Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Whetsel Saving Campaign Money for Lawyer’s Fees?

 The incumbent Oklahoma County Sheriff John Whetsel appears to have lain down rather than fight for election as his large donors have deserted him in droves.  The campaign report for the County races is no longer online, the Ethics Commission having taken the County races off line in an attempt to suppress the flow of information to the citizens.  The pre General election report is due this afternoon but it appears that Whetsel has chosen not to spend a large amount of funds on advertising or other campaigning in favor of hording the cash to pay lawyer fees needed for his eventual defense.

  There is another element of that campaign; the Oklahoma County GOP Chairman Pam Pollard's leaking confidential documents.  Initially the story looked ready for publication but last minute exposures caused us to postpone the story until November.  Rest assured it is a barn burner of a story and Pam Pollard's tenure as GOP State Chairman is likely to come to a premature end.