Monday, July 1, 2019

T Russell Hunter Is Back, & Raising Money

I Guess Public Shaming Lasts for Three Months These Days
The Inventor of the Vehicular Post Term Abortion is Back and Trying to Raise Money
Ultra disgraced T. Russell Hunter has popped up again after a brief three month reprieve from his hateful attacks against Christian churches. Hunter had been exposed as a drunkard and criminal DUI driver after his arrest back in August of last year in a Sooner Tea Party newsletter complete with a video of the drunken leader of Free the States rambling and pleading with the police officer that had pulled him over after spotting his careening car late at night speeding through a residential area in Norman Oklahoma. Hunter had even pissed in his pants sometimes between the traffic stop and being placed in the patrol car. Here is a link to the full story about the drunken driving arrest or as T. Russell Hunter's supporters call it, the attempted Vehicular Post Term Abortion.
T. Russell Hunter had pled guilty and received a one year suspended sentence on the condition that he completed the drunk driver program and complete a payment program for the $1267.75 he owed in court fines and fees. The court record shows no record of Hunter paying anything so far so either the court records aren't being updated or Hunter is neglecting to pay the $100.00 per month payments.
An excellent recap of the political fallout of recent drunken driver arrests of political figures including T. Russell Hunter was posted by Sooner Politics in mid March. The video and printed article also talked about the backlash of the anti Christian antics of T. Russell Hunter and how the personal failings of public people discredits the very cause they represent. Hunter had issued a short three paragraph statement claiming that he was more sinful than our articles stated and then wrapped the entire bizarre arrest in God and religion claiming his God had saved him from harming others. Leave it to T. Russell Hunter to claim God was watching over him while being arrested in urine soaked dockers.....
But Hunter had laid low since his humiliating exposure in March of this year until June 26th when he sent out a blistering attack on the Southern Baptists. Avoiding the use of his full name he used a simple “Russ” in his email.
The building used on his mailing address shows up on Google Maps in a March 2019 street view as an abandoned building with a for lease sign in the front.
Being a bit jaded with T. Russell Hunter's character and actions one has to wonder why the sudden demand for fundraising? Are those $100.00 a month court payments crushing his family budget or is the inventor of the Vehicular Post Term Abortion, VPTA for short desperately trying to dig up cash before the court system revokes his suspended sentence?
T. Russell Hunter's victims in the Christian community have spread this story far and wide such as this story from one of the men that had been viciously attacked by Hunter and his abolitionist zealots.
Whatever T. Russell Hunter's situation might be the group Free the States continues to piggy back their radical attacks on Christians and Churches by using a States Rights approach, defiling the Constitutional movement and angering Christians and libertarians alike.