it. And the other three bozos, well they just entered Entry of Appearance late last week, no time to do multiple motions to disqualify.

So despite having zero path to become legal counsel they just ignored the fact that they owed their allegiance to the Party first before any new client. Ferate by virtue of being a current executive board member and his recent past as a GOP executive director and despite the other three legal beagles attempting to represent Bennett and the Party who have very different interests. Bennett is accused of breaking the Bylaws, the Party's interest is in following the Bylaws and not causing liability.

I would speak for two to four minutes, then usually three of them would speak for two to four minutes in turn. Point being, they had three to four times the opportunity to get their point across. As you can imagine our one hour hearing done by the excellent judge on her lunch hour, was over before we got to introduce our witnesses and exhibits. There were some exhibits filed with the initial complaint, another few dozen that the court didn't have time to hear due to time constraints.

And not unsurprisingly we lost the temporary injunction battle with all six injunctions being turned down. The judge did allow us to go over what our witnesses would say and what the exhibits would prove but she ruled that none of it would change her need to not approve the temporary in junctions. On that point, knowing the time constraint, we asked for just one temporary injunction: follow the GOP rules and by a simple reading of the text. And didn't get it. Not because our request wasn't moral and right, but because the four stinking lawyers said she couldn't.

Why? It seems that we were somewhat wrong about some unincorporated associations. Congress and the Courts ruled long ago that political parties were under limited jurisdiction of the Court. If the state had state laws that directed political parties to appoint vacant positions so they were filled then the state was allowed a minimal amount of questioning and supervision of the Party by the Judiciary. And the Supreme Court recognized that individuals possessing offices are valuable property, a contract by right even, but the Court also realized that since taking sides in a political party fight over another side caused strife, there was simply little time in a busy docket to to deal with normal cases and even less for dealing with party squabbles.

The bottom line after the hearing was ended? John Bennett, Shane Jemision, Pam Pollard, and Steve Curry can do as they damn well please and the Court won't interfere. If married volunteers were sexually harassed, too damn bad, it is a political issue to solve the Central Committee is saying.

If the Bylaws aren't being followed, tough cookies, the Central Committee says it is up to the organization to sort things out. If Bennett or one of his staff decides to throw you out of the Party, too bad. If Jemison has been missing in action along with our two National RNC members, too bad. If Bennett or some of his staff decide they won't allow Nathan Damn to run as a Republican, too bad. If they want to tell the governor of the state to piss off and strip their right of association to run as a Republican, too bad sister.

When this became apparent, that we were not to be allowed to hold Bennett and crew accountable using the temporary injunction orders, I asked the judge to consider the consequences of the ruling That it is saying that there is no rule of law and it is the strongest that will come out on top. Why bother with recruiting delegates when you can just gather or rent fifty strong men with baseball bats and take over the convention. Giving a people no way of making peaceful change is to invite disorder and anarchy. If they cannot petition to follow the rules, well they can riot.

Rex Duncan came out of his seat when the idea of someone using force if there were no way to get the rules followed, finding it offensive. Then after the judge was out of the room he had the gaul to give friendly advice in a wavering voice not to say such things in front of a judge. No Rex Duncan, YOU were advocating that anarchy was the only way out when you fought to prevent Bennett and his crew from following the Bylaws of the GOP. You Rex Duncan were advocating to hide sexual harassment allegations.

Yet, it turns out that if Chairman Bennett wants to throw you out of the Party he now has a clear path to do just that. You or anyone he dislikes can be unilaterally removed from a meeting, from the email list, from the Party or convention itself and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. If the Vice Chair cowers in fear, unwilling to stand up and call for a State Committee meeting or if he does and the State Committee meeting is unwilling to do the right thing, you have zero rights despite the Bylaws and despite the contract between you and the Republican Party because Rex Duncan says the Party and the leadership team cannot be held accountable using the law.

So John Bennett wants to stick to politics instead of following the Bylaws? Has the dumb son of a Biden thought that through?

There were many years I admired Chairman John Bennett and fought to keep him in office and protected. I always knew he wasn't the brightest bulb in the string of lights but I thought he was smart enough to act in his best interests. He had other attributes that made up, he was thought to be loyal and honest, and was certainly a passionate speaker.

But since early June I first began to have doubts then realized the boy was more than a few bricks shy of a load. Some of the people that helped put Bennett in office still try to cling to a shred of hope that perhaps he is being misled by some of his corrupt and self promoting staff but when you point out that it is obvious they are speaking wishing to believe, not in belief , they figure out that is true.

I suppose it is time to go all out against John Bennett. After all, he turned on the man that got him elected in his first race and kept him safe for ten years, what the hell are a dozen people that got him elected as Chair? I think it is time to use twelve years of inside knowledge and not just peel the skin off him till he does the right thing, I think we need to get down to the bone.

John Bennett, you have been warned. You are out of time to do the right thing and Sunday night your sins of the past are going to rain down upon your sorry lying ass. You think the Sooner Tea Party was rough on the RINOs and Democrats? Wait till you see what we can do to a traitor that sheltered in our foxhole and stabbed us in the back. By the time we are done you will wish you were back in Afghanistan surrounded by horny,syphilitic Taliban soldiers and you were armed with just an October 2021 copy of the Official Navy Chief Petty Officer coloring book of the month and a box of half eaten official issue Marine Core crayons.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Staff Sexual Harassment? The Republican Party Demands No Interference In Party Governance

On Wednesday October 13th in the Oklahoma County Courthouse four lawyers hired by Central Committee members are going to try to eliminate anyone from attempting to hold them accountable on Party matters or from demanding an investigation into at least five cases of sexual harassment by  GOP staff members. If you are to believe their court filings, their autonomy trumps the right of anyone to interfere in the internal governance of the Party, claiming it is the Party's First and Fourteenth Amendment right to govern itself. 

 You can read the initial compliant and some of the filings at this link.   GOP lawsuit    The last filing by Chairman Bennett is yet to be uploaded, I can send you a copy if you ask.

The problem with their reasoning is that the Republican Party of Oklahoma isn't a legal entity, it exists under a charter from the RNC and does business as an unincorporated association which has no legal barriers in place to prevent any judgments or debts from falling upon the ruling body which is the State Committee or the registered voters of the state for that matter. AJ Ferate, R. Tom Hillis, Kyle Alderson, and "acting" General Counsel Rex Duncan filed entry of appearances with the court and filed two replies claiming a Constitutional right to boot out anyone the Party wishes, to be allowed to run the Party in contradiction with the Bylaws, allow zero financial oversight, and to deal with internal Party issues as they fit and that appears to include allegations of sexual harassment. 


 Who decides who is a member of the GOP? The state does, allowing anyone to register as a Republican. How does that make for a “private” group or an independent organization? There are a myriad of other ways the State of Oklahoma and the Federal government regulate or monitor political parties. The Party files Ethics Commission reports quarterly, it pays taxes on payroll, has to follow zoning laws, health and safety regulations, city ordinances. It reports to the Federal Election Commission on a quarterly basis and follows the laws of the U.S. and Oklahoma. Who pays for our method of picking our candidate in the general election? The state does, not a privately funded party caucus. At one point between 1979 and 1981 there was a law on the books allowing a one dollar check off on the State tax return. Party is an unincorporated association, it has no legal entity, yet lawyers claim it has 1st and 14th amendment rights. 

 The First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” 


 In this case that is the right to assemble and petition for the redress of grievances which has been adjudicated to mean the right to join and participate in a political party. And use our free speech.  

14th Amendment: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. 

 The 14th Amendment protects those 1st Amendment rights but in the current lawsuit it isn't the State of Oklahoma's power or that of the Congress that is at issue; what is at issue is how the Party has written its bylaws to regulate itself and is refusing to follow their own bylaws. What the Republican Party under the Central Committee is doing is refusing the Plaintiff and other Republicans from assembling with like minded registered Republicans. 

 Does the general membership of the GOP have these rights to association and assembly, then why are they forced to take just anyone into the Party? Do the other Party members have the right to choose who they associate with by voting to kick people out of the Party? No? Then the only one with true First and Fourteenth Amendment rights are the individuals in the Party including the Plaintiff asking the Judge to use the powers of the judiciary to enforce the Bylaws. 


So what was the motive for Chairman John Bennett to turn on a 12 year long political relationship and conspire to boot the Plaintiff out of the Party? Well, he was being surrounded by an ever increasing paranoid and power hungry staff but that alone ought not to be unexpected. We believe that what tipped the porta potty was allegations of a number of young, married, Republican volunteers reporting sexual harassment charges against two or more members of the Party leadership/staff. On the day that the Plaintiff was wrongfully removed by a uniformed off duty sheriff deputy from the State Committee meeting, he spoke to dozens of people in the parking lot of Paul Blair's church in Edmond. One was a young lady there supporting Lahmyer, who like the rest of us was denied entrance to observe the meeting. Most had been lied to and told that Bennett was to be removed, something I explained was impossible without following the requirements of a ten day notice before the meeting and majority vote and it had to be for cause, which sad to say existed.


 But this young lady asked a lot of questions and we came around to discussing one particular staffer/leadership team member and the Plaintiff was told of “wildly inappropriate” behavior by the team member against the young woman. She was reluctant to share the entire story but when asked if it was creepy kind of behavior she said yes. 

Well, nothing to be done as the Plaintiff had zero access to the Party according to then Public Relations Director Leslie Nessmith, now Chief of Staff, who bragged on Facebook that she, Executive Director Bob Dani, and Chairman Bennett had conspired and agreed to remove “all access” from the Party by the Plaintiff to “protect” the Party. The report wasn't a crime, sexual assault, so it couldn't be reported. The info was filed away. 

 Later other stories and rumors started popping up around the same theme and issue about the same staff member. Then last week a phone call came in and one of the issues discussed was Central Committee member Pam Pollard meeting with Chairman Bennett and Executive Director Bob Dani with a hint that others were present. Allegedly National Committee member Pam Pollard recounted five, I repeat five, separate allegations of sexual harassment including text messages proving the same. The alleged reply from the Republican Party leadeship? “We are not going to Brent Kavanaugh …......” and then they gave the name of the alleged sexual harasser. 

Some of the other rumors about this one person were centered around late night phone calls to married volunteers. Stories have been written speculating about why Chairman John Bennett turned on many of the very team that recruited and got him elected as Chairman. It was all a mystery but perhaps these allegations explain part of the reasons. Of all people, Bennett and the motley crew he had surrounded himself with knew that Al Gerhart would not allow this to fester and would demand investigation and if found to be true the removal of the harassers would be demanded and an apology from the Party, as well as rule changes for the next convention including the formation of a grievance committee. 

But if the scandal was exposed Chairman Bennett gets a black eye, poor leadership and scandal, and losing an ally in a rapidly shrinking team of individuals willing to stomp on the rights of others to maintain their grasp on power and influence.. A National news story, scandal and shame was guaranteed, along with an increasingly paranoid leadership team cracking down on team members thought to be talking with outsiders. Closely held incestuous churches tend to act like this, where outsiders are kept at arms length to “protect” the congregation, and to prevent the cult like practices to create a sense of us versus them. 

 A choice was made; transparency, accountability, and civil and decent treatment of women volunteers was less important than holding onto power and influence. They seem to be saying that the Republican Party must sacrifice these young married women for Chairman Bennett and his team.

 And while the Sooner Tea Party is solidly Pro Life and against mandated vaccines, we have to remain consistent and non hypocritical in our arguments. What Chairman Bennett and his team are saying is “Your body, my choice on matters of sexual harassment and pregnancy, my body my choice on matters of public health such as masks and vaccines.” 

The hearing will on a Temporary Injunction to force the Republican Party to a) stop libeling the Plaintiff, and b) follow their own bylaws until the entire lawsuit can be heard on the merits or until the Central Committee calls a State Committee meeting and the entire mess be investigated and cleared up once and for all. When we pass bylaws and laws and regulations we always have to be aware that one day we might no longer be in power. So turning a blind eye to the current abuse and wrongful behavior is setting a precedent for future Party leaders. 

The hearing is at 12:00 pm, noon, in the court room of Judge Natalie Mai on the 7th floor of the Oklahoma County Courthouse in room 707. Bring as mask as they will surely require one once inside the courtroom. I know, yuck, but bring a mask and wear it or do not complain if Chairman Bennett and his team or the next administration of the Party puts a boot on your neck and laughs at you for trying to participate. 

My cell number is 405-942-2644 if you have any knowledge of any kind that you wish to share. Please don't call if you are upset that Party leadership is being held accountable, I could care less about you if that is how you see things. Please don't call if you are a victim and refuse to at least talk to a judge in private, the very least that is needed. If sexual harassment is to be stopped the victims HAVE to come forward and the law does protect them in many ways but at some point, if the accused is adamant, they have the right to face their accusers. 

 I would ask everyone to call their County Chair, Vice Chair, and both State Committee members and demand that they step up and deal with this mess immediately.  Probably little use to call the Vice Chair or the National Committee members, Shane Jemison, Pam Pollard, and Steve Curry.  You cannot get that contact from the Republican Party on their website, they pulled it down sometimes after July 4th of this year, about the time this controversy exploded, to prevent "phishing". However an email by replying to this email will get you what you need if there is no other way. 

This story was edited after news of a second abuser came in shortly after it was published.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Sheer Incompetence of the Republican Party

So mistakes were made and like Hillary Clinton said the Party leadership of the Republican Party asked “What difference does it make?” Which led to the lawsuit filed on the 21st of last month. And in the process we started looking for details on the GOP here in Oklahoma so we were sure we knew what it was and how it could be held accountable. And it turns out, very few people if any actually knew what it was legal.

You see the Republican Party of Oklahoma is a really weird duck. We first went to the Secretary of State to find out what its status was but there is no filing for the Party. Not in non profit, not in the domestic corporation side, nothing. So a trip down to the Capitol to visit with the Secretary of State, the Ethics Commission, and the Election Board, all of whom were as mystified as we were; exactly how was the GOP organized and what in the hell was it?

Back in junior high and high school days we had a study period, luckily with a library next door, and being a voracious reader I had pretty much gone through the suitable books for a young man in the seventies including hundreds of small biographies of the famous men from Colonial days forward. Many a time you would read about a soon to be famous man becoming a lawyer and taking a few years to “read the law”. And that was how you became a lawyer in those days, reading the few law books available and reading the decided cases. And it turns out that is a pretty good way to learn how the law works.

A good friend of the Tea Party would send us case law for the various Oklahoma statutes covering lawsuits that pertained to what we were looking for and before long the term “unincorporated association” became an obvious lead. Now normally in order to have a bank account and any property you need a legal entity. A corporation, a partnership, or a sole proprietorship, or just a person doing business as, AKA known as a DBA. Or you were a registered non profit corporation or as it turned out, you could be an unincorporated non profit association. Which turned out to be a vauge partnership of sorts, normally used for short term political PACs or fund raising for Aunt Jenny's son who needed an operation or some sort of charity.

Well, guess what? That is exactly what the Republican Party of Oklahoma seems to be. An unincorporated non profit association. And why is that a problem? Well, the directors as well as the members of an unincorporated association are liable for any liabilities incurred by the association.

Yeah, the knuckle heads that set up the GOP here in Oklahoma never thought anyone would sue their dumb butts and they left everyone hanging in the wind. So when the hypocritical religious fanatics took over the GOP and squeezed out everyone not of the Pentecostal faith or other far right religious cult, they set up every member of the Republican Party and the Directors, AKA State Committee members, to take a hard fall.

Yeah, an association or corporation has bylaws that set out a board of directors, those that are the ultimate controller of the organization, our State Committee members in our case. And other state statutes lay out a Director's responsibilities and liabilities meaning as long as they are following state law the State Committee members are pretty safe and shielded from being responsible as long as they  act in the best interest of the corporation or association. But these folks weren't told this; many wanted the State Committee member slot for social reasons and were unaware of the massive responsibilities involved and the Party leaders either didn't know or didn't want them to know.

One of the whines coming from the Central Committee, at least three of the four, was “Well, we couldn't do anything so we should be dismissed from the lawsuit.” But then the responsibilities as an officer of the association/corporation bite them in the ass and we find out they didn't do squat to stop the madness nor address complaints that were sent to them months ago. And the responsibility rolls downhill to the State Committee members who literally might find themselves responsible for a judgement, personally responsible because they also either refused to act or were derelict in knowing what was going on. Ouch....

Then it gets very interesting because the lawsuit filed is itself a weird duck. It is part a lawsuit for damages for a horrendous false light/libel campaign perpetrated by GOP officers and staff, and part a derivative lawsuit; a lawsuit that derives its power to sue on behalf of the GOP itself to defend the Party from lazy or malicious acts or malicious refusal to act and do a duty and protect a right granted by membership in the association. Yeah, in fact the lawsuit is protecting the GOP, enforcing the bylaws, in fact should the judge find punitive or actual damages done by Chairman Bennett, Vice Chair Shane Jemison, or National Committee Members Pollard and Curry, the money goes to the GOP.

Even more interesting, by filing this derivative suit the judge is on notice that a problem exists in an organization and is not able to dismiss the lawsuit unless they notify the organization prior to dismissal and giving any single person in the GOP the right to step up and say “Hol on dere.”

This weird unincorporated association is ruled by the state statures on corporations for the most part and one enormous benefit that is coming out of this lawsuit will be that before we are done the State Committee members will be absolute beasts in total control of the GOP which is as it should be. No more waiting around for a chairman like Bennett to give them financial data or information. Any State Committee member already has the right to march into the GOP headquarters and look at anything and everything they have. Books, contracts, receipts, emails, even the normally solid Attorney/Client privilege cannot shield a scrap of info or communication from the prying eyes of a State Committee member. Any member of the GOP has the legal right to see financial records, all board minutes of any meeting, a list of the members, a list of the state officers including the state committee members including their contact info, and I mean march right in on Monday and ask to see the info.

Some in leadership are under the mistaken idea that they have five days to produce this info but that is actually when any member can file a motion before a judge, possibly even without having to file a lawsuit, and the judge can summarily write an order to force the GOP to follow the law.

And no one knew this or the ones that knew were making sure the GOP members and State Committee members didn't know. No longer, a new day has come for corruption in the GOP.

And the Democrats? A bit smarter than the Republicans. The Oklahoma Democratic Party, Inc. is a domestic not for profit corporation. As such the have an actual entity under the law and are shielded somewhat from liability should the directors or officers make stupid mistakes.

On October the 13th there is an emergency hearing scheduled in Oklahoma City to force the current administration of the GOP to begin to follow the bylaws. And while so far no one has filed an entry of appearance to represent the GOP it is going to get interesting because legally we have no General Counsel approved by the State Committee due to the corruption of the Bennett administration. Yeah, there is one listed on the website but he ain't legal and if he were appointed by the State Committee after a ten day notice of a State Committee meeting he HAS to protect the Party itself, not the corrupt staff and officials that created this mess. Good luck convincing a judge that General Counsel needs to protect the association by fighting to continue to break the bylaws of the association. And a General Counsel cannot represent Chairman Bennett as he was the one breaking the bylaws.  Ditto on the other corrupt staff members and officers.

The outcome of the October 13th hearing ought to be very short and solid; follow the damn bylaws or face contempt of court. And continue to follow the bylaws while the lawsuit is heard on the merits and order and decency is returned to the Republican Party of Oklahoma. After that, if we prove that the officers of the GOP either broke the bylaws or refused to do their duty to protect the Party then we can ask for their removal. So far the former general counsel AJ Ferate has filed to represent Pollard, Curry, and Shane Jemison but he isn't likely to survive a challenge to represent anyone as he will be a witness in the trial that uncovers the corruption of the Republican Party of Oklahoma. Unless common sense becomes common and the State Committee rallies to the defense of the GOP and joins us in holding these corrupt or lazy officials accountable.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

No Snowflake, Refusing to Take the Vaccine Isn't Patriotic. George Washington Might Have Shot You for Refusing...

Of all the propaganda and misinformation spread by the covidiots the idea that it is somehow unpatriotic to take a vaccine or unconstitutional is the worst. A few weeks back a person that  claims to be quite the patriot posted a meme referencing George Washington and what must have been Valley Forge along with a statement of how far we have fallen.

When it was pointed out that George Washington, the commander of American forces during the War of Independence actually ordered his troops to be vaccinated the news was met with howls of indignation and the mouth breather that had posted the erroneous meme came back with "Oh but that was variolation.". 

 Variola is the name of the virus that causes small pox and while the small pox vaccine wasn't actually created until 1796 the practice of using a weakened form of the virus to inoculate people goes back to around 1000 BCE and had made it to Europe by the middle ages.  The British troops were somewhat immune to small pox, having been inoculated or having lived through the disease but not so to the patriot army.  Around 90% of the American deaths weren't from battles but from disease with small pox being the most deadly of all diseases at the time.

Washington himself contracted small pox as a young man during a trip to Barbados and was thus immune.  Early on in the War of Independence units sent on missions had suffered outbreaks to the point that the missions failed.

Vaccination or variolation was first done around 1720 in the colonies and it wasn't without risk.   The Continental Congress had outlawed vaccinating the troops  due to the risk but in January of 1777 George Washington ordered Dr. William Shippen Jr. to inoculate all of the continental army that came through Philadelphia.  Army encampments were festering with disease and Washington feared small pox more than the British.

This was a calculated risk, should the British learn that their opponents had inoculated the army they would know it was a perfect time to attack a much weakened opponent while the troops were recovering and weak.  Around one quarter of the patriot army had survived the disease and had natural immunity so Washington's officers and doctors set about inoculating the other three quarters of the army.

This was an unpopular decision but Washington stuck to his guns and by February of 1777 the inoculation began and eleven hospitals had been built by the end of the year.  This wasn't a jab of a vaccine, they scrapped the scabs of recovering small pox patients and transferred a weakened form of the virus to a cut made in the patient's skin.  The patient soon became quite sick and needed as much as a month of care to recover.  Sometimes they didn't recover as this was a live virus, it was a risky endeavor indeed.

Then, as now, we had a share of religious fanatics that claimed inoculation was "playing God" and several colonies had banned the practice.  While the death rate was much lower than a natural infection people did die on occasion.  It wasn't until someone figured out that cow pox which was much less deadly would protect against small pox would a successful and fairly safe vaccine be made. Even then, some claimed that the idea had come from a black slave and was some sort of plot to get the white slave owners to kill themselves.

By this time small pox had spread rapaciously throughout the war with the Native Americans and black slaves that had sided with the British carrying the brunt of the fatalities but thanks to Washington's bold action not a single regiment of Continental soldiers was put out of action.

There was no organized resistance despite the general backwardness of the troops that had come from all over the colonies.   They grumbled but followed the orders of their officers, were inoculated, recovered, and went on to win at Yorktown by the skin of their teeth and with the help of the French and Spanish defeated the largest army in the world and the only superpower in the world at that time.

There was a small pox pandemic between 1775 and 1782 and around 100,000 colonists died.  Washington faced the probability of a small pox  outbreak running wild through his army before a crucial battle or the news of an outbreak causing mass desertion or limiting recruitment.  The death rate of undergoing inoculation was between one half percent and two percent but the death rate of small pox was between 20 and 30 percent but many victims were scarred for life and some were blinded.

So the next time you hear a covidiot whining about the vaccine being unpatriotic or unconstitutional remind them that with freedom comes responsibility and that we might not have won our independence but for a courageous general and troops that were willing to be responsible and protect themselves and stop the spread of contagion by being vaccinated.


Saturday, September 25, 2021

Why the Republican Party Needed to be Sued and How They Can Settle Things Before it Gets Expensive

 Why is Bennett Hiding the Payment of Almost $13,000 in SEC Penalties?

Bennett Designed and Had Printed the Jenny White Attack Push Cards

What a disaster John Bennett has been as Chairman of the GOP. And this is coming from someone that is pretty much responsible for the start of his political career, keeping him in office, and getting him elected as Chairman.

I met Bennett at an Arby's in Henryetta back around August of 2010. He had called asking for assistance in his campaign, no one else would help, even the GOP refused to lift a finger as he was running in a solid blue county. After listening to him say what he was about the Tea Party decided to help him. We spent a couple thousand in ads in the local paper, set up a Tea Party meeting to get his name out, then when the NRA endorsed his Democrat opponent in the race we reached out to a fellow group in the OCA umbrella group and got him the endorsement of another national gun rights group.

The local paper was and still is ran by Democrats as was the rest of the county. So few knew Glen Bud Smithson's voting record which included being one of two votes allowing gay propaganda in children's libraries. Glen Bud hated conservatives, called us the black helicopter crowd, but when we did the ads showing his liberal voting record the voters turned on him and elected Bennett by a small margin even though the registration was still mostly Democrat in that county.

After the election the Tea Party helped introduce Bennett to the conservative legislators who tucked him under their wings and got him going. Bennett did a fairly good job and had a mid 70's voting record on our RINO Index, not bad for having to keep a Democrat majority House District happy. On occasions Bennett would call needing help and we would provide it. His first re election race was tough, the drunken son of a beloved funeral home owner was running for office. Small town, funeral home had buried most of the folks in the county, and the owner, the candidate's father was well respected if his son the candidate wasn't. When asked for help in the election we were in a quandary on how to brand things. Attacking the drunken son would blow back on Bennett and he had no voting record. Luckily for us Glen Bud Smithson, also a fan of liquid dinners, just had to stick his nose in things and run a half page ad in the county newspaper. Bingo, we ran against Glen Bud and ignored the drunk candidate and re elected Bennett. By then we were doing the newspaper and Bennett had a huge group of locals that folded and wrapped the newspapers and delivered them all over the county. They hit the Friday night football games as well. Glen Bud and the drunk would be outside handing out cards but both sides of the bleachers were filled with people with their newspaper opened up and reading the dirty details about Glen Bud Smithson. Kicked the drunk boy's rear end in that election.

I believe it was Tom Stites that challenged Bennett the next time. Oh that was a tough race, Stite's dad had termed out as the Democrat State Rep, and retired as a much loved principle/superintendent in the local school system. Tom Stites had a checkered past though and had washed out at the Air Force Academy so another round of Tea Party newspapers covering the county along with a flurry of Tea Party candidate debates where old Tommy boy refused to attend, and Bennett won the election. We ran some adds too goading Stites to show up at the debates, put his picture on a milk carton in the ad and had some fun with him.

It must have been around 2016 when Bennett ran for Speaker and lost. A few months later we get a phone call from Bennett:

“ Al, you are going to be mad at me.”

“What did you do John?”

“Well, I took some money.”

“Well John, you need money to pay down some of your campaign debt. What's the problem?”

“Its from the Speaker and Floor Leader. They want me to talk to you and get you off their asses.”

I forget how much it was but I remember Bennett had refused to meet them at the airport at Sallisaw and instead met them at the Tahlequah airport and they handed over personal checks for thousands of dollars.

So Bennett had ran against McCall for Speaker and now his committee post was in danger. We had been beating the crap out of McCall during the Speaker race and up until the time that he actually took office which is the better part of a year. So it went unsaid, Bennett got the Tea Party to lay off McCall or Bennett most likely would have faced retaliation.

“What did you tell them before you took their money John?”

“That it wouldn't do any good, no one controls Al.”

“You know what John, tell them I said to kiss my ass. But sometimes John it is good to pivot in politics just to keep them all guessing. I can attack in a different direction and see if I can keep the heat off you.”

And we did, we started hammering on Chris Kannaday instead, the #3 guy, actually #2 if you know what I mean. Bennett retained his committee chair position and was pretty much left alone. The Tea Party investment in Bennett was salvaged and Bennett got some things done.

A few months after that the phone rings, Bennett asking for help. The new liberal Republican Rep Carol Bush was going after Bennett, had done a nasty story in a small rag of a paper in Tulsa.

“No problem John. We will handle it.”

I remember it was Christmas eve on the next newsletter, a few days after Bennett's plea for help because the newsletter went out around 6 pm, a bit earlier than the usual 10 pm publication. A few days later Bennett calls:

“Thanks for the story Al, the Floor leader and the Speaker called Bush and chewed her butt out and told her to apologize. She called me on Christmas Day but I didn't want to mess with her so I called her back the next day. She apologized”

Yeah, we accommodated Bennett, McCall and the Floor Leader a few months before and they were letting both Bennett and the Tea Party know that they respected us enough to deal with Carol Bush on Christmas Eve. I don't think House Leadership wanted the scab ripped off and another war to get started. On Organizational Day in January incoming State Rep Carol Bush started off apologizing to the entire Republican Caucus over her attack and then she apologized again to her incoming class of freshmen legislators.

I think over the eight years that Bennett was in office we asked him for a handful of things. First was to run an anti TSA bill which he did but it never made it to committee. Then one night after getting a few calls on a bad gun bill we had a discussion and called Bennett who had heard of the bill and agreed that it was bad and said it wouldn't be heard. Then during the blackmail persecution Bennett was asked to testify and showed up as he had not received our phone call message that the lawyers had decided to not use him. The last thing we ever asked was for him to run for the GOP Chair position. We had protected him well, asking little in return other than to represent his district in a conservative manner, and had never seen any signs of instability or disloyalty.

Then in August of 2020 I asked John Bennett to run for Chairman of the GOP after putting together a group of Party activists from around the state.  Bennett meets us in Henryetta at a Shoney's restaurant, the matter is discussed along with who would make a good Vice Chair, and about a week later Bennett  agrees to run for Chair in a phone call with me.  Which was taped by the way.  That set off six months of recruiting more people for the team and multiple meetings and the setting up of the website to serve as the recruitment website.  Later Bennett wanted to run the actual campaign without the group which was a good idea, any friends or allies you have will always have enemies so it is always good to keep things under wraps.

Then a few days before the 2021 GOP State Convention the phone rings again.  John Bennett asking me to put my name on an attack push card against Jenny White who was being ran for Chair by Ronda Vulliemont Smith.  

"John, I would have to see what you are printing, I could get sued if any of it wasn't true."

"Okay, Al, I will send you a copy."

A consultant in Arizona I believe it was got in touch via email later after I was sent the images of both sides of the push card and I was told to contact Bennett's campaign manager to pick up the completed attack push cards.  This was done early on the morning of the Convention, Bennett's campaign manager Leslie Nessmith arranged for Bob Dani to deliver the attack push cards in the parking lot of the Convention.  Silly me, I had parked over by the old train station thinking Dani would want to be secretive, nope, he asks me to meet him at the Convention parking lot and hands me an old U Haul box without  a top on it filled with thousands of beautiful four color push cards. And Jenny White goes down in a humiliating loss with Bennett walking away with a majority of the votes in a four way race.  Much of the content in the attack push cards was information skimmed off Jenny White's own Facebook page, delivered to me weeks earlier by Bennett or members of his actual campaign team and used to write negative stories about Jenny White. Jenny was an anti Trumper even after the presidential election and she had compared Melania Trump to transvestite Bruce Jenner.

BTW, I am in no way embarrassed by the Jenny White stories or the attack push cards.  Every bit was accurate and nearly all of it was  off her own Facebook page which she was stupid enough to leave up after announcing a run for Chairman.  Fair game, hoisted by her own petard.  Just the lack of judgement alone for saying such things and then compound that by not removing the posts after deciding to run for office, put everything else aside; she was an idiot.

Something changed after the GOP Convention election. The Tea Party and other normal conservatives were slowly pushed out as a bunch of radicals grew in influence. We fought back, pretty much pushed Bennett into a 2.5 hour long meeting in May to try to clean up the mess and thought we had succeeded but six weeks later the sabotage started. First the sabotage of the survey intended to get the mood of the delegates and state committee members on what part religion ought to play in the GOP and other matters. Next was a $6,000 donation to install a lawn sprinkler system and completely refurbish the front flower beds, half of the money was already donated, the contract let out, only to have Executive Director Bob Dani scuttle the project after having given permission to start the night before! Of course they wanted the money to go to other purposes but since the money had been raised for a specific project, which had been approved by Bob Dani, it was only right to return the donations rather than misallocate the money.

Communications Director Leslie Nessmith claimed responsibility for scuttling the projects and admitted that she, Bennett, and Bob Dani had acted together to eliminate all access to the GOP. The reasoning? The Tea Party had gone after Chairman David Mclain and Leslie convinced Bennett somehow that he was next. After around 12 years of protection and support, Bennett turned on the Tea Party and others that had helped him.

Soon the radicals were completely in charge. Nearly all of the leadership were some sort of Pentecostal faith adherent. A whole lot more were radical abortion abolitionists that were universally hated by the legislature and most Pro Life supporters. We saw the appointment of a Chaplain for the first time, then the quick announcement that he was resigning to concentrate on his “ministry”. Turns out he had embarrassed himself by laying hands on a dude at a fundraising event and even started speaking in tongues after the dude asked him to pray for him. And the chaplain never received a phone call from Bennett we were told, they just tossed him under the bus with a glowing email announcing his “resignation”.

The communications became less about policy and more about Bennett and raising money. The normal Republicans were refusing to support the crazies that were now in charge and if not for a few angel donors the GOP would have floundered. The Holocaust remarks made national news and was a huge embarrassment for Republicans. When they finally got around to doing a survey they asked mostly about their own agenda items, with one part asking if we would like crypto currency training and “prepper” training. We got a lot of phone calls and texts on that one.

Bennett had alienated the Senate earlier in the year, demanding action on an issue and asking GOP members to flood the Pro Tem office with emails and calls. What a stupid move.... that works great if you have nothing to lose but had Bennett just gone to the Pro Tem and calmly discussed the legislation it might have been passed. Instead, the bill was gutted and replaced with a bill creating a new state agency dedicated to doing exactly the opposite of what the original House bill wanted to do.

By this point Bennett and/or his staff had driven off anyone that had any political experience of more than a couple of years. Anyone that would speak up and stop the stupid stuff was gone. By the time the Holocaust remarks came out the Oklahoma Republican Party was a shell of its former-self and the legislature was considering it irrelevant. This was about the time of the first State Committee meeting where Bennett had every single proposal shot down or gutted and replaced with a different agenda than his own.

The closing the state committee meeting was another huge disaster that was not only illegal under the GOP Bylaws, it was also politically stupid and almost certainly illegal under state statutes that govern non profit meetings. I was personally told to leave or be arrested for trespassing, escorted out by a uniformed off duty deputy sheriff and the video proves that I was sitting quietly listening to the start of the meeting surrounded by dozens and dozens of empty chairs. That was a Rule 3A violation and is punished by the removal from office of those involved.

People have also been booted off the email list, no doubt part of Leslie Nessmith's effort to “remove all access”. Another Rule 3 A violation. Then the libel attack on Facebook, where an “anonymous” letter was written by a committee of people full of insults and libelous statements including accusations of “ women and child sex trafficking”. Enough of the participants have come forward that we are sure of who all was involved and all face a serious libel suit once the discovery has been done many new defendants will be added to the lawsuit.

Other issues like the hiding of financial information. Even the State Committee is in the dark on some awful dubious matters. The GOP Bylaws require the financial data be transparent, as does state statutes covering non profits. There were credible rumors of financial malfeasance of the previous Chairman and discussion of charges being filed yet the State Committee knows nothing of these allegations.

Then there is the nearly $13,000 FEC fine that was paid in April. From the incompetence of Chairman Mclain's administration for sure, but why was this hidden from everyone?

And it seems that GOP donations are lining the pocket of some of the “volunteer” staff, Miles Rahimi's company received a $4,000 payout around the end of June for “video production”. For what? A handful of self serving videos sent out via email and put on Facebook telling us how wonderful our new Chairman was and how he was fighting against abortion or the vaccines? If a video was needed there are plenty of volunteers that do this for free.

And then there is the illegal and unethical “endorsement” of a primary opponent. Bennett came out and “personally” endorsed Jackson Lahmeyer against Lankford. Which is one of the few causes for removal of a GOP officer, endorsing the opponent of a Republican candidate. The GOP officers HAVE to stay out of primary races. Not only that, you don't endorse until the filing period is over because you never know who might also file for the same office. And sure enough, there are rumors that Senator Nathan Dahm is going to file against Lankford. Another long time ally of Bennett and if he files for the seat, is Bennett going to withdraw his endorsement of Lahmeyer?

Lahmeyer has put a tremendous amount of pressure on Lankford and it was sorely needed. We have assisted his campaign or his consultants, as we would any candidate. He would be better than Lankford no doubt BUT you ALWAYS wait until after the filing is done before endorsing, that is just common sense.

And the signal sent to ALL elected Republican officials is “You might be next”, and this has gutted what remaining good will Bennett had with the elected officials throughout the state. There are a handful of elected officials still okay with Bennett, extremely far right types, the abolitionist are giddy at the way things turned out, then the John Birch Society, AKA OCPAC, is loving things right about now.

Holding the elected officials accountable is the job of the GOP and the Chairman. But you cannot go about it running wild and spraying the crowd with machine gun fire. What was proposed to Bennett was that we sit down quietly with the elected officials and respectfully remind them that we owned the brand, that things had changed, that that at the end of the next session an voting index would be coming out and distributed to Republican voters throughout the state. That gives all of them the chance to adjust fire so all the guns are pointing in the same direction, so that everyone looked like a hero. At times all that is needed are minor changes, sometimes just suggesting that if they needed a bill issue to champion there were plenty available that would make the legislator look like a hero to Republicans.

All of that is pretty much shot to shit at this point unless Bennett is removed as Chairman or his staff is cleaned out and normal Republicans with Party experience put in place to keep things legal and responsible.

The Oklahoma Republican Party is now being led by idiots and inexperienced idiots at that. The Chairman and his staff have broken the Bylaws numerous times, some with the penalty of removal from office. Initially the other three officers, Pollard, Curry, and Jemison were welcoming a chance to clean Bennett up or take him out, there were even discussions on exactly this. But despite multiple letters being sent out including one from an attorney on our behalf, the Vice Chair and the two National Committee members have refused to do their job. Why?

Perhaps they would rather see the Party ran into the ground than allow others to try to straighten things out. Perhaps they think they simply do not have the votes at the State Committee meeting to oust Bennett or chain him down so he follows the Bylaws and learns to represent the Party instead of pushign his own agenda.

What they do not understand is that state statutes allow any member of a non profit or for corporation to use the District Courty for force the Bylaws to be followed. We have illegal acts including multiple Rule 3A violations, all are cause for removal and it doesn't say “may”, it says “shall”. If the State Committee refused to follow the Bylaws then the District Court can appoint a receiver to ensure the Bylaws are followed. That would be expensive, at least $5000 to $10,000 per month to just pay the receiver. No one wants that except those that would burn the Party to the ground to support their radical agenda.

There there is the sabotage of the survey and the “anonymous” letter that was created to libel someone just to drive them from the Party. The case would be worth millions and with the Communications Director admitting that she, Bennett, and Bob Dani worked to drive people out of the Party then this is an easy case to win in a jury trial.

So, last Tuesday I filed a lawsuit against the GOP, Chairman John Bennett, Vice Chair Shane Jemision, and National Committee members Pam Pollard and Steve Curry. Bennett and his staff were responsible for the Rule 3A violations and some of this staff were a party to creating the “anonymous” letter full of libel and of course the multitude of other Bylaw infractions. The other three, Jemision, Pollard, and Curry, were responsible for sitting on their hands after being notified of the Bylaw infractions and libel being published, had they done their job they would have called a state committee meeting and dealt with this mess. So a jury might well find them uninvolved with the libel but they are responsible for the Bylaw infractions and for the False Light charge for not stopping the removal of people from the state committee meeting.

No doubt some State Committee members aren't going to like this lawsuit and no doubt the radical religious right supporters of Bennett aren't going to like it. My reply, if you were at that July state committee meeting and knew the meeting ought not to have been closed and didn't stand up and call for a vote, you are guilty of avoiding your responsibility too.

The ideal outcome is for this lawsuit to get the attention of GOP leadership and see them sit down and agree to settle things by fixing the problems and removing the toxic people that caused the problems. Just follow the Bylaws and things can be settled. One of our conditions during talks with the three Central Committee members both in person and by proxy was that if a suit had to be filed the lawyers would be paid as part of the settlement. Yet Jemison, Pollard, and Curry refused to take the cover given to them to do the right thing and force Bennett to fix things. Yet they have one more chance to evade ruinous attorney fees because the lawsuit petition was filed pro se, with the assistance of several attorneys, so that if things are settled quickly there will be no attorney fees, just costs of filing and other small costs. But if we have to litigate the case will be picked up by an attorney and hourly billing will start adding up on a case that the Republican Party cannot win. The law is 100% on our side so even if a judge sabotaged the case the appeals court likely wouldn't.

If we are forced to litigate, there will be damages for the False Light charges, which is a much easier to prove form of libel. And no jury is going to like that a bunch of radical religious fanatics sat down and decided to concoct a fake letter to libel someone.

There is another lawsuit filed against one Brian Graham. Graham is a never Trump type that was talked into publishing the first copy of the “anonymous” letter on Facebook. That is a million dollar lawsuit and will carry the bulk of the libel charges against Graham and those that gave him the fake letter and those that helped write and distribute the fake letter. An effort will be made to keep the GOP lawsuit and the libel suit separate but there is the possibility that one of the judges will combine the two suits. 

By filing two suits we give the GOP a last chance to set things right.  You can see a story about these lawsuits which has copies of each petition at this link at Sooner Politics.  Amazingly the idiot that got himself sued for libel posted the same "anonymous" letter in the comment section of the story thread.  I wonder how funny he will think these things are once his paycheck gets garnished for a judgement?

The outcome? A Republican Party that follows the Bylaws to the very letter. You will not be removed from the email list, excluded from observing conventions or meetings, your donations will be used for valid expenses and not blown paying thousands of dollars in SEC fines or lining the pockets of “volunteers”. The leadership of the GOP will represent the entire Party, not some small radical faction. We won't see the likes of Pam Pollard trying to ram motions or resolutions through the State Convention despite them not being filed on time so the County GOP officials can distribute the items and discuss which way to vote. And some people will learn not to lie about others and make up libelous attacks because they will have a life changing event as a result. For over 12 years we at the Tea Party had never had to make up crap about people, usually the truth about them was more damaging than what could possibly be made up anyway.

If you have any questions please read through the articles in our archive over to the right. Start around the last week in June of this year to learn more about the attacks and libel and sabotage done by Bennett and/or his staff. And just reply to this email if you have any questions that remain unanswered.


And above all, contract the Vice Chair and the two National Committee members as well as your local GOP officials and state committee members and ask them to demand that the Bennett administration and the Central Committee do the right thing. 

And here is one final thought.   If you haven't been willing to clean up the GOP fine, then if you don't agree on this I expect you to stand back and hold my coat while I do the dirty business of rooting out the snakes and vermin.  You don't have to like it, but you damn well better let a man take care of business that you wouldn't take care of.  The Party will be better off, better led, and more unified if this is done.