Monday, April 16, 2018

Creating Dan Fisher's Sanctuary State

Map of states with Sanctuary Cities
See any in Oklahoma.
Help Dan Fisher Create a Sanctuary State for Preborn Babies????

Radical abolitionist gubernatorial candidate Dan Fisher sent out a head scratching email last week asking people to help him create a sanctuary state for preborn babies. Here is part of the email:
"Across the country, individual states are asserting their sovereignty, just as the framers of our Constitution intended. In defiance of federal law, Colorado has decriminalized the recreational use of marijuana. In defiance of federal law, California has set itself up as a sanctuary state for illegal aliens.
Oklahoma could be the first state to defy federal abortion policy to create a sanctuary state for innocent preborn babies."

Now a couple of points that ought to be obvious. First, people want to use weed and they want to sneak into the U.S. to live so these people kind of want to show up to Colorado and California. Women who want abortions generally, well.... they want to have the abortion, to kill the baby, right?

So is Fisher planning on kidnapping women from other states or is the fetus supposed to kidnap the mother and force her to come to Oklahoma? Why set up a "sanctuary" state for people that want to kill their baby? Are they gonna just give up on the idea and go live in Oklahoma?

You have to figure out that this is how stupid he thinks his supporters are. Or just how stupid Dan Fisher is if he thinks that women will just move to Oklahoma so they can't have an abortion.

Fisher continues to poll at under 3% and that is with a margin of error that large or nearly that large.