Monday, January 11, 2021

Misinformation & Stupid Ideas

And Stupid Ideas
The rumor mills are running wild right now. Rumors of the Insurrection Act being implemented, martial law, troop movements, wild stories from Italy claiming they have a smoking gun on the voter fraud and a man admitting that he helped orchestrate it all, the internet is a buzz with rumors and conspiracies. Nancy Pelosi's laptop has been seized, arrests of congressmen and women are imminent, some really weird stuff is being pumped out.
People are desperate right now for some good news and I hope and pray that some of these rumors are true and Trump somehow manages to pull off a miracle. But experience and common sense tells me that Biden is going to take over on the 20th and the Democrats are going to go on a rampage passing regulations and laws stripping us of so much of our liberties and rights.  I will be glad to be proven wrong.
Some well meaning patriots are bleating about succession. A stupid idea under current circumstances. Imagine immigration checkpoints at the Oklahoma borders. Loosing our military bases. Federal aid such as welfare and SS being eliminated. There may come a time for considering succession but not now, not until things became unbearable.
About as stupid are talks about starting a third party. Ross Perot gave us Bill Clinton for eight years. We can win only by splintering the Democrats, not our own base. We understand the frustration but if someone breaks into your home and squats there do you go buy a new house or do you get help to throw them out?
After last year anything might happen but we all have to be aware that the enemy is going to spread disinformation and set traps for Trump supporters. A liberal acquaintance posted the flyer below and it just smacks of being written by a communist agitator. In this climate asking for an armed rally in simply insane.
What is needed right now is for everyone to just settle down and relax. The Democrat Party will splinter within the first hundred days as the moderates refuse to support some of the crazy legislation like the New Green Deal and gun control. Then the factions will turn on each other, a few Democrats in the Senate and more than a few in the House might well change parties. We need to take over the GOP though and clean out the never Trumper's and RINOs, and start holding our state legislature accountable.
Another thing is to pressure the legislature to prepare for an out of control federal government by stiffening laws against federal meddling in state matters, using the Tenth Amendment to keep the federal government in its place. Fortress Oklahoma is achievable and legal and peaceful. If that doesn't stop the liberals from messing with us then we can talk about stronger measures.
When the time comes that guns are being confiscated that would be the time for an armed march on the state capitols but if it comes to that it will be bloody and excessive and would end with thousands of politicians decorating the light poles and patriots dying in the street gut shot. If that happens expect China to move on Taiwan and sink any U.S. ship within reach. The U.S. dollar would lose reserve currency status with a civil war or insurrection, retirement accounts would evaporate, pensions would fail, and life as we know it would change in a heartbeat.
Or we could take over the GOP, begin to hold politicians accountable, and do the honest work needed to set things right.  Be ready to go to the precinct meetings in your county or shut up and live with a foot on your neck.