Monday, August 16, 2021

Oklahoma Freedom Rally Organizers Claim "5,500" Attendees, Perhaps 1/10th to 1/8th the Actual Numbers

Man, nothing is worse than a liar because no one trusts a word out of their mouth once they have been caught.  Well organizers at the weekend Freedom Rally at the Capitol got caught telling one hell of  a lie this weekend, claiming that 5500 people showed up.

What you are looking at to the right is the 4th floor of the Capitol.  There is a 60' x 60' square that runs from those pillars in the center holding up the fifth floor hallway back to the camera side of the picture and from Senate lobby to House lobby.   That 60' square block has 3600 square feet.  But you have a big honking circle in the center that removes around 855 square feet, assuming a radius of 16.5 feet (pie are square, no, cake and cornbread is square, pie is round),. Then see those big blocks on the left and right with columns and a dark arch?  Those are small rooms that are not quite square, kind of chopped off, 255 square feet each in floor space x 4 units, around 1755 square feet of space taken out of the 60' x 60' area, leaving 1845 square feet.  

Now there is more space but let's do a spot check on that picture which by the way has 255 people in it if you blow it up and use paint to mark the heads and count each one.

Now picture a normal crowd with people a half arms length from each other, around 10 square feet per person.  A very crowded crowd might be 4.5 square feet per person.  Now think of a mosh pit, people packed like sardines, 2.5 square feet per person.

Loose crowd, might be 92 people there in that picture of  half of the area , way short.   At 4.5 square foot per person, 205 people, that is close considering that some of the crowd is under the columns that are in the North hall.  I would say that 4.5 square feet per person is a good estimate.

So you have the 3600 square feet of the 60' x 60' square that makes up the central part of the building minus the 1755 square feet for the big circle and the four triangular rooms, 1845 square feet.  And if the North hall on the 4th floor was full all the way back to the end wall that is another 540 square feet, then IF the House and Senate lobby was similarly full including the areas that are blocked by the outer walls, add another 648 square feet.  In reality maybe people would stand in the doorways, around one third of that space.  But let's be generous.  In all 3033 square feet are available if every square foot was filled, which it wasn't.  That would be around 674 people to fill the center of the capitol from Senate chamber to house chamber, and from North wall to the staircase on the South wall. Including behind the four big triangular columns and the House side where it seems they kept clear for the speakers and groupies.

674 maximum on the 4th floor.  You can see maybe fifty on both areas on the fifth floor.   But counting the empty space on the speakers side, around 650 people would be a generous count.  That balances well with the 255 people counted in that picture above.

Were there some outside?  Probably but not many.  A few hundred perhaps.

And below is a color coded floor plan, yellow is the area covered by the picture at the top with 255 people in the picture. The red lines are all the available area on the 4th floor.  Saying there were 650 people attending is extremely generous.

So why would the organizers lie about the numbers?  This was an abolitionist event with most of the attendees being abolitionists.   As always these folks inflate their numbers by a magnitude of ten trying to hide the fact of how few there truly are.  And multiple TV stories mentioned the 5500 count by the organizers while saying "hundreds" attended the rally inside and out.

These people are no better than the liberals when it comes to being honest.   Anymore when I see a preacher in politics I assume they are no better than the worst liberal tyrant and about as believable.