- DUI Body Cam Arrest video
- Lies to Police Multiple Times
- Pisses in his Pants During Arrest
- So Drunk he is Lost on the Way Home?
- Can't Remember What Car he is Driving
- Possible Aborted Attempts to Bribe Arresting Officer?
Hunter is a notorious abolitionist leader, the founder of AHA (Abolish Human Abortion), a radical group that pickets churches for not fighting hard enough to outlaw abortion. During the picketing the AHA activists call the congregation and pastors pretty much baby killers and worse. They attack any Pro Life leader or group they can with vicious attacks. Some of their members have been convicted of fire bombing other churches in the past and other violent crimes. The group picketed former State Rep. George
Faught's own church despite his solid Pro Life voting record.
Hunter had been working at his art studio at 317 Main Street in Norman Oklahoma late one Saturday night. He alleges that he was driving one of two places to get some pizza but his route took him South instead of East, right through a residential neighborhood and city park, in a maze of residential streets, anything but a direct way home. No one knows why he was in this neighborhood at 10:30 pm on a Saturday night.
Possible reasonable routes from Hunter's studio
to his home |
Hunter was at a stop light at Alameda and Porter. The light was green but Hunter had stopped and remained motionless for five to ten seconds before gunning the vehicle into a wide outside lane turn down Sherwood Ave. One of the arresting officers said he nearly “smoked” the curve onto Reed Street, remaining on the road only because he veered into a residential driveway, swerving away from the street curb right before hitting it. Hunter was doing 50 mph in a 35 mph zone, accelerating like mad in a short stretch of road before the curve. You can hear the officer recounting this to the arresting officer at the one minute mark in the video. Around 1:20 into the video Hunter's eyes were said to be “pinging”, rapid eye movement that indicates a high level of intoxication despite Hunter claiming he had had just one beer two hours earlier.
In the video we first see Hunter acting confused, digging through the glove box searching for papers. He tells the arresting officer that he was coming from 317 East Main, repeats a lie about drinking one beer hours earlier, actually repeating that same lie three times in short order. He claimed that he was going to get a pizza and then going back to work. The officer remarks that he has a strong odor of alcohol on his breath and asks Hunter to exit the car around 3:20 into the video. Pay close attention to Hunter's left leg in the crotch area, no signs of urine stains at this time.
Hunter fails the first sobriety test, the eye/finger test. His head keeps moving despite instructions not to move his head, only his eyes. He can't follow the instructions, a sure sign of a drunken driver, the cop has to ask him multiple times to stand still and Hunter tries to start the walk and turn sobriety test despite numerous instructions to wait till he is told to start the test. Around 8:20 or so Hunter tries to start the test and is stopped several times before he is instructed to do the test. Hunter wobbles through the test, giving off numerous clues and signs of inebriation. See this article for detailed info on the tests and the actual incident/arrest report.
Around 10:17 Hunter fails the one leg test. By the count of three Hunter is wobbling and moving his arms to attempt to maintain balance, jamming his right leg out to prevent a fall. On the second attempt he gets to the third count before wobbling and repeating the third count two times, fighting to stay balanced, arms coming away from his side. By count 12 he drops his foot despite instructions to keep counting till told to stop. Around 11:30 he drops his foot, stares at the cop, then continues to attempt to do the test despite being told to stop. At this point Hunter remarks that he “doesn't think he is doing the test right.” Look at his front left crotch area again, no evidence of urine stains at this point.
A normal route from studio to home showing where
Hunter was arrested |
Around 11:42 into the video Hunter is told to put his hands behind his back and becomes highly confused and hesitant. After being told twice to put his hands behind his back Hunter complies and is cuffed. Around 11:54 in the video there is no evidence of urine stains on his pants.
Around 12:18 the cop confronts Hunter about the one beer two hours ago lie. Hunter admits to drinking an unknown amount of vodka while working on drawings at his art studio. He confesses to not knowing how much he had drank. The cop asks if he was using a tumbler or a shot glass, Hunter hesitates, confused, before stating that he was using a cup but was unaware of how many times he had refilled the cup.
In another video on Facebook Hunter admits to hiding his drinking from his wife.
Around 13:18 into the video Hunter says “Can I talk to you?” while being led to the squad car. He claims he was “going to get a pizza, was going to eat a pizza, and I was gonna go home.” Hunter appears to start to ask if he can somehow stop the arrest but the police officer guesses his intention and stops him and says no.
Around 13:55 the police officer is attempting to put Hunter into the back of the squad car. Hunter again haltingly asks “...is there any way...” and the police officer finishes the sentence “that I can un arrest you?” Hunter nervously laughs, but again at 14:20 into the video Hunter says “I was just wondering if I can go home and go to sleep....thinking about my wife....”
Again at 15:27 Hunter repeats the request in a more direct and desperate manner “I am just wondering... if there is any possibility whatsoever that I could drive home...”. The police officer stops him immediately “No, you can't drive period.” Hunter continues “No, if you could drive me home....”. Hunter stumbles for words and exclaims “No, I am not that inebriated... The police officer replies, “You are pretty intoxicated, you have urine on your pants.” Sure enough, at 15:49 into the video we see that T. Russell Hunter has pissed in his pants. Hunter looks down at his crotch area mystified to see a dollar bill sized urine stain that wasn't there before. Sometimes between his being hand cuffed around 11:50 or so and 15:27 Hunter has pissed in his pants.
Meanwhile Hunter is sitting in the back of the squad car with his legs outside, staring at the urine stain on his crotch while the police officer talks about Hunter failing the sobriety tests and showing clues and signs during the tests that indicate high intoxication.
Hunter is persistent, around 16:22 into the video Hunter says “Officer Hicks, I am just asking if there is any way possible...” The police officer says “No.” Hunter gets animated and exclaims “I get you man but I am telling you for the sake of my wife and my children is there anyway....I know you probably hear this...” The police officer finishes Hunter's sentence “Lots of people.” Hunter exclaims “I do not disagree about he consequences....I made a bad decision to drive home to get some pizza... I am wondering... I am wondering... if it is at all possible....” . And the police officer, God bless his soul, replies “ It is not.”
Hunter of course was headed away from his home when he was pulled over, 90 degrees away from a normal route, through a warren of residential streets that no sober or sane person would use.
The long suffering and very polite and respectful police officer asks Hunter to take the State's test for alcohol blood levels. Hunter says “Sure, sure.” while shaking his head no.
The rest of the video is uneventful other than more requests to be released and confusion shown by Hunter on the circumstances of his arrest.
At 26:45 Hunter has been mumbling in the back seat. You can catch the words “criminal” and “I'm sorry. More mumbling about his wife and unintelligible talking. Around 28:45 Hunter appears to be asking why he was stopped and the police officer repeats that he had been sitting at a green light for a while and how Hunter had gunned the vehicle away from the green light. Hunter says “...crazy because I was driving a Prius.” The police officer corrects Hunter, it was a Kia. Hunter argues “No, it was a Prius. Oh yeah, a Kia... I have a Prius... wife... “ more mumbling... “not a total hybrid.” The mumbling continues till around 29:30 into the video.
Somewhere around the 31:00 mark Hunter is mumbling and the police officer replies “Not offended by it.” Perhaps Hunter was mumbling about pissing in his pants or being arrested, hard to understand what Hunter is mumbling. Around 32:05 Hunter is asking about his Kia and is told it will be impounded.
Around 34:33 the squad car is waiting outside a gate to be buzzed into the jail parking lot but the buzzer or gate is broken. As they sit there around 35:46 we hear more mumbling from Hunter and the police officer says “What?” More mumbling.... and the cop says “About what?” Then we can hear Hunter clearly again saying “I was just thinking there is nothing you can do about helping me..... “ The police officer stops him and says “I don't know how to answer that, I am not going to not help you... but I can't un arrest you or stop the process... that is what I mean.”
Close up of the warren of residential streets where
Hunter was headed is above |
Around 36:35 Hunter says”Did I seriously sit at a green light and … “, more mumbling. The cop finishes Hunter sentence “speed off? Yeah” Hunter mumbles something then you can clearly hear “ ….I was on Facebook.... “ around 36:50 approximately.
Hunter was stopped in a residential area headed away from his home. He changed his story multiple times, claiming he was going for pizza, then that he was going home for pizza, while headed away from his home. See the maps for details of his route and possible routes to and from work to his home. He lied to the first cop that pulled him over, claiming one beer two hours before, then lied three or four times to the arresting officer about a beer and a two hour time frame. Count the attempts to get the cop to turn him loose, at least a half dozen. Only Hunter knows exactly where he was headed at 10:30 on a Saturday night, could be for more booze, could have been headed over for some non marital romance for all we know, or it could just be that Hunter was stinking drunk and was lost.
The videos that Hunter's supporter put up tell a vastly different story. A video that Hunter put out last Saturday we believe, 1 2 and 3 (click on the links on the numbers to watch) totally contradicts the body cam arrest video from the Norman Police Department. The Hunter supporter videos are actually a cell phone video of a Facebook Live video that was not shared with the general public. Only a portion appears to be on these three videos of a video. Despite numerous demand Hunter and his supporters refuse to release the entire Hunter video. And for good reason, it appears he lied to his supporters not thinking the arrest video would come out.
Hunter does an excellent job at claiming remorse, including copious sniveling and crocodile tears, claiming that he was glad that he had been stopped so that he could turn his life around. Well, lying to the cops and asking multiple times to be turned loose doesn't fit that narrative. One can also extrapolate with some confidence that the multiple attempts to convince the arresting officer to release him might have well turned into a bribery attempt had the police officer not been as adamant in saying “No.” The video seems to be more of a rallying cry to push harder against the Pro Life movement.
Interestingly enough that "cup" that he was drinking out of turned out to be a Sonic drink cup, probably a Route 44, filled with vodka, ice, and an energy drink. And the recount of the arrest leaves out the swerving off the road, lying to the cops, and at the very end of the third segment Hunter pretty much admits this was probably not the first time if you listen carefully
Above is an unlikely but possible route that Hunter appeared
to be taking or perhaps he was simply confused and
lost and driving around aimlessly |
Hunter's sycophants, cult like supporters, and the some of the John Birch Society leaders claim that Hunter is being unfairly attacked, that this is a personal matter to be dealt with by his family and his church. But odds are neither the family or church knows the truth or has seen this video. What is clear is that Hunter only apologized to his small group of supporters in a private Face book video that they are refusing to share or link to. One supporter has shared a cell phone video or two that are obviously missing large sections of the video. Despite numerous requests Hunter and his supporters refuse to provide a link to the actual video and he refuses to apologize to the citizens of Norman for risking the lives of anyone that was driving around that late August Saturday night.
Hunter has viciously attacked the Pro Life movement and is now reaping what he sowed. The abolitionist movement will implode if Hunter goes down or if he doesn't go down as no one will be able to listen to the guy without thinking about the hypocrisy of a man trying to save babies while driving drunk and endangering countless adults and children while driving drunk. One private investigator said it best, few drunks get caught the first time they drive drunk.