Mayor Hobb's Rally and Stop the Steal Rally
Combined Forces on Saturday
Mayor Brian Hobbs of Newkirk thought the people needed to get involved and that they would be in a mood to do just that so he scheduled a rally on the South Plaza of the Capitol on Saturday at one pm. Unknown to us another group had also pulled a permit one hour earlier and no one knew who they were.
Stop the Steal had started out on Facebook and became a victim of their own success when Facebook shut them down. They alleged that violence was advocated, okay, might have been an emotional nobody saying something stupid, you report the post and delete the post. Far more likely their growth from start to over 300,000 members was what caused Facebook to delete their page and ban them.
But the fire was lit and thousands of Stop the Steal rallies have sprung up. Completely organic and uncontrolled, raw grass roots power. So after Mayor Hobbs had set up the Stop the Steal organizers were located and agreed to combine forces. They did a quick speech on their purpose, did a animated chant, and then turned things over to Mayor Hobbs.
Around a dozen speakers participated. Here is a partial list.
Sheriff Chris west and Rep. Kevin McDugle gave general rah rah speeches. Al Gerhart with Sooner Tea Party went over what can be done immediately to help our President and what we have to do to support Trump in the future including an epic plan to reset the GOP and place it under conservative leadership. State Representatives Sean Roberts and Rep. Jay Steagall spoke of the challenges coming in the coming legislative session not knowing how much freedom we might lose and what the state can do about it. , Carol Hefner and 'Moto' Modisett with OTU gave good motivational and inspirational speeches. Incoming Senator Shane Jett spoke about the situation and his incoming Senate post. And former State Rep Mike Reynolds went over past voting scandals at the Oklahoma Election Board and the general amount of corruption in the state. Former Representative John Bennett wrapped things up with a rousing speech and a call to action. with kevin west
Regular readers will roll their eyes about the first two speakers, Chris West and Kevin McDugle. I know, but the ones that had it the hardest were they actually, sharing the stage with half the crowd knowing how Sooner Tea Party had exposed both men over the years. But here is the thing about politics; sometimes a stopped clock is right, at least twice a day. In this Constitutional crisis we have to put aside past scandals and use the public officials that do stand up for Trump. Do we believe that either man is actually for what Trump supports? Of course not, they are just opportunists, but if they can be used to help Trump then that is the right thing to do. McDugle's 2020 Trump Index score actually did increase so the constant beating has had an effect. We tend to leave politicians alone when they are heading in the right direction with only an occasional poke to keep them honest.
A lot of people asked how to donate to Trump for his defense fund. As a campaign function donations are controlled by FEC limits so if you are already maxed out to Trump they have to be careful.
Donate to the Donald Trump Defense Fund at this link. Note that up to 60% of the funds raise might go toward paying off the election debt and the balance goes into the recount fund. Money is fungible, money that is paid off the debt of the campaign is more money that Trump can put into the recount and it will be a massive amount of money.
I helped run a recount in Oklahoma County in 2012 for the Sheriff race, getting the honor of working with Stephen Jones, $50,000 was the deposit required before they would do the count. Most of it was returned but it is an expensive process to pay for the workers to recount and the lawyers that force the process to be fair and open. Then there are the lawyers suing the different states trying to steal the election.
Point being, open your wallet, there is no better investment in the future of our country and the well being of your children and grandchildren.