Thursday, October 21, 2021

Lying John Funneling Thousands of Dollars Per Month to a Cronie

                                                                    Have you seen the latest fund raising video from Chairman                                                                            John Bennett, AKA Lying John?

John is telling all that will listen that the "RINOS" are coming for him and you must donate because they are trying to remove him from office.

Well....... the truth is that old Lying John has been funneling $4,000.00 per month to Project 46, which is ran by Miles Rahimi, the "Communications Director" for the GOP.  Now how can you be a staff member and a vendor at the same time and not have financial and ethical conflicts?

The interesting thing is that showed a maximum rate of $1500 per month for their services including unlimited video.  So what is the extra $2,500.00 for?   And the GOP is getting only four videos per month according to the contract between Bennett and the GOP.  Sounds like the GOP is getting bent over a barrel and gang raped.  

The videos produce so far are frankly not that good and consist mostly of Lying John begging for cash and trying to act sincere while reading off a teleprompter.  And those of us that know what is going on know that for months the existence of this Project 46 contract was hidden from the GOP committees that oversee Lying John's spending.  They were told for months that there was a "gentleman's agreement" between the Party and Project 46, AKA Miles Rahimi.  Only to find out  not that long ago that the contract was real and was signed in late May of this year.

Project 46 was paid $4000.00 on September 3rd 2021, again on August 20th 2021,  and again on July 13th 2021.    So $12,000.00 paid to Miles Rahimi's company in roughly 53 days, and if the contract was monthly, he is owed another $8000.00.  June, July, August, September, and October, $20,000.00 in debt or expense racked up in just five months.  And can the GOP get out of the contract or is it even valid since the State Committee has never heard of the contract?

Another interesting point, during staff meetings Chief of Staff Leslie Nessmith was said to be demanding that the Project 46 invoice be paid first, in front of other creditors, long before the 30 day due date.  Why?  Why would Miles Rahimi be paid first?  One has to wonder what the Chief of Staff is getting out of this deal?  Perhaps her own videos processed?  Something else?  Who knows?

Fundraising collapsed a month ago or longer.   Once news that Bennett and the GOP were being sued the donations went further down to a trickle.  The videos mostly promote Lying John, with Lying John  stuck in campaign mode pretty much, pushing an anti vaccine, anti mask, save the babies kind of message.  Not pro life mind you, but the abolitionist message that ultimately will lead to the outlawing of birth control if these crazies get their way.

So with the bulk of the money raised each month being funneled to cronies, the Party is behind despite heroic efforts by the Budget and Finance Committee members who have worked hard since late May to fund the Party.  But videos and fundraising emails were going out talking about "prepping", "crypto currency", and other fringe topics has pretty much put off most normal people.

Yesterday we were treated to a single line message from the GOP email system, well I wasn't, they threw me off the email list months ago for no reason.  But the message announced that the fundraiser was canceled and you know, it just wasn't their fault.  The fund raiser was at first to be something big, Steve Bannon or someone of his stature brought in, someone what would sell tickets.  In the meantime both the OKC and Tulsa GOP groups were running fund raisers non stop and competing with the State GOP effort.   The State GOP found that they literally couldn't sell the tickets, most likely not because of competition, but because Lying John had lost all credibility and people started saying "Let's go Brandon" to John Bennett and the few left supporting him.

None of us in the team that recruited John Bennett, and you heard the video of Bennett agreeing to run in last Sunday's article, thought he would turn on us like he did.  But now that he has betrayed not only us, but the entire Republican base, the same people will take his lying butt out of office kicking and screaming if that is what it takes.