Sunday, April 7, 2019

OKGOP Legal Counsel Advises Lying To Ourselves

  We covered this last Sunday night.  Pam Pollard, State GOP Chair, refused to send out the rules, platform, and other info by the required ten day deadline so the counties could distribute the info to the delegates so everyone would know what was being voted on.  Pollard sent out an email a few days before the convention claiming she was confused on the deadline date.
  Which was a bald faced lie.  Multiple people and officials called Pollard as early as 25 days in advance of the convention reminding her of the deadline. 
  However, at the Executive Committee, & State Committee  meetings on Friday the lawyer and parliamentarian for the GOP blithely suggested that we ignore the rules and offer a motion to accept the filings as timely filed.
  Why did Pollard wait till the last minutes to put this info out?  Nothing in the proposed rule changes are needed this year and the proper thing according to State GOP Bylaws and Robert's Rules of Order is to push everything forward to the next convention with the caveat that these items be first on the agenda.
But Pollard, and most likely Senator Lankford who is pulling the strings on Pollard the last few years, want to stampede the convention.
  The best solution is for all delegates to vote no on accepting the illegal agenda items.  It is literally illegal to have these items on the agenda without the required ten days notice.  Anything that needs done can be done with the state committee albeit with a slightly higher vote needed but if it is a good idea it will pass.
  One of the items is binding delegates and raising the required percentage, the so called North Carolina model.  Yet if Trump received over 50% of the vote in Oklahoma he would own all of the delegates in the primary anyway.  And Trump is going to get a hell of a lot more than 50%, probably 95% in the Republican Primary in 2020 so why the rush?