Sunday, April 11, 2021

A Disaster of a Convention Courtesy of David Mclain

Oh, David Mclain was worried, he was really worried that Lankford and Inhofe would be humiliated on stage. Right off the bat he got on the microphone and ordered the delegates to not stand up, turn your back on a speaker, or walk out of the convention while any of the speakers spoke. Nor were we allowed to boo or cat call or we would be removed from the convention.

This was not taken well by many of the delegates as catcalls came out from across the room, “Tell us not to do something is the quickest way to get it” called out one lady. His remarks were booed as well.

And Lankford was the smart one and took the safe route by doing the prayer at the start of the meeting and shutting up. No one was going to boo during a prayer.

Inhofe lectured us for a good part of twenty minutes to a half hour. Much of what he was saying was impossible to hear, more than one call of “wrap it up!” came from the crowd, but he escaped without being trashed by the crowd. We went over to one author of one of the resolutions that had asked to talk to us and when asked what was next, the guy said we will push on with the resolution to censure Lankford and Inhofe and do things that way.

Look at the pictures below taken during Inofe's long rant, people talked to each other, studied their phones, few watched and listened. He is lucky this is his last term in office as he has lost a lot of respect.


Mclain had things arranged though. Due to the disaster of an attempt to force illegal electronic voting down our throats so much time was lost and such a division of the delegates had been instigated it was nearly 5:20 pm before we got the Chair and Vice Chair elections over with.

John Bennett won in a landslide. 56% of the vote, more than all three other candidates combined. Ortega had 405.5 votes, Jenni White got 299.9 votes, and the poor abolitionist lady Christine had a dismal41.9 votes. The Logan County abolitionists largely deserted her,, I mean less than 3% of the entire convention supported her. She said that God told her to run for office. I think she misunderstood, God told her she was a bug and to hurl herself into that speeding car windshield. Splat. The audience pretty much ignored her during her speech despite being yelled at from the podium and told to donate money to the Party. Others had made impassioned speeches; Christine just yells at people. Her face was set in stone for the remainder of the convention.

And poor Jenni White, convinced by Ronda Vuillemont Smith (RVS) to jump in after the abolitionist lady imploded at the Tulsa and Oklahoma City County conventions. Jenni had her own Squad, ladies dressed in red tee shirts, lots of spiffy literature handing out and stickers. Jenni's speech focused on the negative info put out by the Sooner Tea Party, screen shots of Jenni's Facebook posts trashing Trump and Melania, trashing the GOP, calling Trump a vile con man, comparing Melania to Catylin Jenner the tranny. There was RVS and her RVS Squad, up on stage, convinced they were going to take over after lying about Bennett, calling him a coward and saying his campaign was lying about Jenni.

The stage was literally groaning under the weight of this herd trying to convince the delegates that Jenni had wide acceptance and appeal. And she got 299.9 votes, 17.6% of the votes, I bet she spent $10.00 for every vote she won. She had a long list of negatives against her, people don't like bullies, she had disrespected the rural counties by not announcing months ago and visiting their conventions to ask for their votes, going negative with false claims against other candidates, using online bullying to tamp down those asking uncomfortable questions. And the RVS Squad of bullies fresh from a win at Tulsa County which caused quite a backlash once the lies were figured out.

And the worst part for Jenni White? Being so soundly rejected by the voters and delegates not once this week, but twice this week. She came in dead last in a four man race for her incumbent Mayor/Town Council race on Tuesday, then rejected again four days later and coming in a distant third in a four man race. Ouch. Lock up the guns Mr. White. Might lock up the booze too. But Jenni is smart enough to know what she was walking into but was either overcome with greed to steal an election that others had filed for months earlier and had worked so hard to campaign on, or she was bullied by RVS and her Squad and felt she had no choice but to jump in at the last minute in a suicide run.

And her judgement was questioned, announcing so late, not locking down her Facebook page before announcing, trashing Trump and Melania four years ago, and trashing the GOP after we chose Trump as our nominee. And she associated with the RVS Squad and received a humiliating second defeat in four days. Jenni was a trooper though. You could tell she was humiliated, her face was set in stone, marching around upright as stiff as a board as she packed her table top display and literature. So sad.+-

And Charles Ortega... he is a nice man. During the distribution of the STP push card shown below we ran into him. Shook hands and wished each other luck. I was even offered an Ortega sticker and accepted but Charles was reluctant to put it on my rear end when it was offered. And we laughed about the silliness and enjoyed the fun. One thing about Ortega, he understands politics, it isn't personal, you are both veterans afterward and have taken the risks and the blows and survived. But Ortega was asked by one of the Congressional delegation to run against Bennett and being used rarely comes out well. Around 34 counties had already censored Lankford and Inhofe, RINOs were falling like leaves as conservatives took over the County GOP leadership positions. He was lucky to get less than half the votes that Bennett received, 58% less than Bennett votes a mere 404.5 votes, 23.8% of all votes cast.

At the end of the convention so much time had been wasted that we left the convention with three years of unfinished business. 2019 resolutions and rule changes, 2020 issues, and 2021 Platform changes, Rule Changes, and Resolutions. In 2022 ALL of these issues MUST be placed as the first order of business unless something is done like calling a special convention, going through the precinct meetings, County Conventions, and paying the costs of a special convention for the sole purpose of cleaning up Pam Pollard's 2019 mess and David Mclain's 2020 and 2021 mess. When I say paying for the county convention and the special convention I mean that WE have to pay for them in the convention fees.

But, David Mclain was a good stooge and thug for Lankford. He delayed the censure votes that would have happened had they not ran out the clock and forced a quorum call and shut down the convention early. All those delegates that had spent all this time and money to be sure of voting a censure of Lankford and Inhofe were spit upon and disrespected. We didn't stand up and walk out, we didn't boo because we were told that we would have our vote for censure but we were lied to.

Congratulations David Mclain for holding the worst state convention in state history for corruption, incompetence, and for outright disrespect for all Oklahoma Republicans. Your legacy will be known for spending like a drunken sailor, incompetence, selling out to the donor class, and losing your entire base and the respect of all Republicans in the state.