House and Senate Leadership and Mary FallinLose the Massive Tax Increase Vote
Oklahomans dodged a bullet this week after the House of Representatives vote on nearly a half billion dollars in increased taxes failed by a handful of votes. Leadership left the vote open for over an hour while they threatened and pressured the hold outs in the Republican caucus, using office privileges, office budgets, committee positions, the usual punishments dealt to conservative Republicans for following the Party platform.
McCall and his minions were successful in swinging two no votes, Ryan Martinez and Avery Frix of Edmond and Muskogee caved in and switched their votes to yes. The links above will take you to their Facebook pages and both need to be lit up over their pro tax increase votes.
The tax increases could be sent to a vote of the people in November of 2018 but as the RINOs are wanting the money much quicker they will either keep pounding on conservatives and moderates in the special session or will attempt to pass more tax increases by slashing deductions or removing sales tax exemptions granted in previous legislation or previous decades. Remember with the Supreme Court ruling on car sales taxes that all they have to do is change an exemption and that can be done with 51 votes.