Another Example of House Leadership
Condoning Support of Democrats over Republicans
David Van at Sooner Politics wrote a story exposing Republican Rep. Carol Bush's support of Democratic candidates and other examples of Republicans like Kannaday, West, and McDugle either outright attacking Republican conservatives or helping to fund the attacks.
David Van also confirmed the timeline and proved that it was House leadership's Leslie Osborn that fired the first round, calling for conservative members to be primaried for not voting for the teacher taxes. There is even a short video showing Osborn's House floor rant against conservatives where she called for primary challengers and even billboards in the districts of those that supported the GOP Party Platform by voting against the tax increases.
It is important to spread this story far and wide. People are going to be indignant when the Tea Party supports Democrats in the general election but the fact is the Democrats will do less harm than the Republicans that are running against them. We need to remember that the Republican Party is corrupt, from State Party leadership right down into the House and Senate and nearly every state office. The GOP candidates aren't any better, Leslie Osborn herself, Matt Pinnell who exported his company's jobs to China, and all that are left in many House and Senate races are RINOs.
It is important that we hold our noses on the federal races as we can't afford to lose a single U.S. House or Senate seat. But these state senate and house seats and the state wide offices... the RINO Republicans are so shameless that little else but losing will stop the tax and spend stampede.