Facebook Ads Begin on Monday Morning Freshmen Legislators with Bad Voting Records to be the Initial Targets Donations Urgently Needed Now
Call Your Legislator Tonight and Email them too
Starting Monday some of the worst of the freshmen legislators were targeted using Facebook ads to inform their voters of the horrible liberal voting records. The ads will be targeted by zip codes and lead back to one of the new pages on OKHD.org, where each legislator will have their own page listing their bad votes, contact information, and links to any businesses that are associated with that person.
Two of the eighteen being targeted have already let it be known that they learned their lesson in the special session or in the last session and will be voting against all tax and fee increases and any changes to deductions or anything that increases what working class and business people owe. You can visit the still under construction website here.
We will update the pages at the end of the week if they are true to their words. Some showed some good sense during the Special Session and those votes will be mentioned as their pages come online. The ads will run all week.
Donations are needed to hammer these traitors to their district's voters. Please use the donation links above in the newsletter header and no donation is too small. Every single penny will be used on Facebook ads targeting these Freshmen with the goal of turning enough of them around to foil the massive tax increase being voted on on Monday and to kill any chance of the Step Up plan being brought back up this session.