Sunday, January 13, 2019

Introducing The Trump Index

January 13th 2019 Newsletter

The Trump Index

  Each year since 2011 the Sooner Tea Party has ranked and rated the 149 State Senators and Representatives based upon their voting records on legislation at the State Capitol. The defining standard has always been the State Republican Party Platform, specifically the first page that lists ten general principles that denotes what a Republican should stand for and support. We discussed these general principles in last week's newsletter and they will continue to remain the standard for the annual voting guide.

  What will be changing is the name. For years we called the annual voting guide the Oklahoma RINO Index. Then last year we changed it to the GOP Platform Index to support the Conservative Caucus that was formed in the House of Representatives. As that group was nearly wiped out thanks to dark money funneled in by Comrade Chris Kannaday, a Republican state rep, once again we needed to consider the name of the index.

  What we settled upon is The Trump Index. Despite the whines of the RINOs Trump solidly supports the GOP Party Platform right down the line so comparing each senator and state rep to how “Trump like” they are is a natural progression. A 100 score would mean a perfect Trump match, a zero score would be more of a Nancy Pelosi match. The genius of this is that the voter doesn't need to interpret the Party Platform or know what a RINO is, they will just understand if the politician supports Trump or not.

  Of course one of the prime causes that Trump is supporting is the anti illegal alien issue. Because of that a resurgence of interest in the 2007 Randy Terrill HB 1804 legislation is awakening.