Monday, October 28, 2019

Will It Be A Budget? Or Pitchforks?

And Some Good News for a Change

On Friday night at 6 pm there is to be a meeting of the OK GOP Budget Board that is tasked with looking over the train wreck of the Mclain administration and setting a firm budget to attempt to hold the Chairman responsible on spending. What is likely is that a fairly austere budget will come out of the meeting and if approved by the rest of the GOP leadership Chairman David Mclain will find himself on a short lease without his cronies snouts in the trough.

The next night is a meeting of the Executive Committee of the OK GOP also tasked with reviewing the wreckage of the Mclain administration and hopefully convince Mclain to resign quietly. The man has destroyed his own reputation, getting caught lying to the media and the state on live radio. Nothing that comes out of his mouth should be believed after the past few weeks.

Prater Accused of Corruption, In Court Petition

Oklahoma County D.A. David Prater
Caught Illegally Digging for Dirt

Back in 2012 STP drug David Prater kicking and screaming in front of a grand jury over allegations of massive campaign finance issues and the refusal to prosecute four felonies against four well connected campaign contributors to his election. Before Prater appeared before the grand jury to answer to them he slapped all four attorneys on the wrist and paid back some of the illicit campaign donations, including writing a check to a dead man. As the proceedings are secret, we will never know how many indictment votes were cast, we just know that it was less than the nine votes needed to indict him. No one is ever cleared by a grand jury, they are either indicted or not.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Republican Party or Organized Crime Syndicate?

October 27th newsletter
The disaster that we call the David Mclain administration continues to disgust both grass roots Party members and establishment types alike. This week we had a story break due to a possible mortgage fraud case involving the OK GOP State Treasurer Mike McCutchin and OK GOP Executive Director Tom Demont.

Last week we saw GOP Chairman Mclain getting caught lying about the state of their finances, pretending that the GOP wasn't broke, lying by omission in a press release stating that the Party had $20,000 in the bank and was not insolvent. Left out was the fact that the money was bailout money from the RNC, Republican National Committee.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

OTU Bunker Secret Video

OTU Bunker Secret Video
Now, we are a humble bunch at STP, renowned for being humble, probably the most humble people in the world.  Most humble people in the world....but we have our moments just like President Trump and this week we managed to capture a secret meeting in the Oklahoma Taxpayer Unite bunker and posted the video online. OTU's director refers to a previously unexplained affection for a particular frog named Pepe.
In the video Chairman David Mclain reacts to finding out they are broke and, well, a matter of the heart shall we say.  And their secret plans to raise money to pay the $25,000 debt, oh, now it is $45,000 debt after the RNC bail out loan.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

City Elders Makes the News Again

City Elders Makes the News Again
The liberal Oklahoma Gazette published a story abut Jesse Rodgers and the City Elders bunch a few weeks back, rehashing the Frontier story that laid out the facts that Rodgers has no church, no congregation, but he does have a $4000 a year tax exemption on his personal home by calling it a parsonage.
We are digging deeper into the City Elder Board members and supporters. Two in particular are interesting, Bill Shepherd of Tulsa County and Daniel Navejas of Lincoln County. Both claim to be Godly men, preachers, both have horrendous court records. We will run stories on them soon.
Bill Shepard had an arrest warrant out for him that forced him to pay something like $80,000 in back due child support in a decade long divorce and custody case. Shepherd also was sued many times and sued a few times, some of which he stopped showing up and lost. He seems to like to not pay his attorneys too.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

McLain's Sickness Is Harming Others

GOP Chairman David Mclain's
Sickness and Weakness is Harming Others
There was a time in my life that I hung out at a dance hall/bar simply because I knew no one in OKC when I first moved to OKC in the 90's, got to be a really good dancer believe it or not, and learned quickly to stay away from most of the trash that walked in the door. You learned to just hang out with friends and dance partners only.

You learned what any herd of cows or other prey animal already knows by instinct, stay away from the losers because they draw predators. The sick, the weak, even a pregnant cow will go off alone to have her calf most of the time. Allowing the sick and the weak to stay in the herd is asking for healthy animals to die too.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Child Molester Uncharged Because Assistant D.A. Represents Him?

Asst. DA Eric Jordan    and D.A.  Jack Thorpe
The Corruption of Wagoner County
Child Molester Uncharged Because Assistant D.A. Represents Him?
We pick back up on the Wagoner County railroad job on Tyler Paulsen. Previous issues have talked about how County Commissioner James Hanning is accused of embezzling tens of thousands of dollars from Paulsen and attempting to railroad the victim once the embezzlement was discovered. We coveredthe attempt to weaponize the Wagoner County Sheriffs Office and the Wagoner County District Attorneys Officein an attempt to break the victim financially. And we left off saying that two of the parties involved were accused of molesting children, which two?
(If these links do not work go up to the top and click on the Archive link to find the stories, these links keep messing up)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Worm has Turned, Mclain is Toast

The Worm has Turned,
Mclain is Toast

  The news cycle pretty much obliterated GOP Chairman David Mclain. This News 6 story made him look dishonest and cowardly after he canceled a planned interview with the reporter. The News 9 story likewise savaged Mclain for good reasons. The Oklahoman and the Tulsa World published stories critical of Mclain as well.
Friday's Pat Campbell show 7 am segment pretty much did justice on David McLain. I won't say that Pat trashed Mclain but that Mclain trashed himself by lying. Campbell called out Mclain for not telling him that the $20,000 was a loan floated by the RNC. Pat started off stating that after Mclain's early morning interview on KFAQ Mclain canceled the rest of his planned interviews. Sadly that was probably the best tactic for Mclain as he had royally melted down on the KFAQ Pat Campbell show and it wasn't gonna get any better. The financial records are out there, we sent out screen shots in the special edition newsletter on Thursday, Mclain cannot defend the indefensible.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Podcast: Turner Exposes OKGOP Vulnerabilities

  There was a time in my life that I hung out at a dance hall/bar simply because I knew no one in OKC when I first moved to OKC in the 90's, got to be a really good dancer believe it or not, and learned quickly to stay away from most of the trash that walked in the door and just hang out with friends and dance partners only.
You learned what any herd of cows or other prey animal already knows by instinct, stay away from the losers because they draw predators.  The sick, the weak, even a pregnant cow will go off alone to have her calf most of the time.   Allowing the sick and the weak to stay in the herd is asking for healthy animals to die too.
  So it is with David L. McLain, his sickness and weakness has already harmed others.  I listened to the first  David L. McLain segment on the Pat Campbell show this morning and heard Pat very upset over Mclain not telling the full story on the source and timing of the $20,000 RNC bail out money.
  On this segment below, the segment after Mike Turner interviewed, Pat called Mclain's interview on the money "disingenuous and misleading" and it indeed was.   Pat has a right to be angry, he was lied to, his audience was lied to, Mclain's sickness and weakness brought trouble.
  You can listen to the podcast where the following occurred by following the link below and looking for this heading:

Friday, October 18, 2019

Special Report: Bank Records Expose McLain's Lies

Special edition newsletter October 18th 2019. 
Lying David McLain
The GOP Bank Statements
and Credit Card Statements Prove it. 
If you haven't seen it, GOP Chairman David Mclain got called out for financial mismanagement last week by the Tulsa World. For good reasons, and not just for running the Party into bankruptcy.

In response, GOP Chairman David McLain put out the following press release on Wednesday October 16th :
Regarding the news story released earlier today: I have in front of me, a complete spreadsheet of payables which clearly document the fact that at no time has our utility services been threatened.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Citizens Grand Jury Petition Filed in Oklahoma County

Citizens Grand Jury Petition Filed in Oklahoma County
Last Tuesday the Sooner Tea Party filed a Grand Jury petition in Oklahoma County alleging that Representative Chris Kannady was involved in numerous sexual assaults, alleged that Representative Kevin McDugle was a part of one of those situations, alleging that Senator Ron Sharp had committed criminal libel against Epic Charter Schools and that the OSBI's Tommy Johnson might have been involved in a conspiracy with Senator Sharp, and that there is corruption in Oklahoma County over the refusal to file bribery charges in the 2018 Oklahoma Health Department/Pharmacy Board scandal and that Oklahoma County D.A. David Prater needs to be held accountable for not filing the bribery charges after absolute proof was put out by Non Docs in the form of text messages coupled with the director of the Pharmacy Board resigning.

Bitter Woman, Sheriff, and D.A. Office Team up to Railroad a Man

Wagoner County Sheriff Chris Elliot
The Corruption of Wagoner County
 Sheriff Chris Elliot's Office Weaponized
 Bitter Woman, Sheriff, and D.A. Office Team up to Railroad a Man
 Fake Arrest Warrants Lead to
Innocent Man's Arrest at Church
 D.A. Error in 2016 Leads to Innocent Man
Fighting to Stay out of Prison
 Two Involved in all of this Were Alleged
to Have Molested Children
Which Two?
Last week we started the Wagoner County corruption case, outlining that Wagoner County Commissioner James Hanning had allegedly been exposed embezzling from a business partner and appears to have chosen to deal with it by railroading his business partner into state prison. We wanted the first part of the story to clearly outline that embezzlement most likely occurred and that the judge had restricted discovery in the case, enormously so, outrageously so, and not clutter the story up with other aspects of the case. Now we have to discuss Tyler Paulsen and learn why he was vulnerable to being sent to prison

Monday, October 14, 2019

Rep. Kannady Loses Caucus Vote To Replace Harold Wright

Is that a finger gun Chris? A Little Soon?  Don't Miss!
Representative Chris Kannady Gets Shot Down at Caucus Retreat
The man that would be the next Gene Stipe, that is how Christopher Kannady saw himself. And he had a meteoric rise until this spring when he was tainted with the allegations of sexual battery and before that Kannady had angered wide swaths of the Tall Building Crowd with attacks on legal reform and workers comp reforms.

And Kannady had made news bragging about being responsible for the dark money that took down the conservative legislators in 2018 and for orchestrating the liquor distributor that was so bold that he showed up at the Capitol dealing out huge campaign donation checks during session, something that would normally get a person arrested.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Dishonoring Academia:: Senator Sharp's 'Diploma Mill' PhD

Senator Ron Sharp Busted
For Diploma Mill PhD
Senator Ron Sharp was called out on September 6th 2019 by OCPA for having a fraudulent PhD from a diploma mill. Amazingly enough (Sarcasm warning) this didn't get picked up by the mainstream press in Oklahoma and came to our attention after someone tweeted about the scandal.

Going back through the Oklahoma Senate bio page for Ron Sharp it appears that up till January 2018 Sharp was making the claim of holding a doctorate in education on his official senate page. In late 2017 Sharp was claiming his PhD came from the University of Kensington/University of California, sometimes with an additional blurb stating it was some sort of vocational or post secondary system. In fact, the University of California has only nine campuses and the University of Kensington was a diploma mill that operated out of a lawyer's back room office till 1996 when the L.A. Times uncovered the scam. At one point Sharp had dropped the Kensington part and was just stating the University of California. His current bio appears to be the same that appeared in January of 2018, very sparse, no mention of degrees. Sharp must have been spooked enough to remove the references to his education.

County Commissioner Faces Embezzlement Investigation

Comm. James Hanning
Crooked County Commissioner Caught Embezzling from a Partner? 
Influence Used to Squash Subpoenas
for Financial Records? 
Victim Faces Numerous Attempts
to Railroad on False Charges. 

Tyler Paulsen was just a young kid that had worked hard in construction and saved to buy land and build a house. He started dating a young woman, the daughter of James Hanning, and managed to be convinced to go into a partnership with his potential future father in law. Paulsen had money but small credit, Hanning had bad credit and no money. But Hanning was a County Commissioner in Wagoner County.

Eric Jordan Mug Shot
Along the way Paulsen claimed and documented that he invested close to $500,000 into various properties with Hanning maintaining the records and depositing most of the rent from the properties. Then the first warning sign, a vendor not being paid on time, someone that Paulsen had recommended to Hanning. The conversation with Hanning over the unpaid bills caused some alarm so Paulsen went down to another major vendor, Lowes, and pulled the statement. Thousands of dollars of materials had been delivered not to the rental properties but to Hanning's home for home improvement projects.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Debt Piling Up for OKGOP

Oklahoma GOP Facing Bankruptcy?
Donors are Pulling Automatic Donations
Big Donors Wary of Supporting Incompetence or Worse
 Oklahoma GOP Chairman David McLain faces declining finances and increasing debt as long time donors pull automatic bank draft donations to the GOP and big donors forgo supporting what many see as a failing administration.

  Credit card debt has risen above $17,000, up from $12,000 a month ago, and bank balances hover near four digits, less than one thousand dollars on occasion, for an organization that generally burns through $13,000 to $17,000 a month in expenses.