Only $472.92 in the Bank Accounts
$12,448.35 in Credit Card
Thank you Chairman McLain
*Editors Note: Chairman David McLain was contacted before any of the negative stories started coming out last week but he refused to respond to the allegations
Saturday's state GOP State Committee meeting was interesting to say the least. The meeting was at the El Reno Public Safety Complex and although a crowd attended, not enough State Committee members showed up for a quorum so no real business was discussed. Attendees remarked that embattled GOP Chairman David McLain seemingly rushed that part of the meeting without even announcing the number of members attending, and having a crony immediately call for adjournment along with a rushed vote no doubt hoping to avoid a public fight over issues that have been boiling for several months.
Former State Auditor Gary Jones spoke and explained the horrendous financial report that had been submitted. The report was broken down into two sections, once prior to May that covered the previous Chairman's rule and one that covered the new chairman's rule, and the financial difficult the GOP is facing appears to be accelerating.
The financial report showed less than $473.00 in the three GOP bank accounts and a massive $12,48.35 credit card bill that is due and looming over the Party. The embattled GOP Chairman David McLain has struggled to raise enough money to meet the bills and payroll and has racked up a $14,000 loss in donations versus expenses.
Back in June of this year McLain demanded and received a bloated staff consisting of:
Operations Director Tom Demont
Field Representative Kyletta Ray
Account-Compliance Director Diane Strube
Technology Director Greg Baca
Tom Demont is the most troubling and controversial hire. Demont is the subject of his own story in an upcoming issue over his involvement in spreading dirt during the GOP Chairman race, his insistence that it was Lt. Gov. Matt Pinnell that had sent him with the info, and using GOP delegate info against the GOP rules.
And few knew at the time that Demont was actually running McLain's campaign. Demont is said to be receiving $3,000 per month despite having little experience in politics or Party administration other than his serving as GOP Chairman David McLain's campaign manager in the GOP race. Nearly all of the massive +$12,000.00 credit card debt can be attributed to the hiring of Demont.
Looking through the finances, it appears that the GOP has only $1000 in building lease, a quite reasonable sum given the location and size. This appears to be linked to a trust that prevents Chairmen like McLain from squandering the endowment that provides the building at a fraction of local real estate costs or putting the building up as collateral for a loan.
The rest of the over $13,000 monthly costs are unclear and had it not been for a very profitable State Convention the financial losses would be much greater.
One thing is for certain. McLain has turned out to be a horrible investment for his backers and the long standing support for the GOP from Oklahoma businesses and long time GOP donors is failing as confidence is lost in McLain. Currently the majority of the funding is said to be coming from Senator James Lankford, were it not for his generosity and his accompanying expectation of control the Oklahoma GOP probably would have their utilities shut off and be facing claims from the State Labor Dept over unpaid wages.
Continue reading for another story that explains why Chairman McLain has largely failed the majority of the state Republicans.