Do not be the kitty
A Call to Action to Support Trump
This week conservative legislators started the idea of doing a petition amount elected officials in support of Trump challenging the stolen election and asking for an investigation of the voter fraud. While this is symbolic at best, showing Trump that we have his back will enable him to stand his ground that much easier and prevail.
Problem is that quite a few of the RINO legislators trying hard to act like they love and support Trump and his agenda are going to look at this petition like it is a turd in the punch bowl. RINOs hate committing to things like this as it pisses off their Never Trumper and RINO donors and supporters.
So it is going to be up to the real Trump supporters whether or not this petition gets signed by more than a few dozen conservatives. We should have close to 90% of the 149 legislators and dozens if not hundreds of other elected Republicans at the state and county level.
So, please head over to Unite With Trump group at the blue link, the same group that is orchestrating the GOP take over next year. Find the Legislator Petition to Support Trump or just click on this link.
Once you have signed the petition with your name, zip code, county, and email address, we will gather each zip code's responses and forward them on to the correct legislator. Be sure and put your city and county into the message box and also tell us if you already signed up for our weekly newsletter.
This is pretty labor intensive so please volunteer to help with the tabulation and forwarding, there is 149 legislators that need emails sent to after the names are sorted out.
And why do it this way? Individuals alone seldom make an impact. But two hundred individuals signing a petition for THEIR legislator, well that is a big impact. Imagine one citizen confronting a State Senator alone. Now imagine 200 citizens pushing on the shaft of a spear aimed right at the political heart of a politician. You have his attention.