Sunday, January 24, 2021

OCPAC's Tin Foil Hat Sale

Tin Foil Hat Liners For Sale

OCPAC's leader Bob Linn has shown that crazy isn't shallow but it just gets deeper the closer you look.  His January 11th article was selling hope to the gullible like a two bit evangelical preacher:

 “Gratefully, President Donald Trump, in fulfillment of his constitutional obligations to the American people, has implemented the Insurrection Act. 

There have been visual citings of U.S. troop movements the past couple of days. We are no doubt at a crossroads in America. We will either forcibly resist the Deep State or our offspring will suffer under the dark reign of an anti-Christian tyranny seeking to satisfy their own lusts for money, power, and pleasure.”

 It reads as if he was counting on President Trump invoking martial law and arresting Congress or something equally implausible.   Do we wish Trump could?  Hell yes, but anyone with a smidgen of common sense knew that it was highly improbable.    And Linn seemed to have been counting on the military saving our country, from the evil, lustful and greedy “anti Christians”.

Does that also mean old Bob gets arrested?  Not only did he print the screed below, he has  reprinted it twice since at the bottom of his newsletter so he is mighty proud of his writing:

 “Protestants, Catholics, and the Orthodox church have been infiltrated. Our beloved evangelistic organizations have seen wolves in sheep's clothing rise to the very top

The head of the Russian Orthodox church is a KGB agent. The Pope is a Marxist. The evangelical church has been deeply penetrated. That penetration goes to the very top of institutions we thought were rock solid. This includes the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), the Southern Baptist Church, the former Campus Crusade for Christ (now, CRU), and many others.

The evidence is iron clad. I was on the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ and worked with founder and President, Dr. Bill Bright. Sadly, I have been made aware that Marxist concepts have become pervasive at their national conferences over the past few years. It is both clear and stunning. Marxist language is now a part of their programs on campuses throughout the nation.

I've also spent many years in the Southern Baptist Church. In addition, my wife and I founded a PCA church in our living room many years ago. In spite of my close relationship with all these institutions, the evidence of their fall from Godliness is overwhelming.

In the near future, I plan to focus on the developments within the organization I once knew as Campus Crusade for Christ.

It is important to expose these enemies who have crept into Christendom. These have entered our Christian institutions in an effort to destroy the Church. The "gospel" they promote will bear no fruit. Marxist ideology mixed with Bible verses will produce neither salvation nor the health, peace, and prosperity of civilizations.” 

As we said in the January  10th issue, there are no white knights coming to save anyone.  If we are to save our Republic it will be through hard work and sacrifice from the entire conservative voting block.  We believe that Trump is going to catch his breath a few months, probably deal with some business matters, and then is very likely to pitch in on a grand scale to help retake the GOP and force out the Cindy McCains, the McConnells, the Lankfords, and the Inhofes of the Party.

And no, Trump isn't starting a third Party.  That is about the stupidest idea that is bandied about.  You do not win elections by splitting your Party in two.   If the RINOs are challenged and removed they will have little other options as far as voting and there aren't that many in total once you peel off the thin veneer of the uber wealthy and their sycophant supporters.  Ross Perot is what elected Bill Clinton so the only option available is to retake our party and put good men in control and hold them accountable.

Then there is the secessionists....   Not happening unless things got really, really, bad.  What will and must happen is to harness the power of the Tenth Amendment and begin pushing the federal government out of anything not covered directly in the Enumerated Powers of the Constitution.

And it seems from OCPAC's newsletter that they and the City Elders have patched up their little tiff.   I mean they would have to, right?  Not a lot of crazy far right religious extremist cultists in Oklahoma to partner with so if they run Jesse Rogers off their meetings would have ten attendees instead of twenty.