Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Yes, Who The Assessor Is... Matters

Ken Yazel

Yes, Who is the Assessor Matters

Tulsa was wracked by a scandal last week after the Tulsa County Assessors Office failed to collect tens of thousands of property tax dollars according to a Tulsa World report. Some property remained undervalued by twice the actual value including shopping centers with the loss at around $100,000 per year. Also missed were tax payments to the sinking fund levies. Assessor Ken Yazel tried to avoid the scandal, claiming they had 80 employees and 267,000 accounts and that it was "human error".

The shopping center that had been under-appraised by twice the actual value was blamed on a resigning appraiser and a re organization of the department. A Denver based company had purchased the property for $31.8 million dollars but Assessor Ken Yazel kept the property at the original $13.3 million dollar value, completely ignoring the recent sale for over two years. The property owner saved around $170.000 per year thanks to that special treatment. Once called out, Yazel still refused to raise the property appraised value to the actual sale price, pegging the property at $19.8 million dollars.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Dan Fisher: Shearing the Flock

Senator Eddie Field's Date Getting Ready? Nope.... 

Dan Fisher Shearing the Flock

  One of the political training aspects that I refused to adopt is the shearing of the sheep, the constant plea for money from supporters, usually prompted by some issue or crisis that will stir up the base. Now no doubt the principle is sound, get money from those that are doing nothing constructive anyway and grow the effort. But it is distasteful to say the least.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

AG Report: Black Eyes For Teacher Union Thugs


The Women in Black Now are Sporting Two Black Eyes

Ah, brings to mind the old misogynistic joke, "what do you tell a woman with two black eyes"?

Nothing, you already told her twice. Andrew Dice Clay would be proud.

And relax, no women were harmed in the making of this newsletter, that pic is from a makeup website for film make up artists. God, you have to explain that for the few stupid ones out there so we don't get ugly emails.

Turns Out Possessing Child Porn is Okay if your Daddy is a County Official

May 27th 2018 Newsletter
Official photo 

Turns Out Possessing Child Porn is Okay if your Daddy is a County Official

Last December 5th Oklahoma Oklahoma County Treasurer Butch Freeman's son Forrest Nelson Freeman was arrested on child porn charges. The Edmond PD had tracked him down and seized computer equipment from his home in Midwest City, finding three hundred pictures of child porn, mainly girls between two years of age and twelve years of age. Freeman had downloaded and shared child porn and left foot prints online that lead to his arrest.

Butch Freeman
Yet after the arrest and booking the entire story disappears off the radar and off the court systems. No charges were filed, the bond was exonerated after two months of missed arraignments, and neither hide nor hair can be found on the case.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

'Soft On Crime' Poster Creep of the Week


Soft on Crime Story of the Week

Meet Roderick Scallion, career criminal that loves the current soft on crime legislature. Scallion started his adult criminal career in Hobart in 2003 just after his 20th birthday, CF-2003-00060 possession of drugs, paraphernalia, and having an open beer in his vehicle. He pleaded guilty and was released due to time served in the local jail of 120 days and ordered to pay his court and incarceration costs. Which never happened so a warrant was issued for his arrest on failure to pay. 
  A few years later he had been caught, his suspended sentence revoked, and sent to local jail for sixty days. A year later Scallion is out and still refusing to pay so he is arrested again on a second motion to revoke the suspended sentence. This time they send him to Lexington for two years but of course he is released months later as three years means a few months in actual prison. By 2007 he is still refusing to pay fines and fees and his suspended sentence is revoked again.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

House & Senate Legislators Platform Index In Online Now

House and Senate Platform Indexes Now Online

You can find and download the actual index spreadsheets for the House and Senate at these links:

Monday, May 21, 2018

Signing The Veto Referendum Is The Most Important Thing You Can Do To Defend Conservative Values

May 20th 2018 Newsletter

Simply the Most Important Thing You Can Do For Conservative Values

One of the more common excuses that people give for not getting involved in the fight is that they are powerless, that a single person can do nothing against the liberal/RINO machine that is grinding away our freedom and stealing our hard earned income. That is so wrong on so many levels but no one can argue this; your one voice coupled with 40,999 others damn sure can get something done.

Forty one thousand signatures is all that is needed to set the largest tax increase in Oklahoma history on a upcoming statewide ballot. If that can't be accomplished then there is no hope of ever holding the line against the RINOs and liberals simply because our people wouldn't deserve the line to be held. It is one thing to come to the front and lead, it is another thing to fight for others while they sit on their asses whining and crying that they are helpless.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Three Oklahoma A.G.s Are Among The Faces of Corruption

Some of the Faces of Corruption in Oklahoma

We have been following the Tar Creek Audit for years and with the release of the two audits thanks to pressure on the AG office by a lawsuit, everything that was alleged years ago has turned out to be completely true. David Van with Sooner Politics ran a story on the release of the audit last week and we read both audits and there is no doubt that this was corrupt.

Three Attorney Generals fought to hide this corruption. Drew Edmondson, Scott Pruitt, and the current weasel Mike Hunter. No doubt the corruption was protected thanks to campaign donations or political power from those that profited. What should have been a $600,000 project to clean up some old houses at Tar Creek turned into over $3,000,000 in taxpayer dollars wasted.

McGowan & White Headline Konawa Tea Party May Meeting

Konawa Tea Party

(4th) Tuesday May 22, 2018 7 - 9 PM
Kennedy Library - The Dougan Room
Konawa School, 701 W South Street

Sean & Brooke McGowan Taxpayers Unite, Referendum Petition

Jenni White - Oklahoma State Finance!

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Wagoner County Republican Corruption

That White Stuff on Top?
That's Chicken Sh*t too.....

A lot of asterisks being used in this issue but some times nothing does better than a little vulgarity to get the point across. The phrase of course was from the movie Pure Country, where an old rancher type uses the phrase to make his point on the behavior of the protagonist in the movie and it fits the behavior and character of our favorite punching bag Rep. Kevin McDugle.

McDugle managed to more than earn the distinction after the firing of his political opponent in the June Primary for HD 12. Nick Mahoney, a seven year Wagoner County deputy sheriff was fired late Monday morning by Sheriff Chris Elliott, a close friend and supporter of Kevin McDugle. Initially Elliott had wished Mahoney well on his race despite a close friendship with McDugle. Later Elliott and his wife Judy Elliott who is also the 911 coordinator for the County made statements saying that filing for office against McDugle would have "consequences".

Mahoney put out a press statement after the firing:

"When I shared my intentions to run for State House District 12 to Sheriff Elliott last January, he initially indicated that he wished me the best luck, but that he was supporting Kevin McDugle, my opponent in the State House District 12 race," said Mahoney. "I assured him that I would continue to perform my duties as expected and not let the campaign interfere with my job as a deputy sheriff and he in-kind wished me luck in my race."

Later it was said that Elliot's tone changed and dozens of emails, phone calls, and texts poured in saying that Ellion was slandering Mahoney openly as he actively campaigned against Mahoney. Elliot was accused of demanding that citizens remove their Mahoney yard signs from their private property and threatening to fire Mahoney if he didn't drop out of the race.

Elliott went further, much further, firing Mahoney for no good cause, demoting Mahoney from his public spokesperson job in the department and giving Mahoney the oldest police car in the fleet, even putting Mahoney on night shift in an effort to make it impossible for Mahoney to campaign after 5 pm and on weekends. Mahoney claims that he had no write ups for bad behavior and no disciplinary action in his seven years on the force and that the firing was pure political payback for running against Sheriff Elliott's close persona friend, Kevin McDugle.

Mahoney is determined to finish the race. Firing someone for running for office isn't legal, it is a restriction of a person's First and Fourteenth Amendments based upon their political beliefs. An employer can get away with firing someone for running against them personally, if the person works directly under an incumbent. In those cases the state has an interest in having an conflict free and smooth running public office. A private employer might get away with firing someone for running for office if it impeded their job performance but during the Randy Terrill railroad job we heard that doing so deprived the public of another choice for candidates and that it could be illegal to coerce a candidate even if they had yet to file for office.

Sheriff Elliott of course is claiming it is all lies and claimed Mahoney was fired for "conduct unbecoming" or words to that effect. All of which proves the character of Elliott, who would be suspect anyway for having such a close relationship with Kevin McDugle, a known adulterer who abandoned his wife and kids shortly after he was elected to office. McDugle has a poor voting record, quite liberal, the typical tax and spend Republican that has sold his soul to the tall building crowd.

Fake Republicans Calling Others 'Fake'

McDugle has been carrying on an affair for over a year,
while still married.

The Term "Stolen Valor" Should Also be Applied to Republicans that Refuse to Follow the Party Platform

McDugle, 2018 Platform Index Score of 24 and
Josh West, 2018 Platform Index Score of 11,

Slander a True Conservative with a 2018 Platform Index score of 92

It would appear that the intimidation tactics used by leadership of the State House of Representatives is going to continue. We have discussed this problem before, when it involved the same individual member of the alleged leadership team in the House. Now, without doing his due diligence, this same legislator has made it personal by seeing that a man was booted from the Disabled Veterans of America. If he and the DAV official would have taken the time to do a little research, they would have seen that the individual he targeted was an Honorary Member. He earned it through the work he has accomplished for Disabled Veterans.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Fallin Is A Traitor To The People

That ******* B***h

Last week a friend of mine texted me and asked if Fallin was going to sign the Constitutional Carry bill. Probably not was my answer. Their rely was that it would be ridiculous if it gets passed and vetoed by a Republican governor. I replied back saying that it was probably planned that way, legislators get credit for passing the bill and Fallin was there to kill the law with her veto and as the session had been closed early there would be no veto override even if the bill had passed with veto proof margins.

So a few days later when the reply "That ******* b***h!"came in I knew what had happened. Sure enough, in one of the reddest states in the nation we saw the bill had been vetoed by Fallin. The law would have allowed adults to carry firearms without a permit. In other words, our full Second Amendment rights would have been restored.

Senate Chickens Come Home To Roost

And Again, in the Second Time in as Many Weeks, the Skies Turned Black with the Sight of Chickens Coming Home to Roost

Last week we published the House version of the voting index in mere days after the end of the legislative session. By the end of the day on May 4th legislators had submitted their lists and within hours we had the list boiled down to nineteen crucial votes and the next day we had the completed House index.

Remember that STP doesn't give politician's credit for doing the right thing, that is their job to do the right thing. We believe that a list of bad votes makes far more sense than a list of good votes. As an example, the constitutional carry bill isn't on the index because not only was the bill the right thing to do, it was also a charade that we knew would be vetoed so why give legislators credit for passing a bill they knew would be vetoed without making sure they kept the session open long enough to override the veto?

The scores are going to be lower in heavily Democratic areas of the state but then again we see plenty of Democrats near the top of the scores, a sad indictment of the integrity of the poor scoring Republicans.

In the end the Index is the standard of the Republican Party and will not be compromised. As long as some legislators do well there is no excuse for the majority to do well.

Each vote is worth a bit over 5 points and a missed vote (blue colored text E) is worth 2.5 points. Allowing credit for missed votes is a compromise for those that miss votes for family emergencies but it allows those with many missed votes to profit so if you see a legislator with a lot of missed votes he needs chastised.

We are making one big change this year. The name will change from the Oklahoma RINO Index to the Oklahoma Platform Index to better represent the connection to the GOP Party Platform which in itself is supported by a lot of the Democrat voters in Oklahoma.

Senate Platform Index 2018

Last week we published the House version of the voting index in mere days after the end of the legislative session. By the end of the day on May 4th legislators had submitted their lists and within hours we had the list boiled down to nineteen crucial votes and the next day we had the completed House index.

Here are the bills on this year's Oklahoma Platform Index.

HB 1010 xx Teacher tax, hikes on fuel, cigarettes and other tobacco products, and a GPT increase (Gross Production Tax) N is conservative, Y is liberal. This bill was one of the worst tax increases due to the extortion that was involved and it was the single largest tax increase in state history.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Fwd: Kevin Stitt Melts Down Live On Tulsa Radio

Kevin Stitt Melt Down on KFAQ
Stuttering and Stammering While Answering Allegations
Last Wednesday the phone started buzzing early in the morning with calls coming in from Tulsa about teasers being ran by the Pat Campbell Show concerning our allegations against gubernatorial candidate Kevin Stitt. We were able to catch most of the pod cast and boy was it remarkable as Stitt completely made a fool out of himself on live radio.

A note on Campbell's style. Pat is a master at drawing in a politician, getting them to let their guard down, and tripping over themselves as a result. Little things, choices of words, calling the STP article a hit piece, calling the referendum supporters "zealots and malcontents", getting his interviewee to get stupid. Keep in mind that an hour later he had one of the referendum group leaders on his show.

The radio segment references the Sooner Tea Party article from the Sunday night before, with it being labeled as a hit piece which is fair. Bad men like Kevin Stitt need hit like this to show their true colors.

Dark Money & The Fisher Campaign

 Dan Fisher, Randy Brogdon, and Mark Kreslin
Might be Playing with Fire
Dark Money Group Illegally Spending on Dan Fisher's Campaign?

Late in the week inquiries started coming in on the Dark Money group called Citizens For Free States, a group that is spending some serious cash in a couple of the big media markets in Oklahoma promoting the abolitionists movement and in some cases advocating the Dan Fisher gubernatorial campaign.

Two men appear to be part of the group or leading the group, former Senator and GOP Chairman Randy Brogdon and a member/official of Dan Fisher's church by the name of Mark Kreslin. Kreslin is reported to be taking in $5000.00 per month from the group. Kreslin calls himself a consultant and claims the worked for congressmen in the past, has a evangelical radio show, and was the organizer for the anti abortion 2013 rally at the Capitol.

Confirmed: Teachers are Over Paid

Confirmed: Teachers are Over Paid

An excellent story confirms what STP has been saying for years; teachers are vastly overpaid for the skills they bring to the table and would be paid less if the free market actually controlled their wages. The story comes up with many reasons why across the board pay raises aren't warranted. The story deconstructs the union thug arguments one by one starting with the fact that all college degree fields have varying rates of pay, an accountant will earn less than an engineer, reflecting that it is more difficult to get an engineering degree and the free market values engineers more.

May 8th: Tulsa Republican Women Will Review The Lt. Governor Candidates

Republican Womens Club of Tulsa County

Candidates for: Oklahoma Republican Lt. Governor
Crowne Plaza Hotel
7902 S. Lewis Ave., Tulsa
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Time: 11:30 - 1:00

Cost: $20.00 for RWC members
$22.00 for non-members, Check or Cash 
LATE reservations
after 5:00 on Friday, May 4, 2018 - $22.00
$5.00 cover charge for those who are not eating. 
(Primary election is June 26, 2018)
RSVP by email at rwctulsa@gmail.com

The 2018 House Platform Index

..and again the skies turned black with the sight of chickens coming home to roost.
This year's voting index is out in record time but it was a record breaking session and the opponents of the syphilitic bastards that voted to raise taxes need the ammunition in the primary races. By the end of the day on May 4th legislators had submitted their lists and within hours we had the list boiled down to nineteen crucial votes and two of our full time staffers quickly cranked out the voting records overnight and earned some serious overtime pay.

Remember that STP doesn't give politician's credit for doing the right thing, that is their job to do the right thing. We believe that a list of bad votes makes far more sense than a list of good votes. As an example, the constitutional carry bill isn't on the index. Chances are good that Mary Fallin will veto the bill, and if she does it was arranged in advance to pull the heat off the House and Senate. Indexes that use the bill automatically give the incumbents five to ten points for something that they should be done and for something that might well turn out to be a charade.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Soft-On-Crime vs Real Reform

Soft on Crime Doesn't Reform or Stop Criminals

Meet Rocky Romell Wilson, career criminal. He shows up in April of 2011 on a criminal probable cause arrest. The charges are possession of drugs, drug paraphernalia, obstructing an officer, and driving under suspension. He is given a chance in the drug court but in May of 2012 he has a warrant issued for failing to appear. His attorney promises to bring him in but a few months later another warrant is issued for failing to appear. In October of 2012 Rocky is pleading guilty and given one year in county jail on several counts, served concurrently of course. Not only that, but two other counties that had convictions against him allowed the time to serve for those convictions as well. One year in jail cleared three counties worth of criminal charges....talk about a deal. Rocky continues to this day to pay $50.00 per month against his court fines and costs.

But while out on bond for these first charges Rocky and a female accomplice are arrested in June 2011 on charges of forgery and possession of stolen property.

'Shady Kevin' Stitt Wants To Be Governor

April 29th 2018 Newsletter

Kevin Stitt was personally banned from doing business in Georgia
Shady Kevin Stitt Wants to be Governor

Kevin Stitt thinks he is the answer to Oklahoma's problems and wants to be Governor. But Governors need to be clean living and honorable people, something that Stitt hasn't been to worried about in his life so far. There is a website that has chronicled all of this and we have reported on it several times last year but it bears repeating. There is a document out of Tennessee that documents many of the states that have booted Kevin Stitt or his company out of business or have had other regulator matters that either required becoming legal in the state or leaving the state.

In Georgia his company was fined and banned from the state forever, including companies associated with Gateway Mortgage, and Stitt himself was banned for five years for getting a mortgage license.