Saturday, October 28, 2017

Polling Goes South On The Legislative Leadership

The Majority of Oklahomans
Oppose Tax Increases
A recent Sooner Poll shows strong bipartisan opposition to tax increases and pay increases. The poll showed 52.7% of Oklahomans opposed increases in fuel taxes with most of them strongly opposing the tax increase.

Another part of the poll measured the pulse of the people asking if the state government had sufficient funding with existing revenue sources or if the state should raise taxes. Nearly 50% of the responses were that the state had enough funding, 33.4% said we should raise taxes, and 17.3% were unsure.

The third question of the poll showed that the Legislature's standing with the public had slipped from 53.8% having an unfavorable opinion of the state legislature to 66.3% having an unfavorable opinion with 21.7% having a somewhat favorable opinion.

The fourth question was on the proposed state worker pay raise. Opposing the pay raise was 53.5% with 9.6% unsure and 36.9% supporting a $1000.00 per year raise. You can see the entire results at this link as well as the state worker pay raise details.