Thursday, January 26, 2023

If you Have Money you too can Molest Kids in Tulsa County

BLACKLIST LAW January 6, 2023 




Misti Center, LPC pictured with Preston Doerflinger at the 2016 Red Ribbon GALA. Misti Center, LPC’s alleged Domestic Violence Victim is pictured on the right. The right  image below has been modified to protect the alleged victim’s physical identity. 


Preston Doerflinger is an American businessman and politician who was the Oklahoma Secretary of Finance and Revenue. Doerflinger was appointed by then Governor of Oklahoma Mary Fallin on January 19,



Prior to his appointment, Doerflinger served as the city auditor for Tulsa, Oklahoma from 2009 until this appointment as Secretary of Finance and Revenue. Shortly thereafter he was also named the Director of the newly created Office of Management and Enterprise Systems. 

Between March and November of 2012, Doerflinger served as interim director of the Department of Human Services, the largest state agency. At DHS, Doerflinger was instrumental in implementing the beginning stages of the Pinnacle Plan, the largest child welfare reform in recent state history. 

Less than 24 hours after his appointment as interim director of DHS, a report by The Frontier outlined an incident where Preston Doerflinger was accused of choking his wife twice and then seizing her phone while she tried to call 9/11. (Tulsa County FD-2013-1015). Though Doerflinger was never charged with domestic abuse, he was placed in handcuffs and detained by police temporarily. 


The Frontier wrote that “despite his ascension to some of the top appointed positions in the state, Doerflinger has had a number of missteps over the years, including more than a dozen traffic citations and a 2015 arrest alleging he had “actual physical control” of a vehicle while drunk. A caller told Oklahoma City police at the time that it looked like Doerflinger, who was in the car with a crying woman, was holding the woman “hostage” in the car. 

Doerflinger resigned from Gov. Mary Fallin’s cabinet and as interim commissioner of the Oklahoma State Department of Health. 

On December 2, 2022, Misti Center, LPC was overheard at the public Courthouse by an anonymous source saying “I could be a serial killer” as part of Misti Center, LPC’s rehearsal testimony to her attorney Stephen Q. Peters as she prepared to defend her professional opinion before taking the stand in Wolfe v. Wolfe Tulsa County FD-2013-970 Family Court case. Wolfe v. Wolfe among other Court cases in the Tulsa County immediate area are currently dependent on outcomes by the Court who have heavily relied on Misti Center, LPC’s professional opinion and recommendations. 

 Allegations have surfaced that Misti Center, LPC has a history of domestic assault and battery toward her romantic partners and a possible family member. Peters advised Misti Center, LPC to not say “I could be a serial killer” on the stand. As Misti Center, LPC and her attorney were waiting outside the courtroom for Center to give her witness testimony as an involved therapist in the case, Peters asked an attorney who had exited the Wolfe vs. Wolfe courtroom, “What’s going on…?” inquiring about what was taking place inside the Courtroom. The attorney responded, “Tension. Tension.”

 It is alleged Misti Center, LPC was arrested for domestic assault and battery on December 19, 2009. At the time, Misti Center, LPC was employed at Youth Services of Tulsa. The victim is Ben Conley in said arrest report. 

According to OSCN, on December 21, 2009, Ben Conley filed for divorce against Center just two days after the reported incident: See Tulsa County FD-2009-5455 (divorce action). David Francy (husband to attorney Becki Murphy) was an attorney in the Conley v Center matter. 

It is alleged Greg Maniss is the Misti Center, LPC victim whose injuries are documented in the above right photograph. Greg Maniss is Misti Center’s ex fiancé. During this reported event it is alleged Misti Center, LPC also destroyed a child’s room (broke windows, etc.) See attached images of the reported destruction by Misti Center, LPC

. The incident is said to have been reported to the Tulsa Police. TPD Report #2020-008533 was taken by police Detective Tidwell of Riverside Division where the reported perpetrator is Misti Center, LPC. There are other allegations; a board complaint exists alleging Misti Center, LPC was sleeping with a therapy client. 

 It is alleged there are about four (4) known men Misti Center, LPC has displayed violent and destructive behaviors against.

 To this author it is unknown if Misti Center, LPC was involved in a romantic relationship with Preston Doerflinger, and if so, what the reason is that their relationship ended. Doerflinger may have finally “met his match” with Misti Center, LPC. 

In Wolfe vs. Wolfe, Misti Center, LPC is recommending the father of the children not be granted unsupervised visitation with his minor children though Center admits no abuse could have occurred within the past year. Kensey Wright is the Mother’s attorney in Wolfe v. Wolfe. As previously reported in our article, Like A Rat Fleeing A Sinking Ship, Kensey Wright Joins Doener Saunders Law Firm, Kensey Wright left the law office of N. Scott Johnson. Since, N. BLACKLIST LAW 3 BLACKLIST LAW January 6, 2023 Scott Johnson filed to withdraw from the Wolfe v Wolfe case and was granted court order to withdraw from the case on November 9, 2022. N. Scott Johnson and Associates is now named Johnson and McCord. It is rumored N. Scott Johnson became upset with attorney Kensey Wright for taking some of the N. Scott Johnson’s law firm clients to her new place of employment. 

In the guardianship case of Rosario Chico’s minor children, Misti Center, LPC has recently recommended the children be released to the father unsupervised pending severe allegations such as a history of domestic violence, child physical abuse, child sexual abuse, child neglect, hospital patient abuse, substance abuse, self-harming behaviors, suicidal threats, and pending guardianship litigation against the Father. There is a pending and active Protective Order PO-2021-3316 against the father on behalf of the minor children. The nature of the protective order is for the mentioned allegations. It appears that the Courts and “Court professionals” continue to ignore and violate said protective order. 


 N. Scott Johnson represents the father in the Chico case. Kensey Wright is still attorney of record for the father in FD-2018-1255 (Chico’s divorce action). The Tulsa Devil’s Advocate, Fox23, Channel 8, The Oklahoma Post, One Mom’s Battle, Women’s Coalition, among others have covered Chico’s case. 

It is alleged Chico has objected to Misti Center, LPC becoming involved in her minor children’s case since December of 2018, in part due to allegations that Center displays the same violent behaviors as the father of Chico’s children. It is alleged and rumored Misti Center, LPC also has alcohol abuse issues. The other reason why Chico opposes Misti Center, LPC is because since December 2018 Jamie Vogt, LPC and Catherine Welsh (Guardian ad Litem) have continuously recommended Misti Center, LPC be involved as a therapist in the Chico case. 


On February 12, 2021, Federal Case No. 21-CV-00058-JFH-SH was filed by Chico on behalf of minors A.V., P.V., and H.V. in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma against the Defendants, Welsh & McGough, PLLC, Catherine Welsh and Jamie Vogt, LPC for breach of contract, negligence, and violations to the Eighth and/or Fourteenth  Amendments to the Constitution of the United States (42 U.S.C. § 1983) in the Divorce Action. This Federal lawsuit remains active. 


As of November 15, 2022, the father in the Chico guardianship case, claims he has chosen Misti Center, LPC to be his individual therapist and as well as now serve as his family therapist. The father, claims he seeked the approval of the paternal grandmother (the current “Guardian” of Chico’s minor children) and Catherine Welsh (Guardian ad Litem) to have Misti Center, LPC as his family therapist to make the recommendation to release the minor children to him unsupervised pending the guardianship case and still active protective order. 


 It is to Chico’s knowledge that N Scott Johnson has given objections regarding using Misti Center in other cases because “he knows too much about her personal life.” In the Chico matter N. Scott Johnson recommend and allowed to be recommended that Misti Center be the therapist for the minor children. 




In the Chico case there is a video recording available on social media where the father volunteers and admits he is an addict. In the video the father admits to drinking two (2) bottles of cough medicine and forty (40) Robitussin pills in one sitting. In the video recording the Father also admits to replacing illicit drugs with abusing medications. The father is a nurse who must be able to pass drug tests to maintain his profession. The father is accused of being a domestic violence abuser, physically abusing their three minor children, and sexually abusing one of the children. 

Chico’s case has presented evidence of the father’s self-harming behavior, including messages of the father’s ex-girlfriend also discussing the father cutting himself during her relationship with the father. The father has also admitted on the Court record to cutting himself with a knife. The father is allegedly accused of deliberate cruelty to Hillcrest hospital patients. Chico’s text evidence against the father displays him using egregiously large needles on Hillcrest Hospital patients he allegedly did not like to hurt his patients (14 and 16 gauge needles, being the largest gauge needles in existence, cause more pain). 


Said allegation was documented by Hillcrest administration and through text messages. The father distributed images of patients in embarrassing situations to other colleagues, friends and family–one was of a patient with a spray can bottle in their rectum. BLACKLIST LAW 5 BLACKLIST LAW January 6, 2023 Others included disparaging remarks towards patients such as the father calling one of his patient’s a “c*nt” in a message to his co-worker. The father also frequently shared private patient information. 

It is believed that Misti Center, LPC will defend the professional position of therapist Jaime Vogt, LPC in cases where Vogt is accused of being negligent with her position and recommendations. 

Vogt appears to have found herself in more trouble: one of the cases where Vogt ignored child sexual abuse disclosures made to her is now being prosecuted by Muscogee (Creek) Nation. The prosecution press release states: 

 “First Arrest Made Following Passage of New "Victim Protection and Jurisdiction Expansion Act" 


 Media Contact: Jason Salsman (539) 286-4559 

 New legislative act was passed by Muscogee (Creek) National Council in early October. 

OKMULGEE, Okla. – The Muscogee (Creek) Nation Attorney General’s office has announced the first arrest following the passage of the Nation’s “Victim Protection and Jurisdiction Expansion Act” legislation. The legislation, designed to build upon existing MCN laws to provide greater protection for victims, Indian and non-Indian alike, was unanimously passed earlier this month by the tribe’s National Council. On Wednesday, October 26, Muscogee Nation Lighthorse Police arrested Michael Wilson of Tulsa, a non-Indian, on the charge of sexual abuse of a minor Indian child. 

 “Public safety is our nation’s top priority. The exercise of this new authority demonstrates that empowering tribal governments makes everyone safer," 

Muscogee Nation Attorney General Geri Wisner said. Wilson, 34, is currently being held on a $45,000 cash bond and will have an arraignment date set in tribal court.” It is alleged and rumored Vogt, LPC has denied turning over to the FBI the child’s forensic video interview where the child disclosed sexual abuse to her. Many parents are demanding a full investigation into Jamie Vogt, LPC, not only regarding the case being prosecuted by Muscogee Nation, but in all cases where Vogt may have ignored child abuse disclosures and condemned children to their abusers. 

The public demands a full investigation to take place regarding ALL the bad actors featured in this website. The website publishing and other website publishers will continue to investigate and consider complaints against bad actors. 2023 will be the year that determines whether those in power will protect Oklahoma children or whether the public will have to demand action against those in power, who ignore the “house of cards” that our Oklahoma court system has become.