Sunday, December 3, 2017

Taliban Dan

Taliban Dan, the Gubernatorial Candidate, AdvocatesMurder Charges for Women who Abort

Radical Anti Abortion Group Members Reported to be Among Campaign Staff and Help Run the Fisher Campaign

There is no doubt that the John Birch Society is squarely behind gubernatorial candidate Dan Fisher, AKA Taliban Dan, yet as always the group tends to stick with manipulating officials from the shadows and not actually doing any political work. Fisher has been a regular speaker at the JBS events so that link is proven yet it turns out that another even more radical and disturbing group is said to be actually staffing and running the Fisher campaign. This fact came to light after a vicious "debate" on a Facebook political page and a Oklahoma political activist took the time to do some digging around into the connections and giving us enough to look into the allegations.

Enter T. Russell Hunter, a Norman Oklahoma anti abortion activist that founded a group called AHA, Abolish Human Abortion. He and a fellow we wrote about a few weeks back, Jet Walsh, are rabid defenders of the Taliban Dan campaign. Walsh even features the AHA distinctive logo on his Facebook avatar and many, including myself, had noticed the logo but the radical anti abortion group isn't that well known and few realized the logo was connected to AHA. AHA has been likened to a mix of Westburo Baptist Church and Antifa, blending hard core far religious right beliefs with radical leftist type propaganda and tactics.

What does Taliban Dan Fisher think about the AHA and their views? On the AHA Facebook page they openly endorsed Taliban Dan and the comment section drew in Dan Fisher himself commenting to the effect that yes abortion is murder, yes women who abort fetuses are murderers, and yes all murderers should be treated alike. See the following questions boiled down from the thirteen comment thread and how it was ultimately answered by Dan Fisher using his official campaign Facebook account:

Bell Smith: Does he propose death penalty for women who abort illegally?

Laura Breeden: If he thinks abortion should be treated legally as murder, and he supports the death penalty for those convicted of murder, logic would dictate that he would support the death penalty for women who abort.

Dan Fisher for Governor: The laws against murder should be applied equally to all people.

Whew.....and some people think that Dan Fisher's nickname of Taliban Dan is harsh....

Recall that a few weeks ago one of Taliban Dan's rabid supporter, Jet Walsh, advocated reporting and investigating miscarriages and parroted some of the same arguments found in the above thread that advocated first degree murder charges be considered for miscarriages.

Who are these radical activists, do they pose a danger to society, and how concerned should the voters be that they are said to be running the Dan Fisher campaign?

Fisher's supporters and staffers are said to be from two small radical Christian splinter groups. The first is called Theonomists and they advocate a strict interpretation and adoption of Mosaic Judicial Law in the U.S. and the second is AHA who is known chiefly for their protesting of churches that they don't feel are pure enough to be true Christian churches and their protesting at abortion clinics.

Theonomy doctrine was hashed together by three main activists, JR Rushdoony who is known for advocating home schooling, theologian Greg Bahnsen, and economist Gary North. The belief is that the Judicial Code of Mosaic Law, and we are talking ancient Israel, should be obligatory for all nations including Old Testament punishments for some crimes. This is also the thinking of Dan Fisher, so the moniker of Taliban Dan became a nickname that immediately rang true and stuck like glue to the Dan Fisher gubernatorial campaign. Recall that the Taliban ran Afghanistan and imposed strict Sharia law upon everyone until the U.S. sent in bombers and special ops troops to back the Northern Alliance Afghanistan groups.

One of the stances of current Theonomy leaders is to punish teenager rebellion and promiscuity with death as did Mosaic Law.

AHA, Abolish Human Abortion, was founded by T. Russel Hunter of Norman Oklahoma. The group has loosely affiliated cells spread throughout the U.S., usually centered around splinter religious sects such as Hebrews Roots, Antinomians, paedobaptists, and credobaptists. They believe that a woman that gets an abortion is a murderer that needs charged with murder in the first degree and that birth control pills are also abortion and thus murder. A question that is asked seriously is if AHA hates abortion more or does it hate organized churches more? The group has been called a terrorist group. And what the hell do those sects mentioned above stand for other than protesting/picketing other churches and abortion clinics?

Hebrew Roots advocates returning to a first century way of religion, following a strict interpretation of the Torah and studying what caused the Christian faith to split off from Judaism.

The Antinomians believe that the "saved" are not bound to follow the Law of Moses because their obedience is caused by internal principles rather than external compulsion. The word literally means against law, rejecting any laws, legalisms, and against moral, religious, and social norms.

The paedobaptists and credobaptists are flip sides of a coin, the difference is when to baptize people, either as a baby (paedobaptists) or once the person is old enough to form true beliefs about their religion (credobaptists). The schism is if being baptized automatically saves the child's soul or if only actually professing the beliefs is what saves the soul of the person. Now to most normal people this is splitting hairs but this is the stuff that splits established Churches down the middle and leads to factions walking away with half of a congregation. Why are both types attracted to the AHA movement? Simply because of the fundamentalism involved, these folks aren't known for getting along and are usually looking for a new home.

Sound familiar? Ignore or openly oppose the law because your religion says you are above the law? Isn't that the core of Taliban Dan's plan to ignore the Supreme Court and outlaw abortion?

So a fundamentalist mind set is the common point with the various believers that are attracted to Theonomy and AHA. The AHA strategy is leftist by nature, Rules for Radicals methodology, Che Guevara stuff yet the group is solidly far religious right, not liberal. Both groups are loosely organized so that the outrages and vicious behavior of their tactics can be somewhat plausibly denied by the leaders and both groups rely upon social media. They borrow heavily from tactics used by the Nazis, symbolic images and a distinctive armory of terms and phrases designed to label and brand both themselves and their targets. In line with the cult like structure, once in it is frowned upon to leave and is considered selling out or compromising principles. The abolition of abortion is their primary brand and selling point used to recruit new cult members.

Orthodox Christian leaders widely criticize both groups and that seems to be the only real similarity between the groups. The Theonomy group is largely elderly, AHA is largely radical young men (you don't think that many Christian women are willing to go back to the treatment they received in the Old Testament do you?). Theonomy was a scholarly bunch while AHA seems to be self taught radicals that are anything but willing to follow rules so why are these two groups cooperating? They do have things in common.

The solution to our social problems are thought to be Biblical by both groups. Both groups demand that U.S. culture, government, and law conform to Old Testament/Mosaic Law without exception. Both groups tend to bring in new adherents rapidly and both also lose adherents rapidly once they determine the rigidity and self righteousness of the cults once the darker faucets of the cults are revealed. Both cults are essentially anarchist in nature and consider themselves too pure to participate in normal churches and tend to advocate creating private churches or self appointed churches with no ties to established Christian sects such as Baptist or Methodist Church networks. T. Russell Hunter, the founder of AHA himself established his own church due to the lack of sufficient purity of other churches, probably for the best as these sorts cause division in the best of churches. In fact, one of the defining characteristics of AHA members is that few belong to local churches.

Both Theonomy and AHA tend to attract radical adherents, some with known acts of violence in their past. AHA has members that were convicted of felonies connected to domestic terrorism. They bombed a church while it was being built and fire bombed another church. If you really want to set off an AHA member bring up these convicted men and be treated to a lecture on how conversion to the AHA church absolves the arsonists of any past sins or acts of violence. Theonomy was listed as one of the motivating factors of Paul Jennings Hill, the guy that murdered the abortion doctor, a body guard, and injured the doctor's wife. If the cult recruits are not already radicalized the anti authority rants of both AHA and Theonomy will radicalize cult members that stick around.

The two groups are small but very loud on social media, with Facebook and Twitter being their most used platforms. The two groups tend to support each other in online battles and they certainly have mutual interests in Taliban Dan's campaign for governor. But when a group that advocates the return to Old Testament Law/Mosaic Law rubs elbows with a wildly radical anarchist religion coupled with a certainty that their religion absolves them of any sin or violence...well, that sounds awful familiar to what radical Muslims think.

A good source for more info on both AHA and Theonomy is here at this link. The link has a good number of links to attacks upon organized, established churches by the AHA cult.

Anyone that is taken in by Taliban Dan's retoric ought to look closely at the ties between AHA and the Fisher campaign. These folks are very anarchic, very dangerous, but also indicative of the kind of place that Taliban Dan Fisher wishes Oklahoma would become. Imagine being supported by the same kind of people that protest soldiers funerals, the Westburo Baptist Church types that use Antifa tactics on any that they disagree with.