Oklahoma GOP Chairman David McLain Humiliated at Rally in OKC
Longtime readers know of the character of GOP Chairman David McLain and the massive problems caused by the man since he was elected a few years back. Nearly bankrupting the party to the point that they had to fire most of the help, tens of thousands of new credit card debt, donations drying up, and finally the Party being sold out to a few major RINO donors to keep the lights on.
They will also remember that Sooner Tea Party was one of the key players that made it possible for McLain to win and that we paired him with a very conservative Vice Chair and McLain was told point blank that it was to be a team effort. Then we watched as the Vice Chair was told to pound sand, that we intervened and thought the kinks were worked out only to see McLain sell everyone out.
Then we did a deep background search on the guy and found he was a fraudster that had systematically looted nine paint stores in a bankruptcy in his previous state, Georgia wasn't it?
One paint store, even two or three, well that would be a normal supplier and a company that hit bad times and folded. But nine paint stores? That is maxing out your credit at one supplier, dumping them and finding another victim till the IRS or someone from the state shuts you down for good.
So, no, no one in the state had high expectations of McLain. He had pulled in his horns, gotten the spending under control, no other way as no one was willing to throw money to a spendthrift that was traveling all over the nation with an entourage including taking his wife on trips and paying for expensive plane tickets to California for his executive director to visit his home.
But Friday night McLain embarrassed himself and the Party. He had asked to speak and was given time at the Tulsa Trump rally, filled with about 500 attendees, all their worried about Trump's election being stolen and asking for answers and learning how they could help.
And what did McLain do? He spent his entire allotment doing self promoting, informing the Trump supporters, many that no one had ever seen in GOP politics, that he had been responsible for the stellar wins across the state. Several attendees reported that most of the attendees had a “WTF” look on their face at this chunky dofus lecturing them about what a wonderful dude he was.
Oklahoma City had the Mayor Hobbs rally planned the next day and phone calls flooded in saying what a complete tool McLain was and asking that the rally planners be warned and that McLain not be allowed to speak at the rally.
So up walks Carol Hefner, an OKC Tea Party long time leader, asking that McLain be given some time on the microphone. And Mayor Hobbs flat out turned her down, saying that after McLain and his Vice Chairman Shane Jemison came out against school choice and Epic, supporting the teachers union, that he would never allow McLain to speak at one of his venues. Hobbs also recounted McLain's history of refusing to follow the very conservative Party Platform, stating that he was done with David McLain.
Afterward Mayor Hobbs told another story on McLain, part of which we had heard at the time, part of which we had not been told. Mayor Hobbs had attempted to intervene last summer when McLain was under attack for bankrupting the Party. The Party was broke, payroll coming up and no money to pay the employees. Now this is no surprise once we learned of McLain's horrible record in business, in Georgia, and again here in Oklahoma after he returned, with one company Sherman Williams, having to sue the guy over unpaid paint store bills after they already lost a fortune on the guy in the Georgia bankruptcy. But at the time this hadn't came out and didn't until Sooner Tea Party arranged a private investigator to dig into the guy's past.
So Mayor Hobbs and a conservative State Representative paid McLain a visit at his home. Mayor Hobbs offered a plan, let's let the expensive executive director go as a cost cutting measure and to restore confidence in the situation, Mayor Hobbs would come in and work daily with McLain to straighten out the finances and get some fundraisers going, and after three to four months, Mayor Hobbs would go back to running his town and his own extensive property businesses. McLain said he would consider the offer and the two public officials left.
What does McLain do? Promptly calls one of our U.S. Congressmen and complains that Mayor Hobbs and a state representative just visited him and attempted to intimidate him. Now we are not naming the state rep, but he is the most non aggressive looking and acting person you will ever meet. A man steps forward to help and in return he is accused and slandered.
After being rejected for a speaker slot on Saturday, Mayor Hobbs said McLain approached, told him what a good job he was doing, and that he would do his stuff and you do your stuff. No one stood up for McLain, no one asked why he wasn't speaking, because no one really wanted to listen to the guy self promoting himself for his next run for public office.
There was a time where we left McLain alone to focus on the election. The last year wasn't the time for internal struggle and holding McLain accountable, the election was our first priority. Well, the election is over. McLain has proved himself to be more interested in self promotion and had zero enthusiasm to set up the Stop the Steal rallies, only forwarding notices of the event after others did his job for him.
When pressed on the issue, Mayor Hobbs initially turned down flat any idea that he run for GOP Chairman next year, saying he has his hands full with his large family, his town, and his businesses. But a lot of people have been calling him Oklahoma's Mayor and encouraging him to do just that, step forward and help clean out the festering RINO controlled GOP Party and put it back on sound financial footing and headed the right direction.