Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Rep. Chris Kannady Turns Drunk Drivers Loose Upon Oklahoma

SB 712 Slipped Past Us Last Year and
Rep. Chris Kannady Turns Drunk Drivers Loose Upon Oklahoma
An amazingly bad piece of legislation got past us last year, authored by Rep Chris Kannady, funded no doubt by his campaign donation shakedown of the big law firms. This bill turns loose drunk drivers by severely limiting the use of driver booze interlocks, stopping the license suspension and/or requiring driver booze interlocks on those that receive deferred sentences, requiring a final conviction of a DUI offense or other drunk driving offense before suspending a license rather than a jury trial result or judicial sentence, eliminates the bond for appeals, and it drops the mandatory one year license suspension to 180 days after conviction.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Guest Article by Adrian Otap: NO on HB1111:

NO on HB1111: Armed Security Exemption – YES. 
MANDATORY signage – NO

Guest Article by Adrian Otap

I am writing as a deeply concerned U.S. Citizen, an Oklahoman, a SDA instructor, patriot and military veteran.

HB1111 is a piece of legislation that is of great concern for me, not just as currently written, but even more so when taken in consideration with the proposed amendment to it relating to MANDATORY signage that is neither consistent with nor compatible with current Oklahoma Alcohol Law since the Modernization of 2018.

First and foremost, because of the Modernization of 2018, the number of types of licenses to dispense alcohol as well as the number of establishments with such licenses has diversified and increased significantly.  Also, because of these increasingly dangerous times we are living in, more establishments are seeking to employ armed security guards either on a daily basis or just during special events.

With that being said, while the current Oklahoma Self-Defense Act has exemptions in place for police officers while working and private investigators while working to allow them access to the premises of an establishment licensed to dispense alcohol while armed if they do not have a handgun license, we do not have a similar exemption for licensed, CLEET certified armed security while they are working.

We should look to amend current law to correct that oversight as soon as possible.

With that being said, when it comes to question of the possible amendment to HB1111 that would LEGALLY MANDATE AND REQUIRE so-called “51%” signs at certain establishments in Oklahoma – this is something that we neither need nor want in Oklahoma.
This would be a step backwards!
We want fewer signs and not more.
It is an unneeded anachronism that is neither reflective of nor compatible with our modernized, post-2018 alcohol laws.

It either ignores or is ignorant of the fact that if an establishment has a full kitchen and serves food from a full menu, they already are required to maintain 35% gross food sales to maintain their status of having alcohol as a non-primary purpose. Just ask yourself what that could potentially mean for many establishments if that threshold is raised to 49%...?

It either ignores or is ignorant of the number of the different types of alcohol licenses than an establishment in Oklahoma may have in a post-2018 world or that a given establishment might even have multiple, overlapping licenses.

It either ignores or is ignorant of the fact that only certain establishments qualify for certain licenses. Or that depending on the type of license and/or certain activities that take place on the premises, it is legally impossible for alcohol to be the primary purpose of certain establishments.

It either ignores or is ignorant of the fact, that the OK ABLE Commission has the ultimate authority to determine, at any time, what the primary purpose of an establishment with an alcohol license is.

If someone is not sure what the “primary purpose” of an establishment in Oklahoma is, we already have a sign for that: the one that says you have to be at least 21 to walk through the front door.

What is the easiest way for a layman to ascertain if alcohol sales is the primary purpose of an establishment? Just ask yourself: If this place could no longer sell alcohol, could they stay in business? If the answer is “NO”, then alcohol is its primary purpose and it is virtually assured that you will need to be at least 21 to get in the door and taking a gun in there is probably a bad idea. Of course, Wilshire Gun in Oklahoma City has shown us for YEARS now that having all manner of weaponry in close proximity to beer and vodka is not the end of the world and that the only thing that should matter is if you drink and carry. Even then, we should set a BAC limit on it like with driving.

What the average laymen won't be able to figure out easily on their own is whether or not something is owned or operated by a public trust or a non-profit entity.

Now THAT is a sign that would be useful to some people! And since those things/places aren't "private" property, I have no issue with FORCING them, by law, to have such a sign.

We do not want to set the precedent of mandatory signs or more signs backed by force of law in Oklahoma. Forced speech is not FREE speech. Required signs serve to weaken instead of strengthen private property rights. Such signage would be an ill-conceived solution to a problem that does not exist in the first place.

As such, I would urge any legislator to vote NO on this legislation as written until it can be amended to include the aforementioned exception for armed security guards.  I would urge any legislator to vote NO on this bill if it amended to included any mention of “51%” or other mandatory signage.  In either case, I would still urge any legislator to not even vote on this bill at all if amended until you’ve had a chance to see the updated, amended bill, in its entirety, and you’ve had a chance to seek legal counsel and solicit the input of your constituents.

Very respectfully,
SDA Instructor #2020872

P.S. Here’s a partial listing of places in Oklahoma that have licenses to dispense alcohol that many might be unaware of:

  • Two Qdoba locations
  • Ten Pei Wei locations.
  • Twelve Chipotle location.
  • 6 Buffet restaurants.
  • A boba tea café.
  • An ice cream parlor.
  • A Denny’s restaurant.
  • Over ten movie theaters.
  • 2 Schlotzsky’s locations.
  • 18+ Coffee shops.
  • 6 Chuck E Cheese locations.
  • 40+ Nail salons.
  • 11+ Barber shops.
  • Another 15+ locations to include furniture stores, rock climbing gyms, cross-fit studios and water parks.
Even with the proposed amendment to HB1111, it will still be a misdemeanor to possess “any offensive weapon” other than a firearm (brass knuckles, hand chain, ninja star, etc.) on the premises of any of those establishments. Even with the proposed amendment to HB1111, it will still be a misdemeanor to possess “any offensive weapon” other than a firearm (brass knuckles, hand chain, ninja star, etc.) on the premises of any of those establishments. Let us also consider the First Amendment ramifications is someone were to consider the kirpans carried by observant male Sikhs to be an "offensive weapon"? Shall we make criminals out of people for simply practicing their religion while checking into a hotel or going to see a movie?

GOP Chairman David McLain Enabling Voter Fraud?

GOP Chairman David McLain Enabling Voter Fraud?
Here is is nearly seven months since a state committee meeting much less a budget for the GOP and GOP Chairman David McLain is back in the news for enabling voter fraud if not outright part of the fraud. Remember his highly paid assistant? One Frances Tom Demont of California? Sucking down $3,000 per month till McLain bankrupted the GOP and had to ask the national GOP for a $20,000 bailout. Demont was fired, or quit because there was no money to pay him we are told, yet as no one has seen the GOP books since August of last year it is anyone's guess.

Yet on January 30th Demont shows up at the precinct meetings, is appointed delegate, with Tulsa County GOP Chairman Bob Jack said to have vouched for Demont when he was challenged as a delegate by an attendee.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Monsters Inc.:The Medical Evidence Says Natural Death, Not Abuse

Sheriff Chris Elliot          and         Investigator Danny Elliot
Monsters Inc.
The Medical Evidence Says Natural Death, Not Abuse

The Wooley family has been through hell, falsely charged, imprisoned for eight months till bail was given, charged with sexual abuse, enabling, then with murder. The claim was that the 14th month old meth baby had been 'McDugle' raped (gotta use the code words) on a daily basis by the grandfather while watching TV on the couch with the entire family around to witness. How do we know this? Because a SANE nurse says a five year old brother named C said so, and said so in language far too sophisticated for the child to have uttered given he has a speech impediment as a meth baby himself and born to two drug using parents.

Monday, February 17, 2020

The only Info you Need on SQ 805: Drunken Driving is Always a Misdemeanor

If SQ 805 wins at the ballot and become law all DUI charges remain misdemeanors, the first time a drunk is arrested, and the tenth time the drunk is arrested. Judges will not be able to take in to account that the criminal simply refuses to get help or change. An excellent example of that was in the news last week.

Meet Max Leroy Townsend. Max drove his pickup truck into a crowd of cross country runners and murdered a few of them before driving away. He was caught later on that day and is sitting in jail in Cleveland county on 1.2 million dollar bond and has qualified for a public defender.

This wasn't Max's first brush with the law. You can check out part of his record at this link.

Max was convicted of drugs with intent to distribute in 1991 and spent five years in prison.

In March of 1997 Max was caught with weed, DUI driving, and paraphernalia. He pleads out and gets some of the charges dropped and pays some fines.

Guest Editorial: Homeschool Equal Access Bill Faces Opposition

House Bill 3293
House Bill 3293 is before the Oklahoma legislature right now. This is an idea whose time has more than arrived; and WE NEED YOUR IMMEDIATE HELP TO GET THE BILL OUT OF COMMITTEE AND VOTED ON BEFORE THE END OF THIS MONTH.
 Hb3293 permits homeschoolers to participate in public school extracurricular activities like sports and band etc. 35 other states have a similar law, and there has been zero encroachment on the homeschool community. We believe homeschoolers should have the same opportunities as other students. They pay taxes and fees just like all other students, and yet they don’t have the same equal access. Texas, which has had a similar bill in their legislature, found that 77% of homeschoolers are in favor of such a law. Furthermore, it is totally optional, and no government control for those who participate.
Can you please call TODAY in support of Hb3293 to Rep. Rhonda Baker 405-557-7311 and Vice Chair Mark Vancuren 405-557-7377. If no answer, please leave a message in support and give your address. You must be an Oklahoma resident to participate. Thanks to all for your support.
Gary Thomas

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Monsterous Malicious Prosecution Coming Out of the Wagoner County Sheriff Office

February 16th 2020 Newsletter
Sheriff Chris Elliot & Investigator Danny Elliot
Monster Inc, Wagoner County Edition

A Horrible Malicious Prosecution Pushed
by the Wagoner County Sheriff Office
A few weeks ago we received a tip on a horrible malicious prosecution going on in Wagoner County. This is going to be a terrible story to read, it certainly was uncomfortable to investigate and to write due to the subject matter. And some words we shouldn't print for the simple fact that it might trigger someone's work place email filter and cause them trouble so we will use code words on occasion in this story.
Sooner Tea Party is no friend to the criminal class and when it comes to child molesters, be it known that most of our supporters would willingly serve as executioners if we knew for a fact that the case was beyond doubt. Me personally, give me a stout rope, a tripod or sturdy tree branch, and a wood chipper blowing into a hog pen, and I would sleep well doing what needed to be done.

And in all cases were first discuss the defendant but in Wagoner County the Sheriff office and frankly the locals that run the Wagoner County District Attorney office are so ethically compromised that we first begin with considering the veracity and character of the accusers. That goes double for the Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliot and his minions.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Throwing Tim Harper Under The Bus

More on the Tim Harper Persecution and The Lack of OK2A Support

We have already been on record stating that these 2nd Amendment audits aren't something that we would do or recommend and not convinced that they are that useful or educational, but, our opinions or even reality itself doesn't mean that others don't have the right to do the audits. Our interest in this issue is the fact that it is certain at this point that OK2A leader Don Spencer was right in the middle of these audits, advising the men that were doing the audits, including giving them legal advice, up until the point that blow back occurred and Don Spencer threw everyone under the bus claiming that they weren't OK2A members.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Anti Abortion Bill Passes, Without OKGOP Support

Senator Joseph Silk
Anti Abortion Bill Passes Without GOP Support

Last week we saw the landmark pro life bill pass the House in Oklahoma, HB 1182 by Rep. Jim Olsen and Senator Allen cruised through the House floor vote 71 to 21 along party lines. I heard of the passage on the way home from work, listening to the story as I parked the car in the driveway, smiling to myself knowing that STP support for Rep Olsen was a great investment. The bill says that a doctor's license can be revoked if he performs an abortion in a case where the life of the mother is not at risk.

More Teachers Facing Rape Charges

Okay Bub, Who do You Think You Are, A Wagoner County County Commissioner?

The sheer amount of sexual abuse by Oklahoma teachers is simply amazing. Nearly 100 cases occur every year, sometimes 150 cases. Last week one paid the price, former Kiefer elementary school principle Jayson Larremore was sentenced to 20 years in prison for abusing a young relative, starting when she was nine years old till she was 16 years old. Another case of first degree rape and lewd molestation was dismissed in the plea bargain.

Worse, the creep got fifteen of the twenty years suspended, meaning five years in prison, meaning actually he will be out in a year to eighteen months.

Dollens Wants To Save Indians From Themselves

Liberal Mickey Dollens Wants to
Save Indians From Themselves
You will remember Dollens from last week on the bill that would put a luxury suite in all public and some private buildings for adult disabled people, costing well in excess of $100,000 per room. Now Dollens wants to save the Indian women from other Indians, through HB 3345 “Ida’s Law”.

The measure directs the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation to create the Office of Liaison for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons to work with state, tribal and federal law enforcement agencies on missing persons and homicide cases involving American Indian individuals. The Office is to develop best practices protocol for law enforcement response, assist families, tribal agencies and others in using NamUs; assist victims’ families in navigating state and federal district court cases; coordinate with other state offices to develop training and education on missing and murdered indigenous persons issues; and facilitate trainings for law enforcement and the public on issues relating to missing and murdered indigenous persons. The Office must include a missing persons specialist that has significant experience working with tribal communities.”

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Wagoner County Commissioner Sex Scandal Update

Commissioner James Hanning

And Speaking of Accusations of  Sexually Assaulting Kids in Grade School...
An Update on the Wagoner County Commissioner James Hanning Story

  We had hoped that dropping a bit of info on the Wagoner County case where prosecutors are trying to railroad a local man because Wagoner County Commissioner James Hanning had been caught allegedly embezzling from a jointly owned company would shake things up and see justice done. Sadly Mayes County, the county that was assigned the case after Wagoner County D.A. Jack Thorpe had recused himself from the case, has done nothing, and Mayes County is also the county where Paulsen had been arrested on speeding and expired license charges,

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Tribal Gaming Compact Is Quite Simple

The Tribal Gaming Compact Is Quite Simple

By Willard Linzy

As a non-lawyer let me provide a layman's perspective of the Tribal Gaming Compact lawsuit....

The compact languages says that they will terminate on Dec 31st... HOWEVER they will be otherwise deemed to have automatically renewed "provided that" (IF) neither party request renegotiation of Part 11 section A or E within 180 days prior to the termination date ... which gives both parties 6 months to reach an agreement.

There is NO provision that grant either party a "Right to Refuse" to renegotiate should such an action be requested and any such refusal will place the compact in jeopardy of terminating due to a failure to reach an agreement in a timely manner.

Tim Harper Update

Tim Harper Story Update

We haven't finished with the Tim Harper/OK2A story. The story last week shook the trees and more supporters have come forward supporting the story we told. OK2A leader Don Spencer was using others like Tim Harper, shoving them into the danger zones and swooping in at the last minute to claim credit.

Next week we are going to look at exactly what kind of person Tim Harper was, his law enforcement background, his military background, and what motivated him to get involved in gun rights education and legislation.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Prosecutor Admits; "Charges Are Bogus"

Prosecutor Caught on Tape

Original Prosecutor that Filed Charges Admits they were Bogus

Yet the Victim Faces Trial & Prison in Mayes County

Eufaula Police Department, City of Eufaula, Macintosh County, Mayes County Officials. and the town of Adair Conspire to Prevent Open Records Material Release Caught Red Handed Obstructing Open Records Request

Little towns can be as crooked as the big cities when it comes to protecting abuses of power and Macintosh County is no different than others it seems after they were busted dismissing a lawsuit that was seeking to access Open Record Request info from an illegal arrest made against Tyler Paulsen. Paulsen you will remember was the young man that suffered hundreds of thousands in alleged embezzlement by Wagoner County Commissioner James Hanning.