Great news came in on Saturday afternoon.
I got a text announcing that the Budget Committee has refused to pay the Project 46/Miles Rahimi invoice for the second month in a row. Chairman John Bennett made a contract with a crony for $4,000.00 per month for videos, for four videos per month, most of them glamorizing Lying John and pleading for money.
At the bottom is the story from earlier this week covering the massive amount of cash that Chairman John Bennett had been funneling to Rahimi who also serves as the Communications Director for the Party. The Party had already paid out $12,000.00 to this Bennett crony. And how does a staff member also be a vendor?
And Lying John paid out that money illegally as the contract was never approved by the Budget Committee, in fact Lying John Bennett withheld the existence of the Rahimi/Project 46 contract for months, denying it even existed, claiming it was a "gentleman's agreement".
The procedure for spending in the GOP is clear, the State Finance Committee does a guesstimate of what funds can be raised similar to what the State Equalization Board does, who hands off the information to the State GOP Budget Committee who sets the budget for spending the estimated income, then to the State Treasurer who is supposed to actually write the checks and transfer money to pay the approved expenditures.
But Lying John and his cronies see checks in the check book and a little money in the bank and bang, it is Christmas time for the cronies.
And have no doubt about this, the Budget and Finance Committee are well ran, hard working, and honest. Honest to the point that the head of the Finance Committee resigned a few weeks ago in protest to his information being cut off by Lying John's staff and cronies. Remember that this man doesn't work for Lying John, he works for the State Committee and was confirmed by them. Tough luck for Lying John if he nominated an honest man that couldn't be bullied.