Sunday, March 28, 2021

Anti Trump Candidate Declares for Oklahoma GOP Chair Race After the Implosion of Their First Candidate

Ronda Vuillemont Smith with Antifa/BLM activists
Poor Ronda Vuillemont Smith, trying so hard to be relevant in the GOP only to see her first GOP Chairman candidate implode. Her first pick was Christine Leeviraphan, a self identified radical abolitionist, one of those anti abortion advocates that believes even a woman with an ectopic pregnancy be forced to sacrifice her life and continue a pregnancy. These crazy bastards advocate all abortion, even non avoidable cases, they even consider birth control a manner of abortion.

Unfortunately Christina was simply way too unqualified for the job, being unable to manage a two minute campaign speech without having half of the audience wondering about her mental abilities. She wasn't falling down stairs like Biden but her message was as disjointed and confusing. Stump speeches were met with a smattering of polite applause from a handful of delegates and blank stares from the rest of the delegates.  Bless her heart, everyone says she is a sweet lady, God told her to run she claims so it is his fault I suppose.....

Ronda then reached out to other women who refused to run until finally Ronda convinced Jenni White to run against John Bennett. How do we know this? Because Jenni said so in a convoluted manner at a rushed campaign speech at the John Birch Society weekly meeting, AKA OCPAC. Go to about the five minute mark in the video to see her campaign speech. White starts off dropping names of “friends” that have won elected office, Ronda, Ken Warner and Gaylene Stupic from Oklahoma County GOP, and while a careful listening of the speech reveals that she was just dropping names many attendees took that as claiming endorsements. That set off a fire storm. People were calling STP and complaining about Warner and Gaylene so we checked with both. Neither said that they endorsed White or encouraged her to run and other than some generic polite Facebook posts that appears to have been the case.

So back to her speech, she seems to have claimed that she ran because she saw her “friends” winning offices. She then referred to her years of running around the state and working on Republican committees, painting herself as an insider it seems.

Leading to our first question; if Jenni White has been an insider for a decade why is the Party in such a state? One would think she would be running away from her intimate involvement in the Party and claiming to be fresh leadership instead of reminding everyone that she went along and got along instead of standing up demanding change for the last ten years.

And right off the bat Jenni White and her handlers got defensive when the simple question was asked “Why are you a better candidate than John Bennett?” Ronda was the first to attack. And it seems that White's posts were being written by a surrogate as one of them referred to herself in the second person when asked about any plans. The mob quickly attacked anyone asking questions, claiming that asking questions was harassment. You simply couldn't make up anything worse than what these people are capable of.

Sadly there are people like this in politics, willing to trash a good candidate and stand up a weak candidate hoping to siphon off enough votes that the good candidate fails. Simply it is this, a vote for Jenni White is a vote for Charles Ortega for GOP chairman.

Be sure and look for our next story on the radical Facebook posts of Jenni White including the one where Jenni trashed Trump's wife Melaine.