Dollar Don Spencer Selling out Oklahoman and the Second Amendment
Don Spencer of OK2A received his nickname after using every sliver of information to try to scare and stampede Second Amendment supporters into contributing to his bank account. Some Democrat files a bill or starts talking about filing a bill and Dollar Don goes into overdrive, over-hyping the danger of the legislation and ignoring the fact that a minority House or Senate member has less of a chance of surviving and passing into law than a box of honey buns surviving a day in Cindy Byrd's cupboard.
Yet Dollar Don has been instrumental in filing, supporting, and passing some very damaging anti Second Amendment laws like this one below:
Senator Bergstrom filed the bill with Dollar Don's support, which will create a special class of gun owners, those that work for a municipality. I suppose to protect them from the taxpayers. Even worse the bill shields both the municipality and the municipal employee from any loss, damage, or injury from the use, accidental discharge or intentional discharge of a hand gun while on municipal property. It also shields this new protected class from any civil or criminal liability from the carrying, accidental discharge, or intentional discharge of a weapon while on municipal property.
This new class of elites are also allowed to sue the municipality for infringement of the rights if the offending authority is notified of the infringement and nothing is done after 90 days.
Well, that is pretty bad for us peons... government workers can be armed so they can feel secure while taking our property rights after writing you a $450 ticket for parking in your yard while loading or unloading, or for demanding $75.00 at the dog pound after kidnapping your dog out of your front yard. No need to be polite to visitors to City Hall, if they give you any lip, just flash your gun and they will back down like they sheep they are.
But it gets worse. The bill also puts a new prohibition on lawful taxpaying citizens, it prevents the carrying of long guns onto government properties where previously only handguns were prohibited. I suppose Dollar Don is siding with the government because he fears that he might be the first sell out that is grabbed if a mob descended upon the Capitol.
Where most Second Amendment activists focus on protecting our God given and Constitutionally protected rights there are some like Dollar Don that prefer to work in the opposite direction to ensure the donations never dry up and that the Second Amendment is always under attack for fundraising purposes.