In the photo above the one of the far left is an enabler, as are the two on the far right. From left to right, Charlie Potts, Pam Pollard, David McLain, Carol McLarty, and Steve Curry. These were the 2019 and early 2020 GOP leaders. McLarty has since been replaced, Pam Pollard taking McLarty's National Committee Woman slot and Steve Curry continuing on as National Committee Man. A never Trumper/RINO Shane Jemison was elected to GOP Vice Chairman after these RINOs had pretty much driven the conservative GOP Vice Chair from the position.
Potts is salvageable, a go along get a long chap. Both McLarty and Curry are nice people but both were and are enablers of McLain's wild and irresponsible spending last summer. McLarty actually talked McLain out of submitting his resignation after the truth came out about his prolific waste of Republican donations and his sordid background was exposed. And do I need to mention that the last GOP balance sheet was provided to the public about a year and a half ago? Who knows the financial state of the GOP since.
Then in the center is David McLain and Pam Pollard. David is the one with the beard.....just saying is all. Not sure what his or Pam's pronouns are.
A good story about Pollard, and there are so many that can be told, was when she was running for the GOP Chairman post in 2015, against former Senator Randy Brogdon. Brogdon won quite easily as he was very conservative, a former gubernatorial candidate, and wildly popular with the younger crowd and older folks alike. Running for Vice Chair was a fairly young Hispanic woman named Estella Hernandez and Hernandez won the #2 slot. Oh, she was a cutie. On the outside only as it turned out.
Now the duties of the Vice Chair are laid out very clearly; to support the agenda of the elected Chairman. That didn't sit well with Hernandez or Pollard. Both set out early on to sabotage Chairman Randy Brogdon, making wild accusations of financial mishandling, attacking a talented staffer that had an unfortunate history with a very crazy woman live in partner, and generally doing all possible to drive the fairly elected conservative from the Chairman position.
Hernandez dreamed up an accusation that Brogdon had yelled at her and verbally abused her in a meeting. There was a meeting at GOP HQ, Hernandez, Brogdon, and a staffer. Unfortunately for Hernandez the meeting had an audio tape running but Hernandez didn't know that so after she made some wild, wild, public accusations in a letter to GOP leadership that was conveniently leaked to the news media and called for Brogdon to be impeached she went on the Pat Campbell radio show and repeated the accusations. Unknown to her Pat Campbell had already heard the tape of the meeting, had had some female staffers listen to the tape to see if he as a man had missed anything denigrating toward Hernandez, only to come to the conclusion that Hernandez was both lying and a complete bi.....biden.
A few days later there was an GOP meeting in Tulsa. The tape was not heard on air nor was it disseminated for other Republicans to listen too. Brogdon being both a consummate gentleman and a Christian, kept the tape out of the public arena, hoping to work something out with Hernandez. Hernandez backed down the night before the meeting, as STP, Sooner Tea Party, had ran a special edition newsletter to the GOP leadership and convention delegates providing the Pat Campbell Show pod cast and the background info on the little tiff. Hernandez had a frozen smile on her face at the meeting the next day, more of a grimace than smile, and Brogdon established that he was the Chairman and she was the Vice Chair. Or so he thought.
Our advice to Brogdon was to get rid of her at the meeting, demand her resignation, for causing a public ruckus and lying about the meeting and him personally abusing her. But Brogdon chose to try to be the better person and work things out.
Weeks later both Hernandez and Pollard were back at the accusations against Brogdon, demanding he be thrown out over false accusations they levied against him for week after week. The Party had come to Brogdon's defense en masse but that didn't blunt the attacks he was dealing with.
Finally a few months later Brogdon's wife gave him an ultimatum. Get out of politics. And Randy valuing a wonderful wife that was driven to the edge of decency, announced that he was resigning as Chairman.
Hernandez and Pollard both went after each other with a vengeance. The election had to be pushed out several weeks due to Party rules so Hernandez had taken over as temporary Chairman. The rumors and out right accusations leveled at each other were horrific; they treated each other worse than both had ever treated Brogdon.
Now to put things in perspective, Pollard has had a hard life and boy does it show. Hernandez was this younger, much better looking, much, much, thinner, and much more successful person than Pollard so the enmity was both professional and personal for Pollard. Pollard hated Hernandez, with a passion.
So both decided to do what had never been done before; mail out actual political post cards attacking the other. Seriously, these elections usually had all the intensity of the High School president elections and about the same amount of money spent on the campaigns, zero money spent.
There was no way that STP was going to allow Hernandez to win after the way she had treated Brogdon so a plan was set in motion with two private investigators following Hernandez husband as he went about his construction business. We had already staked out their “office” in Yukon in a residential area, and saw the half dozen fresh out of the Rio Grande illegal aliens lining up on Friday afternoon to receive their week's wages. You could be close enough to see them thumbing through the cash on the way to their car counting the money.
So once followed to a job site, the female private investigator pulled a bike out of the bed of their truck and went for a ride around the block, stopping at the job site and chatting up Hernandez's husband who was glad to invite a “neighbor” into his client's backyard to see the spiffy new tiled patio he and his illegal workers had built. The lady was awesome, chatting up one of the illegal workers down on his knees cleaning grout, asking if he had made this wonderful work, only to be met with dinner plate sized eyes and “ No English, no English!”
Thus armed with this proof of the hiring of illegal aliens the night before Sooner Tea Party (STP) had put out a special edition newsletter with a link to the tape and telling what we knew about the candidates including the one we supported, a rural Republican running for the Chairman slot. Worse, clever Estella Hernandez had put out a statement in response to the post cards that Pollard had sent out or that someone had sent out for Pollard, outlining Hernandez's absolute support for the anti illegal alien Party plank and just how serious a problem illegal aliens were. Here are two snippets from her release. Our links are acting up tonight so to read the entire statement follow this link and go down to October 10th 2015, the night before the election meeting.
“Let me (be) clear. I do not support amnesty. I, like the vast majority of Republicans, believe that the first step to solving this national problem is to protect and seal the border. It is a national security issue, it is an economic issue, and it is simply the right thing to do. “
“I will not be silenced. I will continue to advocate for our Party’s principles and beliefs. As a party we reaffirmed at this year’s convention that, “we welcome immigrants who want to legally seek freedom and opportunity, who want to work and who will embrace our values, learn the English language and respect our Union’s border and State’s sovereignty.”
So we printed Herandez's response to the Pollard attack, complete with her pretty much calling the attack racist motivated, along with the link of the video showing her and her husband employing illegals that couldn't speak a lick of English.
Then never a group to settle for good enough, later that night we sent out a second special edition after we had uploaded the audio tape of Hernandez berating Randy Brogdon, literally what she had accused Brogdon of doing to her. In the newsletter above you can read her statement written to Party officials but “leaked” to the press which is why Randy Brogdon had to go on the Tulsa radio station KFAQ to defend himself. Dropbox has since deleted the original audio file put up by the owner of the tape but it was gloriously abusive toward Randy Brogdon. That tiny little woman had a mouth on her like none other.
You can read some of the stories about Pollard on these newsletters too, she has been a constant source of corruption and amusement since 2009 when the Tea Party entered into Politics. And this last newsletter talks about having 25 more votes than they had actual delegates at the meeting of the County Chairs to elect a new Chairman. If this link is acting up and taking you to this newsletter archive use the previous archive link and go down to October 11th 2015.
This was only County GOP officials voting, so there was no weighted votes or any kind. Someone just fudged the complicated spreadsheet that counts the votes, Hernandez had been proved a liar twice over by the audio tape and the video of the illegal worker, so Hernandez was down by about 50 votes in the three way race. Shades of 2020 Trump Election Being Stolen Batman.....
Now to make this even more hilarious, Hernandez had stepped up on stage when her second announced her candidacy that day with around 35 people. I thought the stage was going to collapse under the weight. I mean a half dozen is usual as seconds on the stage. Pollard steps up with one other person, one, number uno, two against around 36 showing support on the Hernandez side. Unfortunately our candidate, a man, just had to talk about the negative campaign post cards that had been put out. Now here is the thing, Pollard was smart, didn't put her name or any name on the postcards so naturally the man got blamed for attacking the two women! Hernandez was slammed for supporting a federal bill giving Amnesty to Illegals and traveling to Washington D.C. to support the bill and her response was “Pollard was there too!”.
This is a classic Pam Pollard story, fostering an attack knowing that she was at this event supporting Amnesty for illegal aliens, arrogant and desperate enough to think she would get away with it. There is no way in hell that the male candidate did it but he was blamed, probably with Pollard starting the rumors or her few supporters. So our guy gets up on the stage to state his case and breaks down crying.... a grown man, in his late sixties or seventies, bawling like a three year old about the vicious attacks, the cries of racism against both he and Pollard, all the while knowing what snakes both women were.
Now there are a lot of things that most of us will forgive a man for but bawling in public isn't one of them. What few supporters he had he lost and most of the rural and conservative votes went to Pollard as the lesser of evils. Hernandez saw she was in an impossible position with about twice the votes that she had on stage at the beginning so she conceded the race as did the male candidate to Pollard.
Pollard for her part was just lucky that STP considered her the lesser evil and took out Hernandez. I would bet money she was behind one of the sets of post cards that went out and orchestrated the blame onto the male candidate. Then we need to look up the other stories like the time that Pollard was doing her usual job of tabulating the votes at the convention, with her sitting overhead in the balcony with a laptop hooked up to a projector that displayed the vote totals on the wall. Only to see the screen go blank for a few seconds, with a roar from the delegates as they spun around to look at Pam Pollard, then seeing the screen flash back on to cries from the crowd “The vote totals had changed!” This was not uncommon, this was almost expected. Pollard was a fine supporter of Stalin's comment about who votes not mattering but who counted the votes certainly did matter.
The last time this trick was pulled by Pollard was at a convention on the North side of Moore. We would have to look up the story but after it happened we approached the chairman of the convention and the parliamentarian asking that they entertain a motion to release the spreadsheet and any documentation on how the spreadsheet worked to a few Excel experts to verify that the voting was not rigged. The Chairman was a little turd of a House member from out near the Shawnee area named Josh Cockcroft, the parliamentarian was a House staffer, both threatened STP leadership with arrest and being thrown out of the convention. To which the reply was “I dare you to.”
A few minutes later with diplomacy having failed, Gerhart stood to a microphone calling “Point of Order” several times before the State Rep grudgingly with hate on his face for all to see, allowed the point to be made. The point was to call for the release of the spreadsheet, which was not allowed, an illegal act under Roberts Rules of Order. Leaving the microphone this was said “You just lost your mid term election.” And was booed by half the crowd. You know, the little turd didn't file for office the next year and moved out of state.
So you see, these RINOs and Never Trumpers are little different than the vicious liberals and antifa thugs. Good people getting into politics need to be ready for corruption and deceit, ready to burn through the RINO corruption and vote tampering by sheer numbers.
But you know what happened about thirty minutes later at that convention? The delegates were treated to the site of Pollard, Gerhart, and a few others marching up the balcony steps at the front of the room, and the anti corruption conservatives coming down holding up a thumb drive with the spreadsheet on it. In politics you have to be prepared to stand your ground and like Trump, be as mean as needed to get righteous work done. Decency can defeat evil if you fight fire with fire and have the stomach for it.
You will hear allegations of some not playing nice in Oklahoma politics. Those that accuse others of doing what is needed to stop the corruption are generally the ones that either cause the corruption or enable those that do the corruption and choose to say the ends justify the ends. Our advice is to read back through the STP archives using the link at the top of each newsletter and get to know these sweet talking angels that are so ready to help the new wave of activists fighting for Trump.