Mike Hunter Caught Blackmailing a Tulsa Judge
Yet Refusing to Investigate Other
Candidates for the Same Crimes
Oklahoma A.G. Mike Hunter Sitting
on a Mountain of Intel and Allegations Including Felonies, Murder, Prostitution, and Drugs
Last week an attorney friend approached me about a district judge in Tulsa, James Caputo, wanting to see a story about the guy because despite losing cases in front of the judge, the friend was impressed by Caputo's demeanor and legal knowledge and willingness to hold fair trials. I said that I needed to run it by the folks in Tulsa as it was their backyard and would know much more than I did. What I found out was there were rumors of inappropriate behavior against Caputo but all were little more than rumors and might well be trash talk by an opponent. So I was surprised to hear back from one of the Tulsa sources that a blackmail scheme had been outed involving sitting incumbent AG Mike Hunter and the OSBI.
Further checking revealed that Caputo has plenty of women supporters including his long term bailiff who has immense respect for the judge. The trash talk was just that, an organized campaign that included using the AG office and OSBI against the guy in a blackmail or extortion effort.
What is especially ironic about the AG's blackmail attempt is that Mike Hunter's entire team is sitting on a massive dump of intelligence and evidence provided by a credible source. The evidence covers at least two of this year's gubernatorial candidates, Cornett and Edmondson, including the names of credible informers on similar charges, that Hunter is accusing Caputo with, the hiring of prostitutes in some manner. There are judges, prosecutors, felons, drug dealers, and much, much, more revealed including the existence of a murder tape in a very vicious murder, yet Mike Hunter is refusing to act on the information.
Hunter has a history of this. Back in 2017 I had taken a witness down to the A.G.'s office along with a thumb drive of the recording that outed a Canadian County sex crime investigator freely sharing child porn with a co worker. The feds said that there was no question, sharing child porn is wrong as well as possessing the child porn anywhere outside the evidence locker when a log should be kept on who views the child porn.
Keep in mind that we had taken the story to the OSBI with the way paved by the Chairman of the Public Safety Committee so we walked in with some force of government behind us. The OSBI dept head listened to the tape, turing pale as a ghost during the juicy parts, and asked for a week to line up subpoenas and do the investigation. Then the guy stalled us another week and then he dumped everything into the Canadian County sheriff's lap. Who had already refused to do an investigation, telling us that he refused to smear a good man's name by investigating him. The taped testimony of a co worker of the child porn investigator had no weight with this crooked sheriff.
Hunter no doubt is terrified of ripping the scab off these allegations and one wonders how much dirt both men have on Mike Hunter to prevent Hunter from moving on these allegations.
Below is the Sooner Politics story. Visit the link and watch the video tape of Caputo flawlessly and fearlessly standing up for his rights and refuting the allegations.
This week, there was yet another attempt to discredit the judgeship of James Caputo. This one involved Mike Hunter & the Oklahoma Attorney General's office.
Caputo says that on Tuesday of this week he was called to his chambers to meet with an asst. attorney general and another unnamed associate of the AG's office.
They demanded Caputo's "immediate resignation". The AGA claimed to have evidence that incriminates the judge in a prostitution sting. The AGA said that he would use the AG's office powers to keep the allegations secret and un-prosecuted IF the judge would simply bow out of the election and resign immediately.
Caputo insisted that a full investigation is required and he is certain he would be exonerated by such a due process.
The judge and his secured personal attorney, Clark Brewster, narrated a story that the AG's office was only interested in getting rid of the judge immediately, and not at all about securing the truth.
But last spring there was yet another narrative coming from Oklahoma City. That narrative included the Secretary of State who was running for the seat Judge Caputo currently occupies. James Williamson repeatedly told Sooner Politics that Judge Caputo is a sexual harasser.
In several efforts over several months, We have not found any corroborating evidence of such harassment, even though SOS Williamson (a longtime friend & associate of AG Mike Hunter) says that the problem is rampant. In the subsequent June 26th election, Caputo easily defeated SOS James Williamson.
For his part, Caputo has not resorted to negative campaign tactics and has instead, rested on the vast & bipartisan support he has received by both defendants and victims who were dealt justice in Caputo's courtroom.
Also on Tuesday night, Defense Attorney & 2nd Amendment advocate, Kevin Adams, gave high marks to Caputo when presenting a ballot review to the Tulsa Republican Assembly. Adams said that he has presented 3 court defenses in Caputo's court and lost all of them, but was impressed with Caputo's discipline and astute adherence to constitutional due process. That same day, ACLU attorney, Laurie Phillips also endorsed Caputo. Phillips has been a leading voice on womens rights and minority discrimination matters.
What ought to concern Oklahoma voters is the attempt to use the AG's powers to suppress evidence and even purported sexual criminal behavior from the public, and then use that power to attain political defeat of disfavored judges.
When Caputo objected to the threats of the AG's office, the story was immediately and selectively leaked to media outlets. It ought to be noted that this attempt was made in the last 4 weeks of an important political election season. Caputo has served on the bench for 8 years, yet somehow these details coincidentally came to light when a vote is scheduled.