Tuesday, October 22, 2019

McLain's Sickness Is Harming Others

GOP Chairman David Mclain's
Sickness and Weakness is Harming Others
There was a time in my life that I hung out at a dance hall/bar simply because I knew no one in OKC when I first moved to OKC in the 90's, got to be a really good dancer believe it or not, and learned quickly to stay away from most of the trash that walked in the door. You learned to just hang out with friends and dance partners only.

You learned what any herd of cows or other prey animal already knows by instinct, stay away from the losers because they draw predators. The sick, the weak, even a pregnant cow will go off alone to have her calf most of the time. Allowing the sick and the weak to stay in the herd is asking for healthy animals to die too.

The losers draw predators, men and women that take advantage of their weakness and vulnerability. They are their natural prey, going after healthy people isn't a good idea, healthy people will fight back. The weak are easy to take advantage of. You don't want predators in the herd, in the area you are hanging out in, drive out the losers, the predators go with them.

So it is with David David L. McLain, his sickness and weakness has already harmed others. I listened to the first David L. McLain segment on the Pat Campbell show this morning and heard Pat very upset over Mclain not telling the full story on the source and timing of the $20,000 RNC bail out money.

On this segment below, the segment after Mike Turner interviewed, Pat called Mclain's interview on the money "disingenuous and misleading" and it indeed was. Pat has a right to be angry, he was lied to, his audience was lied to, Mclain's sickness and weakness brought trouble.

You can listen to the pod cast where the following occurred by following the link below and looking for this heading:

Amanda Teegarden called in and boy she spun like a ceiling fan. She started attacking Turner, fabricating statements that Turner never said. First she lied about Turner undermining the fundraising. Turner was asked and he answered honestly, on one occasion he told someone to hold the donation or give it to CD5 because Turner KNEW that the credit card debt was piling up, the payroll was huge and unsustainable, and money was being wasted.

We learned about an hour later that it was one of Turner's family members that he advised not to donate. Turner talked about vouching for Mclain and introducing him to many people with big checkbooks but Mclain never called them back when they reached out.

Normal sane people know that when someone honestly admits something like this to take it as a sign of sincerity,, the person is being totally honest with you by admitting that one occasion. The vicious and immoral political animals like Amanda just spin that one tiny part and blow it up to a hundred times its real importance, victory is more important than honesty and decency. After all, "Christians" like Amanda Teegarden believe they are above others that aren't their exact faith. I know plenty of Christians that I respect, Teegarden isn't one of them thus the quotation marks.

Later when Turner tried to fund raise as Mclain was refusing to do so, the doors were slammed due to Mclain's inaction and his association with the radical City Elders group and association with the never Trumpers, something that Amanda Teegarden confirmed as working on the Victory 2020 and we all know it was Holly Gerard and her bunch that were being referenced. I like Holly, but yes, she and her bunch were Cruz supporters and campaigners and have always been never Trumpers.

But back to the point, Amanda Teegarden flat out lied about the timeline, claiming that Turner had always been trying to sabotage Mclain. Turner said nothing that would cause a reasonable person to think that. And I know better. It wasn't till August, after Mclain lied to the central committee when he said he would remove Gerard and Thomas DeMont, when the finances were so bad that they couldn't be ignored.

I got a call asking for advice in August from Turner. Mclain was out of town again and some checks needed to be signed. Turner was asked to sign the checks so he asked to see the checkbook register to verify that the funds were in the bank. Believe it or not, Turner was told to call the bank and see if there was enough money in the bank to cover the checks he was about to sign. No check register, no one knew how much was available, no one knew how many checks were out floating around, and they expected Turner to sign a check and risk hot check charges? Insane.

Let's look at the request made to Turner; to go sign some checks, without full knowledge of what other checks are 'out there', or what the balance of the account is. This is still a dangerous legal matter. It's a statutory felony to sign that check if you're 'in the red' and the check is over $500.

My advice was to first try to get Mclain to discuss the situation and then go to the other two members of the central committee, Carolyn McLarty and Steve Curry. Turner did and that led to the Friday meeting where Mclain promised to get rid of both Gerard and Demont. Which never happened BTW.

The time frame given by Mclain to Turner was said to be two weeks. But things were smoothed over.
If you look through the records that I posted you will find over $1000 worth of paint was purchased. Turner and David Dambroso were both down at the GOP helping to paint and Mike fixed ballasts and replaced bulbs, people said that half the lights were not working when they moved in. The one informal bid was $1500 minimum plus parts and supplies, Turner did it for the cost of the bulbs and ballasts, around $600.00. But Mclain made it clear early on with Turner, this was his show, and both the Sooner Politics Facebook group and I had supported Mclain based upon his promise to work closely with Turner as he was an ex legislator and could open doors and provide funding if he was put to work. This was supposed to be the unity dream team.

Instead, Mclain hired Thomas Thomas DeMont, paying him $3000 a month plus thousands more in travel costs including a ticket from San Francisco airport to one of the RNC events. Demont lives in California, as does his wife. Early on when Demont was obviously getting in the way of Turner and Mclain working closely together I had asked if Demont needed to be gone. Turner said no, he liked Demont once he got to know him and thought it would work out.

So I know that Turner didn't have concerns until August, not from the beginning. Amanda Teegarden either didn't know and just made up what fit her purpose or she just lied about the timeline.
Amanda Teegarden also lied about Inhoffe providing part of that $20,000 RNC bailout money. Inhoffe had donated a few months earlier as did Lankford, look for the Lankford Burn part of the newsletter story I posted last night. But all of that $20,000 came from the RNC. If Amanda was just pulling that out of her ass to fit her agenda or if she knew and simply lied about it is unknown but we all got to see the bank statement from October 17th showing the incoming RNC money and the utility bill payments immediately after the money hit the bank.

Amanda did one good thing, she admitted that never Trumpers were put to work on the Victory 2020 campaign. I bet Holly Gerard will thank her for confirming that. LOL

Next up was my friend of ten years, Randy Brogdon. An honorable man but politics and investing in people makes people blind sometimes. Randy claimed that Turner said that CD5 was funded by the GOP, that was not true.

Turner clearly pointed out that CD5 and other Party organs were gathering money for that race. Now Randy is an honorable man, he might have misheard so I am challenging him to go to the Pat Campbell pod cast and listen to what Turner actually said with a clear mind. And I will expect my friend Randy to correct the record on that part once he has listened to what Turner said. We don't know if Randy even heard the Turner segment, he might be relying upon Amanda or Ronda for what was said.

Brogdon did say one thing that was spot on. The job of the Vice Chair is to support the Chairman's agenda. I remember Randy telling Estella Hernandez that very thing on the tape of their meeting, the one that Estella lied about and got busted on the Pat Campbell show. Randy said that if the Chairman asked the Vice Chair to go to Poteau Oklahoma then that is what needed to be done.

What I want my friend Randy to understand is that Turner and Mclain were supported by many because it was to be a team, Mclain handling the grass roots and representing them, Turner representing the donor class and BTW Turner led the veto fight against Mary Fallin, led the fight against the Indian Cultural Center in OKC, and had a solid mid 80's voting record on the Oklahoma RINO Index for the two years he was in the legislature. I want Randy to know that Turner was squeezed out months earlier by Thomas Demont.  

What I want Randy to understand is that Mclain was pushing the City Elder agenda, not what the 70% of the delegates voted for in April. What I want Randy to understand is that the finances were in disarray, Turner went to the Carolyn McLarty and Steve Curry to set things right and nothing happened.

I believe it was late August or early September when the El Reno state committee meeting was held. Turner was there, gave a short report on something. Demont spoke much longer, it was obvious that Demont had completely replaced Turner at that point. The finances were given out from June, but not the September figures where the GOP was dead broke and living hand to mouth on a daily basis with utility and rent unpaid. I was at that meeting, no quorum, and boy was it announced fast and the meeting shut down fast with no chance to ask questions. A few hundred people wasted their time driving across the state to attend but Mclain didn't want people asking questions about the finances.

The executive committee did meet, I had been kicked off by that time. They should have been informed of the financial problems and we know that Carolyn McLarty and Steve Curry both knew at that point, so why didn't this get handled at that El Reno meeting of the executive committee?

Like the sick and weak in a herd of prey animals, David Mclain is harming decent people like Andrew Lopez and Randy Brogdon, who are trying to defend the indefensible. They might fear what might be next, the ones that are hell bent on saving Mclain do have some sunk investment of time and money in the guy but they do not have the good of the Party nor the good of Oklahoma in their hearts.

Brogdon responded to my questions and posted this:

.... to clarify what I said in regards to CD5.
I said it’s not the state GOP that should be funding congressional races. It’s role would be to furnish ground troops and and walking list to the candidates. (Not money). VC Chair Turner was rather insistent that he thought raising money for CD5 was the “most” important thing and most important race this year.

My overall point was that the State GOP is never properly funded unless the chairman does the bidding of the establishment which includes the donors. Even thin, it’s just enough to get by. You know when I was elected chairman the budget was upside down and it took several months to clean up the mess. I’ve never been a great fundraiser because my message of smaller government and power to the people doesn’t set well with the power brokers and power crazed politicians. Had Hernandez worked with me from the beginning and helped raise money rather than undermining me from day one things could have been much better.

My other point was I don’t care about the party politics and never really did. I believe in certain principles and support people who believe the same way. I don’t think that is being blind rather I believe it’s being consistent. I try to apply the principals I believe in to every aspect of my life including politics.
I appreciate you knowing that I try to live an honorable life and would ask you do the same thing you challenged me to do. Go back and listen to my comments. I’m pretty sure I did not claim that Turner said CD5 was funded by the state GOP. In fact I meant to say just the opposite. It’s not the responsibility of the GOP to fund CD5.

I never really understood what Hernandez’s motivation was other that she may have been suffering from entitlement empowerment. I I do know that David Mclain now knows what it’s like to get Hernandez'd.

Maybe a Mike Turner’s motivation was having a real concern about the budget. I’m not going to discount that but unfortunately his approach was unhealthy for the party. All I’m saying is getting Hernandez'd was the wrong approach.
I said all this to say that I really don’t care. Sorry about the long text.”

As I thought, Brogdon's comments were most likely because others called him and misreported what Turner had said, we aren't sure on that point. Because Turner specifically stated that other party organizations would handle CD5, not the Oklahoma GOP which in fact was removed from responsibility due to their financial mismanagement. What Randy didn't realize is that we had the Party funded adequately till the money was wasted and Mclain pulled in the radical abolitionists and City Elders and sold his soul to them. No one that sits on an executive board of a group calling for enforcing a religious litmus test should be a GOP chairman.

Brogdon entered into office with around $50,000 in debt from Weston, the previous GOP Chairman, but quickly raised the money to pay off the debt and function until his Vice Chair Estella Hernandez started her coup attempt. It was initially beat back and Brogdon remained in office till he was eventually harassed out of office by the worst of the liberal Republicans. He did leave the Party in good financial shape.

I did talk to Brogdon after he had posted, it was a busy work day and I couldn't respond online. Brogdon was completely unaware of both Mclarty and Curry knowing about the financial difficulties and how Mclain had turned on so many that had supported him to sell out to a radical abolitionist group. I know Randy Brogdon, he will be on the right side once he knows all the details.