That's right, shades of Randy Terrill, we have a new champion willing to take on the illegal immigration problem in Oklahoma, albeit not as civilized and effective as former State Rep. Randy Terrill, yet one has to admit her method has a certain style to it and she does make it personal.
On Friday morning one Enrique Lopez, almost certainly an illegal alien from the sound of his name, was standing in a ditch on the Turner Turnpike. The likely scofflaw had hydroplaned off the road and while he was uninjured a member of the syphilitic bastard clan, AKA the Oklahoma Senate, came along and provided punishment for being in the country illegally. Or for not making cars safe to operate while applying make up. Or not making cars safe enough while scarfing down snacks and coffee. Pick one...
Senator Allison Ikley-Freeman, was said to be “involved” in an accident by Senate Minority leader Democrat Kay Floyd. Now I don't know about “involved”, sounds like she created the accident by driving too fast for conditions. Freeman, who we shall soundly shame and ridicule for the accident, for being a Democrat, and for having two last names, came along driving too fast and also hydroplaned off the road and enabled Lopez to die “from the injuries he sustained from the impact of the second crash.”
Hmm, sounds awful nice when you put it that way. Freeman didn't kill the man by driving too fast and smashing her car into him, she was “involved” in an accident and the man “died from the injuries he sustained from the impact of the second crash.”
Now hold on now, don't get all worried yet, Freeman was fine and was taken to the OU. Medical Center for treatment. Perhaps to remove the eye shadow brush from her forehead or to pump the box of Little Debbie cakes she was snacking on before the crash from her stomach. I bet she put up a fight. Details are few, therefore we are free to make them up, no?
And Minority Leader Democrat Senator Floyd re assured most of us with her statement:
“While we want to be respectful of her privacy, we also want to thank our colleagues in the Senate and fellow Oklahomans who’ve reached out to express their concern, and we ask everyone for continued prayers for Senator Ikley-Freeman and her family,”
Lopez it seems doesn't deserve our respect, nor concern, nor were we encouraged to waste prayers on the potential miscreant or his family.
One can only hope this is a new program by the Democrats reaching out to working class Oklahomans by ridding the state of illegal immigrants, or ridding the state of people with Mexican sounding names. One car crash at a time. If not, we have a reincarnation of Lee Denny and an illegal alien hating Democrat which is about as unlikely as an unopened box of cup cakes sitting in Freeman's pantry.