Sunday, June 10, 2018

Sooner Tea Party Launches Legislative Watchdog Site

  The long anticipated websites are now going online. you can get a preview of the initial content at went up early this year starting with the Special Session vote index and the 2017 Index scores and votes were added by early spring. The 2018 GOP Party Platform Index scores were added before the first of June so that those challenging the incumbents had a quick way to generate a list of bad votes. Our philosophy is that the House of Representatives is the easier chamber to influence so we always lead with the House votes.

  Then our staffers completed the 49 web sites for the individual Senate Districts last week, with the 2018 GOP Platform Index scores and bad votes posted, the 2017 Index scores and bad votes posted, and the Special Session GOP Party Platform Index and bad votes posted, with the caveat that the Special Session scores haven't been cross checked yet.

  The idea was to have an easily remembered URL for a politician's voting record. plus the district number is a very short URL that leads directly to the web site for that district and the current office holder. is a lot easier to recall or copy from a printed flyer or if a voter just wants a fast way to find his Senate or House district voting records.

  Voters will find contact info for the office holder, a list of towns and zip codes in each district, a link to the actual district map, then the index score for that individual Senator or State Representative, and a list of the votes they got wrong or refused to vote on.

  We'll have much more to say about this in the next 2 weeks...